Aoba Office

Chapter 1479 Chaos

The other party did not doubt my identity. He took out the graduate file of the University of Finance and Economics, rummaged through it for a while, pointed to a photo, and said it was me. He looked for students from the same class and asked me which one I knew.

I also pretended to look through the files.

At this moment, I thought about whether to use the power of the courier ghost to pull Wu Ling over. Compared to me, Shouzi and Nantian, Wu Ling is obviously more reliable. But I gave up this plan after just a little thought.

Using the power of the courier ghost means leaking Wu Ling's information to the courier ghost. If it notices, Wu Ling will become a fish for it to slaughter. I don't dare to take the risk.

I made up a piece of nonsense, and with the help of the kid, I successfully won the trust of the staff in front of me. He brought the express delivery form over and asked me to fill it out. He also asked me to think carefully about whether I knew anyone living in Yangshan District.

I continued to show off.

A snap made me stop what I was doing.

I turned around and looked over, and saw a middle-aged couple dragging a girl in her teens or 20s, tearing and beating her.

The girl covered her face with tears on her face.

"Write as long as you are told! You are still pretending! You are pretending to me! Are you out of your mind, girl? Are you helping outsiders and treating your own parents like this? You don't think about us, but think about it too You yourself! You want to live in this hellish place for the rest of your life!" The woman scolded and slapped the girl on the back of the head several times.

The girl was beaten so hard that her hair was scattered and covered her face.

"This girl was taught a bad lesson by you!" the man next to her scolded.

"Did I teach her bad things or did you teach her bad things? Why didn't you keep an eye on her!" the woman put her hands on her hips and cursed.

"It's just you and your mother who indulged her and spoiled her. Now it's better! The people who could be found a year ago can now be found!" The man shouted loudly.

There was an old lady standing next to them. She seemed silent at first, as if she was just watching the fun. At this moment, she jumped out and cursed, "Su, you are so capable! You are scolding both of us! If you hadn't been a bad breeder, would you have given birth to such a stupid girl? Your Su family is just a bad breeder!"

The family quarreled, and the girl shed tears silently.

The staff next to me scolded impatiently, "Do you want to fill it in or not? Do you want to get up?"

The middle-aged couple immediately turned the tables and scolded and pinched the girl.

I already understood what was going on, and I just felt angry and powerless.

The thin man cursed in a low voice. Nan Tian's face darkened.

"Write quickly, you damn girl!" The woman grabbed the girl's ears and pushed her to the table.

The girl staggered and almost fell to her knees.

I asked, "Don't you care about this?"

The staff member responsible for dealing with me glanced at me and said, "What do you care about? It's a family matter. Besides, if someone has to hide this situation now, won't it affect everyone?"

That being said, he must have had a bad impression of me. But he seemed to have a business-like attitude and didn't treat me differently.

I finally figured it out.

These people don't care at all whether anyone is hiding information, nor do they care whether this alien space can return to normal.

Compared with those family members who were forced to turn against each other, they were more confident.

What they rely on must be the courier ghost and the alien space behind the courier ghost, which is the future world.

They have a way out. The worst case scenario is to go through the entrance and exit of a different space and settle in the future. Anyway, given the structure of the future world, they have surrendered to the courier ghosts and can survive on the courier ghosts' territory. Maybe, because of my stance and performance, I can live a good life there.

With a heavy heart, I glanced at the girl again.

The girl's tears fell on the express delivery note.

The staff there didn't get angry, but the girl's parents and grandmother became anxious first. They pulled the girl and beat her and scolded her. They also showed flattering faces to the staff and spoke in a soft voice.

The girl wiped her tears and filled in the changed express delivery form.

I saw her body shaking, and the pen she was holding was shaking.

"Write well! If you play tricks with me again, I'll beat you to death first!" The girl's father slapped her.

Her hand trembled, and the pen tip drew a long line on the express delivery slip.

The girl's parents immediately changed their expressions.

Her father grabbed her hair and lifted her up. Her mother was so angry that she pinched her several times.

"You damn girl! You are really going to be beaten to death!"

The staff member became impatient and said, "Okay, okay! Are you finished?"

The couple and the old lady immediately fell silent.

"Let the little girl write carefully, and you guys should stay away. I'm so annoyed. I have nothing to do." The staff member spat and changed another express delivery order.

The family didn't dare to say anything. The mother pinched the girl again, her eyes showing a warning.

The girl lowered her head and did not look at her mother.

The woman seemed to be irritated again and wanted to say something, but she held back after glancing at the staff, her eyes even more like she wanted to eat someone.

The man and the old lady quarreled with each other, blaming each other for their faults, and were scolded by the staff next to them.

On my side, I was also urged.

"Stop watching the excitement. You haven't done your own work yet. Why are you watching the excitement?" the staff member said lazily.

I lowered my head and wrote a random contact information on the express delivery slip.

The other party didn't even look at it, put the express receipt away, and asked me if I knew anyone else.

I shook my head.

"Then you go aside and wait. When the person is found, I will notify you again." The staff tore off a copy of the express delivery note. "This is the voucher. Please listen to the radio."

It's pretty much the same thing.

I muttered in my mind and put the copy paper into my pocket.

After writing the express delivery order, I went to the building to wait.

When I entered, I found that the atmosphere here was even crazier than outside.

The people at the school gate had completely given up hope and were waiting to die. But the people inside were holding on to the straw in their hands and flopping in the water.

Many people are holding a stack of express delivery orders and filling in the contents as if they are desperate.

I took a few glances and found that many of them were just mechanically trying to write down every house number on a road. This may be because their memory is vague, or it may be because they do not know the other party's address at all and can only seek a miracle in this way.

There are also some people who are praying for something. They are not like ordinary believers, who look peaceful and peaceful. Instead, they have ferocious faces.

Others were just like the people outside, finding a seat and sitting there motionless, as if waiting for death.

There are no staff here, everyone does their own thing without interfering with each other.

Even so, there is no order at all here.

I saw some people gathered around. They were filling out the express delivery form, and a conflict broke out and they struggled. One of them swung a chair and hit the other person on the head, cracking his skull open.

My heart skipped a beat as I watched, and I heard the thin man's unsuppressed exclamation.

But no one inside or outside the classroom could react to this.

The body was lying on the ground, unattended.

The murderer wiped the blood spattered on his face, cursed, and started filling out the express delivery form again.

My heart sank.

There were footsteps and familiar yelling from behind.

I looked back and saw that the family that had just been making a noise outside had also come in.

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