Aoba Office

Chapter 1575 Chapter 1576 Longevity (3)

As soon as I told Chen Xiaoqiu about the matter, she immediately agreed. After taking her cell phone and going out to make a call, it was finalized on her side. I also called home and told my parents that I would work overtime.

I heard that my mother was hesitant and worried, but I couldn't refuse in this situation.

I didn’t know what was wrong in my mind for a moment, so I blurted out and asked my mother about our family situation.

"My grandparents, grandpa and grandpa... haven't visited the grave for many years, have they?" When I asked the question, I could only finish it bravely.

My mother was silent for a while on the other end of the phone.

"I haven't even heard you and dad mention them..."

In my impression, when I was a child, I met four old people. None of them were only children. My parents also had cousins. Perhaps it was because when my sister and I were still young, our families had conflicts and we stopped communicating with each other.

It is not uncommon for brothers and sisters to become estranged after the death of their parents, to the extent that they never interact with each other until they die, let alone relatives who live next to each other.

After doing the demolition work, you can see many cases.

However, there is no such quarrel in my memory. Maybe it was because I forgot about Xiaobai and my childhood, so I forgot about this kind of thing.

Thinking of Xiaobai, I was stunned.

I don’t know if Xiaobai ever reincarnated.

If it hasn't been reincarnated yet, maybe now...

My heart skipped a beat.

My mother let out a sigh at this moment, which made my recovering heartbeat skip a beat.

"It's not a good thing. They left because of illness. In the last two years, the money spent on taking care of patients every day and seeing a doctor was too... quarreling and so on..." Mom said vaguely, "It cost a lot to treat them at that time. Big, there are funeral expenses... Your father and I borrowed some money, and they... um... so after the money was paid back, we stopped visiting the grave. Our family doesn't pay much attention to it... You. At that time, my grandparents thought it was expensive to buy a cemetery and said they could just throw it anywhere..."

I heard my mother's tone and it was hard for me to continue asking.

It's not like she's lying or perfunctory, it's like she really doesn't want to remember or talk about it anymore. That kind of unspeakable tone made me, a son, have no choice but to stop asking questions.

Probably the quarrel at that time was very fierce, everyone was angry and said a lot of unpleasant things.

Any relationship related to money, if not handled properly, can easily cause the relationship to deteriorate.

My mother asked uneasily: "What happened to you? Did something happen to you at work?"

"Well, there was an old lady. When she moved, she remembered that her parents' ashes were still at home. Now she's a little confused..." I told Song Xian's story in general, without mentioning Song Xian's kind of ghost. Performance.

My mother immediately sighed and seemed to be relieved.

After saying a few more words, I hung up the phone.

When I returned to the office, the three of them also said they wanted to take a look. The thin man had a scared expression on his face, his eyes unblinking, very deliberately.

I couldn't say no to them.

We had dinner together and arrived at the meeting place with Aoba's people.

Wu Ling and the others actually didn't have a clue, they just needed to see it with their own eyes. They also mobilized in full force. Gu Mo looked fine, but Nangong Yao looked obviously tired.

I'm not sure whether Nangong Yao's state is because he was tired from searching for information that day, or because of his brother's unexplained troubles.

After saying hello a little, we drove off.

No one spoke in the car. The scene on the street changed from lively and bustling to deserted.

There were no people in the area where the machinery factory was located. After the machinery factory is closed, it is even less likely that there will be anyone left.

The factory area was dark, but the road management was doing a good job and the street lights were very bright.

I looked at Chen Xiaoqiu.

Chen Xiaoqiu stared at the factory area. As the car drove around the factory area, she stared at it all the way.

The car stopped and people on both sides of us got out.

Wu Ling looked directly at Chen Xiaoqiu.

"I saw something. In the center, the color is darker than other places, especially black." Chen Xiaoqiu pointed to the factory area.

I looked at Nangong Yao and Gu Mo.

Gu Mo's face looked ugly, and Nangong Yao even took off his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"What's wrong?" Guo Yujie asked. She is the kind of person who can't see anything, and she has such a temperament that she has no fear or worry at all.

The thin man had shrunk his head and did not dare to look at the factory.

"It's very, very bad." Nangong Yao said, "There are too many things. They are all things I have never seen before. I don't know what they are. I can't explain them right now. It's equivalent to suddenly seeing a foreign language. , there is no way to interpret it.”

There is no such "language barrier" in Gumo.

"A lot of people. No, a lot of things. They have noticed us, but they don't seem to be interested." Gu Mo said, "It's like a vegetable market. I'm chatting by myself. The voices are all mixed together, and I just hear roughly A few words.'s really like a vegetable market, with aunts and uncles communicating about family situations."

I thought of the cemetery I was shown in October, "Isn't that similar to the one I saw?"

The same atmosphere exists for the souls sitting on the tombstones. It's like a group of old men and women basking in the sun, exchanging gossip, gossiping about their parents' shortcomings, showing off their children and grandchildren, and complaining about their children and grandchildren.

This is really very life-like.

"Last time you... oh, almost." Gu Mo thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

I'm a little overwhelmed.

"What should we do now? Find someone among them to inquire about the situation?" the thin man asked.

"There are too many of them." Wu Ling did not agree with this approach.

If you accidentally stoke a hornet's nest, or in other words, stoke the grave of hundreds of ghosts, it is indeed too much for people to bear.

"If we could find Song Xian's parents, wouldn't it be easier to communicate with them?" Fatty said.

This is also difficult.

Wu Ling looked at Chen Xiaoqiu, "Besides the color, are there any other differences?"

"It's so far away that I can't see clearly. I can only see a rough outline."

"Then you still need to get closer." Wu Ling pondered.

"This place has been closed for so long and no one is watching. It should be easy to get in." Liu Miao is an activist and has already looked at the iron railings. "You can test the power grid above to see if it is powered on."

"It's better to pry open the door. The power switch must be inside. There are ghosts in there." Gu Mo said.

"The factory here has lost water and electricity." Nangong Yao said.

"If ghosts want to open this, they don't really need to have water supply and electricity." Gu Mo said plausibly.

With these few words, they were ready to pry open the door.

Wu Ling, who remained silent, expressed his acquiescence.

This pace of doing things caught the five of us off guard.

I am certain that none of the five of us have done anything illegal. Prying the door open is definitely not within our scope of thinking.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute. Do you really want to pry open the door?" The thin man stopped.

"Otherwise?" Gu Mo asked.

Liu Miao also smiled and said, "Don't worry. I saw it when I passed by just now. The door has an ordinary lock."

This sounds really awkward.

"Where did you learn this technique?" the thin man complained.

"Self-taught." Liu Miao replied.

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