Aoba Office

Chapter 1478 University of Finance and Economics

The thin man appeared in a very embarrassed state, but other than being embarrassed and frightened, he seemed uninjured and had no other troubles.

I helped him up, asked a few questions, and after confirming that he was okay, I felt relieved.

Those brats were not hostile to us. Nantian and Lily communicated for a while and decided how to let us sneak into the University of Finance and Economics.

"We can deceive those people. As long as we don't encounter ghosts, there will be no problem." Lily raised her chin high, very proud.

She was confident and put on a show.

But unfortunately, I can see Yin Qi and detect abnormalities.

The illusion created by Lily was much worse than the Guangyuan Mountain Ghost and the guide from Huixiang, let alone the dishes made with new things.

Lily couldn't fool me, but Nan Tian and Shouzi were both fooled. The thin man also sensed something was wrong, but he couldn't put it into words. He might ignore it if he changed his mind.

This should also reflect the difference in strength between the three of us in this aspect.

I thought about it and suggested that Nan Tian should stay where he was and not follow the two of us on such a trip.

He is just an ordinary person, and he can't really help much like in the past.

Being able to find help from the little devils was all thanks to Nan Tian. It seems a bit unkind of me to do this, but it is also for Nantian's sake.

I was ready to be rejected by Nantian.

Sure enough, Nan Tian shook his head and refused to accept it.

"I fell here with you, what's the point of staying here alone?" Nan Tian said.

"Is this something interesting?" I asked speechlessly.

"The way to leave here must be in school? If something goes wrong, it will be safer if I follow you. You don't have to come back to me." Nan Tian added.

This reason sounds much more reliable.

I hesitated.

The thin man said: "Then let him go. Didn't he say he was lucky? I think he is really lucky. Just bring a mascot."

Nan Tian was not angry because of this, and nodded slightly in agreement, "I am indeed very lucky."

I have nothing to say.

Two votes to one.

Although I am more experienced and capable in the supernatural field, in the past when encountering supernatural events, I always rushed forward with my head covered. In this situation, the decision I made may not necessarily be correct.

After much consideration, we rehearsed it again with the kids before making the final decision.

The three of us will go to the University of Finance and Economics. There are too many imps, and there are only three of them following us, one for each of us.

After discussing this, it was already dark.

The thin man complained that he was very hungry, which made Nantian and I's stomachs growl.

Lily immediately served Nantian a delicious cake. However, in my eyes, there is a thin layer of yin wrapped around that cake.

"Isn't this true?" Nan Tian asked.

Lily shook her head sadly.

"Thank you for your kindness. However, hallucinations alone cannot fill your stomach. It's okay with me." Nan Tian said.

I echoed, "He is still alive, and it is not good to encounter too much Yin Qi."

Especially Nan Tian is different from us, he is just an ordinary person. He could see Lily and the others now only because Lily and the others took the initiative to show up.

The three of us were ready to go.

The guy in the suit followed me, climbed directly onto my back, and grabbed my clothes. There was a little baby sitting on the thin man's shoulder. According to Lily, this inarticulate baby has been around for more than 120 years. Lily naturally followed Nan Tian. She was directly hugged by Nan Tian, ​​making herself and Nan Tian invisible. The thin man's figure was also hidden, and his whole person was shrouded in Yin Qi. Compared with Nan Tian's indifference, he felt uncomfortable all over. I was the only one showing signs. The kid in the suit is stronger than the other two ghosts. He boasted about himself, saying that he had lived for more than two hundred years, but he didn't know whether it was true or not. However, his Yin Qi is indeed stronger than other imps.

The rest of the little ghosts stared at us as we left, and some followed us for a while before disappearing in the light of the morning sun.

Five hundred meters is not that far.

When I got closer, I found that the people at the entrance of the university were in a very bad state.

They were sitting or lying around the gate and walls of the university, without any energy at all.

I was worried at first, but when I got closer, I found that they didn't even give me a look, and I knew that these people were the kind of people who Cheng Lin said had given up completely. They just wait here to die, and then come back to life again, over and over again, without end. They do nothing but maybe breathe and have a heartbeat.

I watched for a while and found no one among them with whom I could strike up a conversation.

There was also a crowd at the gate, and the automatic door was closed. However, the automatic doors of this kind of school are very low, only reaching a person's waist.

I glanced at the guard room and spotted a sleeping figure inside.

I walked over and knocked on the glass window of the guard room.

The people inside were startled and suddenly woke up. They looked at me with sleepy eyes and blinked.

He was a young man, in his early twenties. He was a little more energetic than the people lying like corpses, but not much more energetic.

He yawned, scratched his head, and pressed a button on his desk.

The automatic iron door slowly retracted, opening a hole for people to pass through.

This thing actually has electricity, which is beyond my expectation.

However, my reflection on the glass window was that of a stranger with a blurry face, and there was no trace of surprise on his face.

The kid in the suit is indeed very capable.

The information Cheng Lin told me was also correct.

I walked in and deliberately slowed down my pace so that Slim Man and Nan Tian could keep up.

The young man wandered out of the guard room and asked lazily: "What are you doing?"

"I want to fill the courier." I gave an explanation, "I can't bear it anymore, let me fill the courier."

I wanted to act more realistically, but unfortunately my acting skills are not good, and the lines were very out of tune, so it was difficult for me to express my acting skills.

During previous rehearsals, Nan Tian demonstrated to me several times. All I can see is that he is not a strong actor, at least not capable of mastering any lines or characters with ease.

If not for this, now it would be the south sky in the light, and the thin man and I in the dark.

Fortunately, the guy in the suit is far more powerful than I imagined.

I felt awkward as I said the words, but the young man curled his lips and muttered, "Why did you go there earlier?" and stepped forward to lead the way for me.

Cheng Lin did not introduce the layout of the university in detail, and the little devils did not know the situation inside the school.

I followed the young man through the corridor at the school gate, turned a corner, bypassed the nearest teaching building, and saw a small square.

It is said to be a small square, but it is actually an open space in front of another teaching building. Different from the roads on campus, another type of floor tiles was laid, a circle of trees was planted, and a statue was erected in the middle, which looks very atmospheric.

Now, this atmosphere is broken by debris.

Several long tables were placed around the statue. Several computers are lined up on a long table, all desktop computers. The wiring board was a mess. With computers like this, those paper files are even more messy.

There were a lot of people around, and the buzz of discussion never stopped.

However, many sounds came from the teaching building in front. If they were too far away, they would be very blurry.

People in the square were quieter and each was busy with his or her own business. Middle-aged and young people were half-way apart. The middle-aged people are flipping through files, and the young people are operating computers. The division of labor is clear, and each performs his or her duties. I saw several uniformed people, not all police, but other law enforcement personnel.

For those who don’t know about this scene, it might be that the government has established a temporary office here.

I looked around and found no yin energy, which made me feel a little at ease.

The young man led me over and called my name.

"This guy has figured it out." He pointed at me casually.

"What's your name? What's your ID number? Where do you live and where is your work?" The other party asked a series of questions unceremoniously.

I saw they were going to do an identity check. There's no way I can get through this. Even if I say that I am not from Yangshan District, they will not doubt my identity and cannot trust me.

The kid lying on my back stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers in my ear.

I didn't know what he did, but I saw the person interrogating me and the young man standing next to me nodded.

"Okay, I got it. You fill in the express delivery first and see if there is anyone who corresponds to it." The person who asked the question turned around and called out, and another staff member over there ran over.

"What? Is he someone you know, Lao Xu?"

"A 15-year graduate of the University of Finance and Economics, he came back to see his teacher after preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination. Take out the files from the University of Finance and Economics and see if he knows anything about it. You can check his identity by the way. Hey - I'll take a break. ”

The handover between the two was completed, and I also knew what the ghost had done.

The kid whispered in my ear: "I made them accept your identity. Don't worry, they will figure it out on their own and won't doubt you."

I couldn't help but exhale.


Good night everyone~

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