Aoba Office

Chapter 1576 Longevity (4)

The people of Aoba have already made their decision.

Two groups of us drove to the gate of the factory.

The location that Chen Xiaoqiu knew just now cannot be seen from the gate, because it is blocked by buildings.

Chen Xiaoqiu said that the sky over there is dark.

It is indeed dark now, and the whole sky is equally black in my eyes.

I looked around nervously to look out for Liu Miao.

People in Qingye are particularly calm. Even Nangong Yao and Gu Mo, who have been hiding in Qingye Supernatural Agency for a long time and never go out to work, have an inexplicable calmness.

"There is surveillance here." The thin man said cunningly.

Liu Miao didn't even raise his eyes.

Gu Mo said: "This is their surveillance. Do you think they look like there are people in here?"

The surveillance camera the thin man pointed to was installed above the door. It was motionless and had no warning light.

Liu Miao took the tool and walked to the door, reaching out to hook the padlock inside.

When this place is normally open, there should be a 24-hour guard, or maybe it is still open 24 hours a day. I'm not very familiar with the factory. Just by looking at the simple padlock on the door, you can guess that the door is not a tight line of defense.

The thin man suddenly shouted: "It's moving!" He pointed at the camera excitedly.

Liu Miao quickly retracted her hand.

I confirmed: "The camera was not at that angle just now."

I didn't see the moment the camera moved, I just glanced at it and still remembered the camera's position.

As if to prove it to us, the camera moved at this time and was pointed at Liu Miao.

The next second, the camera turned around and captured all of us.

"Those ghosts..." The thin man was very nervous.

Liu Miao frowned, looked at the camera, his expression relaxed, and he waved.

Before he could say anything, the lights suddenly turned on in the guard room next to him.

The lights came on without warning, shining through the windows. At the same time, a figure also appeared in the room.

The person changed from transparent to clear, revealing his appearance.

It was a young man wearing a security uniform. His face was expressionless, and his dull eyes glanced across our faces. He suddenly turned around and walked towards the door of the guard room.

He opened the door and came out.

There was something wrong with the door when I opened it, the lower corner was stuck. He pulled hard a few times and used both hands to open the door.

With this movement, his face became more angry. As if he was dissatisfied with the door, he frowned and touched his lips a few times, as if he was mumbling something.

He walked from the guard room to the door. As he walked, he dug into his pocket and took out a bunch of keys.

There is an iron gate between him and us.

I watched him lower his head, unlock the padlock, and pull open the iron door.

The lower end of the iron door rubs against the ground.

I have noticed before that this door is a common automatic door, and the padlock is added at the back.

This is actually a bit strange.

"Come in." The young security guard said to us.

"Hello. Excuse me." Wu Ling took the initiative to assume the role of negotiator, "You can probably guess our identities. We want to ask, what happened in the underworld, and what is the situation now?"

Asked this question, she didn't move a step.

That security guard was definitely not a human being, but he had a ghostly aura about him.

"I don't know." The security guard responded simply, "We don't know what happened. Even when we get here, we can't get out."

"In the morning, our companion came here with others." Wu Ling added.

The security guard looked at us and said, "Let me help you call someone out."

The other person seems to be very easy to talk to, even cordial.

He turned around in such a generous manner without closing the door, and walked step by step towards the interior of the factory.

There was something wrong with the thin man's expression.

I knew him so well that I immediately realized what he was thinking. Actually I have the same question.

Since this security guard can suddenly appear in such a way that scares the courage of ordinary people, why should he walk back to the factory step by step? He should be able to move in a ghostly manner.

This kind of question is really inappropriate to talk about. If you say it, you may offend the other party and make the other party angry.

The nine of us stood at the door, alert to the surroundings, and kept quiet.

After twenty minutes, the security guard led the people out.

This time, I saw the appearance of Song Xian’s parents.

I could tell at a glance that the other party was Song Xian's parents, firstly because of how they were dressed, and secondly because of their looks.

Song Xian inherited the appearance of his parents, his facial features were almost exactly the same as his father's, and his body shape and walk were particularly similar to his mother's.

In appearance, Song Xian looks more like the parents of these two people.

Their expressions were very calm and they seemed to have no emotion. They might have anticipated our arrival.

The security guard led the person and returned to the security room. I saw through the window that he sat down, opened the drawer, and took out the book inside.

Song Xian's parents stood behind the line at the gate, neither coming out nor inviting us in.

This scene reminds me of the Six Villages of Workers and Peasants. I've seen a similar scene at the door over there. The ghosts trapped in the Six Workers and Peasants Villages can only stop at the Six Workers and Peasants Villages.

"Hello, you two. My partner came here today with your daughters. That's when we realized something was wrong." Wu Ling asked, "Can I ask what happened in the underworld?"

"We don't know either." The two of them gave the same answer, and it didn't look like they were lying.

These ghosts didn't know what happened to the underworld, so they came to the human world inexplicably.

The two of them sighed in unison, which was not a well-rehearsed move, but a tacit understanding.

The man said: "When Xiaoxian came over in the afternoon, we guessed that someone might be coming. We people... to you, it should be us ghosts. We have been discussing and discussing for a day. I need someone to answer us. Just ask. The longest among us has been in the underworld for hundreds of years, and the shortest has been two or three years. In the past few years, there have been fewer and fewer new ghosts, and the attitudes of those ghosts are also very strange. We all thought something was going to happen, but we didn’t know what was going on..."

The woman lowered her head.

The man continued: "A few old people have heard of it before. We..." He gestured, "They are all ordinary people. They have never done any great good deeds or done any great evil. They have been mediocre all their lives. We will go through it. When we get to the underworld, we will be grouped together and others will be taken to other places.”

His words disappointed me.

The nine people here were reincarnated in their previous lives and were obviously led to other places. You should not be able to get this kind of information from this couple.

"Why didn't you reincarnate?" Wu Ling asked.

"I don't want to go." This was the woman's answer.

The man said sadly: "We can't worry about Xiaoxian. She was so young when we died... Many people on the island were killed, and we don't know... We don't know if she escaped... We will She hid in the big water tank, and those people rushed in..."

The woman shed tears.

"When we were dragged out, they were still rummaging through boxes and cabinets in the house... We were still praying when we died. If gods bless Xiaoxian and allow Xiaoxian to escape, we would be willing to go to the eighteenth level of hell..." The man also cried got up.

The woman wiped her tears and said, "We were just waiting there to see if Xiaoxian would come... We didn't have time... The ghost who led us didn't talk very much and didn't say anything when we asked. Later, we talked to other people I asked around and asked people everywhere...for one or two years, I found that Xiaoxian never came..."

"We met a ghost, a new guy, who said the war was over and we had won. But life is hard, everyone is poor, and many people's children are hungry..."

"Times have gotten better since then. What they were talking about, such as electric lights and computers... are really good... They say people can live to be eighty or ninety years old now..."

The two were filled with emotion, crying and laughing.

"I finally saw it. Xiaoxian has lived well to such an old age. She has lived longer than her grandfather and grandfather, and she is still living a good life... It's really..."

"That's great...that's great..."

"I still have two sons and grandchildren..."

"We have grandchildren and great-grandchildren..."

"very nice……"

When the two of them started talking to each other, they couldn't help themselves.

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