Aoba Office

Chapter 1477 A lot of ghosts (4)

The oldest of these ghosts looks to be only fourteen or fifteen years old, and the youngest is still in his infancy.

They turned their backs to me and began discussing in whispers.

The two ghosts around me also disappeared instantly and appeared in the convenience store.

I stood outside the convenience store, watching a group of children having a big discussion while blowing the cold air.

For a moment, I hesitated about my proposal.

Although the other party is a ghost, they have not done anything harmful. It is really immoral for me to use them to do dangerous things. The appearance of their children only added to my guilt.

But then I thought about it, and I felt like I was thinking too much.

They may have been very young when they died, but they probably lived much longer than me.

Moreover, we humans and ghosts are all in the same boat now.

If the problem of different dimensions in Yangshan District is not resolved, we will all be trapped here and become mere prey.

I touched the wrapping paper in my pants pocket.

The courier ghost can return to the future world and get supplies from the future world. He has a way out. He may regard Yangshan District as a piece of cake and a springboard that he is reluctant to give up. He is unwilling to give up Yangshan District, but he will not save it either.

People in Keyangshan District have no way out. To obey him, you still need to reflect your own value in exchange for some reward. If you don't obey him, you will be trapped in an endless cycle of death and resurrection.

My mood gradually calmed down.

Things that need to be done, adventures still have to be done.

The group of brats ended their discussion at this time, turned around, and stopped pointing their butts and backs at me.

I held my breath, waiting for their answer.

The oldest ones walked through the glass and walked up to me.

"Did you come in from outside on your own initiative?" the big boy in a sweatshirt asked me.

I nodded, "That's right. I took the initiative to find this place, and it was an accident that I came in."

I didn't hide it and told them my dilemma.

Several older children looked at each other.

"Then how do we believe you have the ability to kill that ghost?" The boy asked again.

"I can prove my ability. But to prove it, I might kill a ghost or a person." I said.

Several older children hesitated.

They looked back at their companions in the convenience store.

It seems that they have existed for such a long time and have not developed the ability to make decisions. I could tell that none of them were talking heads, and there was no atmosphere to discuss voting. They should rely heavily on their boss. Now that the boss is gone, they are leaderless. They even had a lot of childish mentality, and under such circumstances, they even "played games" with me, frightened me, and observed me.

This is good news and proves they are not that dangerous. At the same time, this is bad news. As a partner, the help they can provide me will be limited.

I didn't push it and waited for them to make their own decision. Only when they make a decision can they implement it resolutely. If I add fuel to the flames, they may develop a rebellious mentality. If they drop the chain when facing the express delivery locker, then I won't be able to explain it.

I waited for a while and saw them gathering together again and starting to discuss.

My stomach is uncomfortably hungry. If I continue, I may starve to death here.

I sighed secretly and thought about how to brainwash these brats.

At this time, I heard a child's laughter.

The laughter came not from the convenience store, but from the intersection.

I saw people who were familiar to me.

Nan Tian walked towards me openly and waved. He held a little girl in a tutu in his arms. The little girl is as delicate as a doll. She holds Nantian's neck tightly with her hands and her head rests on Nantian's shoulder.

I saw that this child was a ghost, and I couldn't help but be stunned.


There are rumors coming from the convenience store.

The little kid Nan Tian was holding stopped smiling, looked at the group of little ghosts who were similar to himself, and waved happily.

Several girls ran over.

Nan Tian stopped two steps away from me.

"Look, Nan Tian is alive!" The kid named Lily hugged Nan Tian triumphantly.

I was in a daze, and I always felt that the scene in front of me looked familiar.

The other little girls were all envious and touched Nan Tian like a beautiful dress.

I felt like the scene stung my eyes.

Nan Tian showed an idol smile to the group of little girls whose height was no higher than his chest. He held Lily in his arms and touched the heads of the little girls one by one with his free hand. He even kissed some of them on the hand. .

The little girls screamed with excitement.

I'm a little convinced.

I actually know very little about Nan Tian. I know that he is a star. He has been in TV series. He seems to have sung and participated in variety shows. He is good-looking. He is the younger brother of Nangong Yao. His family is very rich...other than that, he is the younger brother of Nangong Yao. Gone. I actually have no idea how famous he is. But when I read online gossip, I knew a term called "little fresh meat" and another term called "girlfriend fans."

Nan Tian probably has a lot of girlfriend fans, and the age span of his girlfriend fans is amazing.

I thought so, and caught a glimpse of the disdainful looks on those boys.

Nan Tian comforted his little fan, put Lily on the ground, straightened her tutu, and then stood up and looked at me.

"I met Lily on the road and asked her to help find you and your colleagues. Your colleagues should be being brought here," Nan Tian said.

I was relieved to hear that the thin man was okay.

Nan Tian pointed in the direction of the University of Finance and Economics again, "Lily said that there is a ghost hiding there, and he is the one who turned this place into this. They can't deal with the ghost, but they should be able to deal with the people there."

I quickly said: "As long as I can catch that ghost, I can get rid of him."

Nan Tian nodded and looked at Lily.

Lily looked at Nan Tian heartily, "Then I'll help you sneak in! Nan Shen, don't worry, I will protect you."

"Me too! Me too!"

"I also need to go!"

The group of girls became excited.

The boys all pouted again.

The corners of my mouth also twitched a few times.

Now I am sure to get help from these ghosts. With them here, it should be no problem to fool the people gathered near the University of Finance and Economics and the ordinary guards inside the school.

It's just that this fanaticism makes me very uneasy.

The kid in a suit who was eating ice cream earlier kicked up his shoes and his cheeks bulged.

I asked in a low voice: "Have they always been like this?"

"How is that possible? When the boss is here, we are not allowed to mess around. They just secretly watch TV." The kid snorted, "What's the point of that kind of TV? It's not as good as animation."

Guapimao came over and added: "The big sister inside is quite pretty."

The kid in a suit looked at him sideways, "Little pervert! You're just like them!"

I discovered that there are also little female ghosts who disapprove of Nan Tian.

It seems that Nan Tian's charm is not that exaggerated, and these brats are not all crazy fans.

I feel somewhat relieved.

When I saw the thin man coming, I felt even more relieved.

The thin man got a dilapidated bicycle from somewhere and rode it tremblingly.

There was a child standing on the back seat of the bicycle, and a baby squatting in the front frame.

When I got closer, I noticed that the thin man's face was pale and he was covered in sweat.

The two ghosts, one big and one small, jumped off the bicycle.

The bicycle under the thin man's crotch disappeared just like that. The thin man was unaware and sat down on the ground.


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