Aoba Office

Chapter 1574: Boiling Frogs in Warm Water

Song Xian was not willing to delay it for so long.

But she was not the one driving the car, and she couldn't ignore the opinions of Liu Zhiguo and Liu Zhijun.

The most important thing is that Guo Yujie and I do not support it this time.

"I have to get off work too. I went with you for a run, that's enough." Liu Zhiguo said.

He was overly polite to us from beginning to end, not as disapproving as when we first met.

I probably know the reason for this.

Director Mao told a few of us that there were some rumors in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants. On the one hand, this is because accidents have always happened in the Six Workers and Peasants Villages during this year, or strange incidents have occurred, which awakened the old people's memories of Ye Qing, and also put some psychological burden on the middle-aged and young people below them; on the other hand, On the one hand, it is a new version that has evolved as rumors spread. In the new version, the demolition office has been transformed into a Taoist priest who knows how to do the magic. There is also a more "scientific" version, which says that the government asked a Feng Shui master to do the magic and drove the people out of the six worker and peasant villages and refused to leave. The families whose families were ruined were those who died. Lessons from the past.

Whether anyone believes it or not, their attitude has changed. This is affecting their psychology. They no longer treat us as staff members who can be treated casually. They no longer have psychological advantages over us. They feel that they can manipulate us as they please. They can also complain and complain at will when they are unhappy, leaving us feeling miserable.

This situation has indeed brought a lot of convenience to our work.

Liu Zhiguo was very polite to me and Guo Yujie. Although he had a bad tone towards Song Xian, he could not force her to leave. He looked at us, hoping we could help him.

I also agree with Liu Zhiguo's approach, not because he is off work, but because Wu Ling's investigation requires time.

Guo Yujie and I opened our mouths to help, but the old lady still refused to let go and pretended to leave us alone and go alone.

She lost her temper while standing in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants.

Director Mao was attracted by the sound.

There are still people from the housing management bureau in the community now, and some have come out of the dangerous building to check on the situation.

When there were more people, Song Xian's attitude became even tougher.

However, after hearing the whole story clearly, the onlookers also persuaded Song Xian.

This commotion lasted for an hour. Song Xian was probably tired, so he pursed his lips and stopped talking.

After several pulls, Liu Zhiguo and Liu Zhijun failed to take Song Xian away and had to accompany Song Xian to the old house.

"I'll stay here tonight. If you don't come tomorrow, I'll go there by myself. I have to stay with my parents." Song Xian looked like he was about to cry, which was really pitiful.

No need to go all the way, those onlookers changed their tune again.

Liu Zhiguo and Liu Zhijun were also tired from the tossing. The two brothers discussed it and decided to stay here with the old lady tonight.

Their building has not become a dangerous building, but most of the people in the building have moved out. The furniture has not been moved, and we no longer live here.

There are only three girls in one building, and the atmosphere is a bit scary.

Their family had also packed up their things, and they could only live there for one night, with not enough bedding.

The compromise between the two parties has reached this level, and it is impossible for both mother and son to make any more concessions.

In this way, things barely came to an end.

I did not follow them back to the old house, but went back to the neighborhood committee office with Guo Yujie.

There was news from Wu Ling that it had been found out that the factory building had never been used as a cemetery. There is no cemetery called Wanshou in Minqing. Looking across the country, it is unlikely that any cemetery with this name has anything to do with Song Xian or Song Xian’s parents.

As for Guillotine Island, there is no record on the current geographical map.

But according to some historical data, it turns out that there was such an island. Around the 1970s, the island was submerged by the sea and disappeared from the map.

I thought of the island of the Third Ancestor God, and felt a little suspicious, so I sent a message to Wu Ling to confirm. But they couldn't find any more information, and they couldn't determine whether the island was normally submerged by sea water, or whether there was a supernatural event.

What is certain is that the island is not large and the earliest historical records are from the 19th century. It is not an island with a long history.

The information Nangong Yao found also included Song Xian's files. Judging from the archives, the experiences she recounted should be true. Her file is a re-established identity after the war. She arrived on the mainland when she was about ten years old, and probably worked as a gangster for a few years, working here and there before she got her household registration and identity. Because of this, her job position has never been very good, and the Third City Iron and Steel Plant has a relatively low evaluation of her.

The uncle Song Xian mentioned should have disappeared before she came of age. He probably left her and ran away. Song Xian tried his best to search for it, but then gave up.

The strange thing is that since this year, the Minqing Changde Machinery Products Company has completely suspended operations. Their boss stopped production and all the original employees were laid off. It is understandable that the area near the factory is so deserted. It’s just that the boss Lu Yang’s personal traces have completely disappeared. There is no usage information of ID card, driver’s license, bank card and other documents, and the car under his name has not been found in the surveillance. Lu Yang's wife and daughter went abroad two years ago. My daughter is studying abroad and my wife is accompanying me.

Just looking at this isolated information, you won't feel strange. You may also wonder whether Lu Yang is planning to immigrate or run away with his mistress. But taken together, it makes people suspect that the factory area is really haunted.

Wu Ling meant that Chen Xiaoqiu should take a look at this matter.

Chen Xiaoqiu's soul is a ghost from the underworld, and he might be able to see something.

I was a little surprised and asked Wu Ling: "Do you think Song Xian's parents are not the kind of ghosts who always stay in the world?"

"If it's such a ghost, there's no reason to stay there, right?" Wu Ling asked.

Whether it was following Song Xian or staying on Sleepy Hollow Island, it was more reasonable than them appearing in that factory area.

"Don't forget, Ye Zi said that the underworld is gone." Wu Ling added, "We have never been clear about the operating regulations of the underworld. Judging from the world's fantasies, or conjectures, reincarnation requires a process. Some souls may die. Then they will be reincarnated soon, and some may stay in the underworld. If the underworld disappears, what will happen to the souls who remain in the underworld and have no time to be reincarnated?"

I thought of the cemetery I had seen in my dreams. That was what a ghost named October took me to see. Every tombstone in the cemetery has a ghost.

Speaking of which, is this normal?

I suddenly felt terrible and subconsciously asked Wu Ling this question.

Wu Ling was surprised. After letting out a meaningless exclamation, he fell silent.

My heart sank.

"If you ask...this is indeed something we have not considered before. I have not seen any record of the situation you mentioned in history. Our understanding of supernatural things is somewhat like scientific biological discoveries. , I always come across something and study it, but there is no system." Wu Ling's voice became helpless, "Ordinary people may ask about a strange creature, but when they see some specious creatures, such as If you say a tiger with a tuft of white hair, you won’t think much about it, but if you do genetic analysis..."

I understand what Wu Ling means.

What she wants to use as an example is scientific literacy and scientific awareness. That kind of keen observation is partly innate and partly needs to be cultivated. The first person to notice that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and came up with the answer that the earth revolves around the sun, not only had keen observation skills, but also had a certain basic knowledge of astronomy to support it. Not just anyone can come to such a conclusion.

Although Wu Ling and the others were considered professionals, they inevitably had blind spots in their thinking.

By saying this, Wu Ling confirmed my suspicion.

The world is deteriorating, ghosts are decreasing, and even ghosts have entered the reincarnation of souls. This is something that is easy to observe. But before the disappearance of the underworld happened, I am afraid no one could observe it, let alone have the time to think about where the souls in the underworld go.

This is a slow process.

Perhaps, only the old genius discovered this.

When I thought about this, a huge shadow cast over my heart.

"Let's go see it on site tonight." Wu Ling said, ending the call.

Since last month, the competition for supernatural monthly tickets has become fierce. I’m really not used to it... I’ve never been very motivated in this area_(:3」∠)_

However, let’s not make Aoba’s ranking so ugly...

Please give me a monthly ticket~~

Good night everyone~

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