Aoba Office

Chapter 17 No. 023-New Year’s Day Ghost Fetus (9)

"Mr. Zhang, as far as we know, you worked as the room manager at Junli Hotel from 2000 to 2002. Do you have any impression of the names Pan Ping, Shi Wenshan, Wei Yinan, and Zhou Guangcheng?"


"Mr. Zhang, please answer this question."


"Mr. Zhang, to be honest with you, on New Year's Day this year, a woman stayed in room 809. She is now pregnant abnormally."

"...No wonder you are asking about this matter..."

"You should have guessed this, right? That's why you contacted us so quickly."

"...Yes...I guessed it. You checked correctly. I was the guest room manager for those two years. In 2001, a young man named Pan Ping booked room 809 on New Year's Day and was planning to propose. . When I found out, it was already the morning of New Year's Day. His room was all booked and people were here. The senior's proposal was also scheduled for New Year's Day. New Year's Day in 1999 was the first New Year's Day since the hotel opened. At that time, Binjiang Avenue and There are no New Year fireworks performances in Luoqujiang, and China is not used to two-person or romantic nights. My senior had studied abroad, so he chose this day. I told him at the time that after he proposed, I asked the publicity department to make one News, our hotel might have a New Year's Day couple's suite tradition like foreign hotels... I heard about Pan Ping's incident, so I was just thinking about this. It had been more than a year since the senior's death..."

"At about three o'clock in the morning on January 2, Shi Wenshan left the hotel and described herself as embarrassed. Do you know this?"

"I found out as soon as I got to work the next day. Junli's management is very strict, and the people who face the guests are all young newcomers. They don't know what happened to the senior back then. After the senior died, few people mentioned him. But that day, Hearing those young people say that, several of us old employees all thought of our seniors. At that time, a colleague of mine also said that maybe that room had bad feng shui and was not suitable for a proposal... I felt a little depressed. I was in a bad mood. When the cleaning lady found the ring and handed it to us, my head buzzed just looking at it..."

"Is it the ring your senior bought originally?"

"Yes, that's the one. I think it may be the same style, or it may be for other reasons. I called my uncle that day and asked. He said he had never seen the ring before. Maybe the senior had disposed of it. The senior may have sold it. I lost the ring and asked Pan Ping to buy it, but I... felt very uneasy... I don't know why, I just felt very uneasy."

"Do you know that Shi Wenshan committed suicide by jumping into the river?"

"Reporters have come to the hotel, can I not know?"

"On New Year's Day in 2002, Wei Yinan and Zhou Guangcheng moved in. The next day, they said that you had solved the Wei Yinan incident, right?"

"Yes... in 2002, I didn't care much about this matter anymore. I didn't care much about the senior's matter or the ring matter. When the two people checked in and made trouble, I thought it was normal hotel work. According to normal Process handling.”

"But you compensate me a lot."


"Normally speaking, waiving bills and compensating money are the most basic and best methods, but you gave them a lot of things, helped them book attraction tickets, and even bought them birth control pills. This method is no longer like this. Compensation is normal.”

"I don't know. I really didn't know what I was thinking at the time, so I just did it. It wasn't until they complained about the child being noisy that I realized... realized what I was doing... I was... wanted to see , wanted to make sure... I thought I had forgotten it, but actually I hadn't. When I heard them complaining, I knew I was right. There were no children living around them at all, and the child's laughter... and What they encountered on New Year's Day...I...I think, senior, he...probably..."

"They left after that."

"Yeah, they left. I bought them train tickets, so I knew their destination, and then I waited..."

"You waited until the local news. Wei Yinan's matter caused a big disturbance."


"After that, you resigned."

"...I don't know what to do. How could something like this happen? But it...I can't deny it. I hope I'm overthinking it. In short, I can't stay in the hotel anymore."

"Your senior is named Xiao Zheng, right?"


"We found out that both his parents have passed away. Do you know where his grave is?"

"What are you going to do?"

"You don't know what to do, and we know that."

"I...write you the address."

"Thank you. I hope you can tell us the name and contact information of his girlfriend. Do you know this?"

"I only know the name. Her name is Xu Ling."

"thank you."

On May 23, 2004, Xiao Zheng's tomb was inspected and no abnormalities were confirmed.

On May 24, 2004, the surveillance records of the client and her husband Wang Fangjie were searched, and the video file 02320040523.avi was found. Audio file 02320040523.wav.

"...Here, the two of them left home and went to the station."

"Already possessed."

"But, boss, Yu Meng doesn't look like he was coerced?"

"Idiot, this shows that Xiao is pretending, he is very cunning."

"Let me tell you, this may not be Xiao Zheng, right? There may be an evil spirit on that wedding ring."

"When will you make some progress, idiot? Yu Meng and Wei Yinan didn't see the ring. How could the problem be the ring?"

"The one who is attached is Xiao Zheng's ghost. I saw his face."


"They change cars and get off, and there is no surveillance when they go over here."

"The direction they are going..."

"That side used to be Weishan Village No. 1 to No. 7 Village."

"How many residents are there! Can't you determine which community they entered?"

"It's not like I can determine it by just working hard and using my brain."

"Can we determine from their route? How many bus routes can we take from their home to Weishan Road?"

"Well, this is a way."

On May 25, 2004, the scope of the client and Xiao Zheng's ghost was narrowed down, and three communities in Weishan Village No. 5, No. 7 and No. 8 Village were visited.

On May 27, 2004, Xu Ling's contact information was found, but she refused to contact her.

On May 28, 2004, it was determined that the client and the ghost of Xiao Zheng were in Weishan Village. Audio file 02320040528.wav.

"...Oh! I've seen these two people. They were newly moved in. I saw the woman on the first day they came here, and I never saw her go out after that. The man said she was not in good health. Okay. He can be seen often, and he doesn't go to work. He just buys groceries, cooks, and takes care of the woman every day. She probably just got discharged from the hospital after a serious illness or something. "

"May I ask where they live?"

"Who are you? Why do you ask this?"

"This is my sister! They have been away from home for a long time, and we searched for a long time before we found them here!"

"Oh, that's it. Then I'll take you there."

"Is that man home now?"


"Is he at home at this time, or is he going out to buy groceries?"

"When you seems like I haven't seen him go shopping for groceries for a long time."

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