Aoba Office

Chapter 1268 Positioning (10)

"That's wrong...why...why haven't you reached the tunnel yet?" The man trembled, ""

He repeated this and stopped the car.

The air conditioner was blowing coldly, but he was soaked all over.

He looked at his watch carefully, then looked at the fuel consumption on the dashboard, and then touched his phone to check the time.

Slowly, his face became more and more ugly.

"No way... This way, this way I will..." The man wailed, smashed the steering wheel again, and kicked the seat angrily to vent his anger.

After a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief and leaned on his seat dejectedly.

"What the could...ah! Ahhh-" the man yelled, panting, and was in a daze for a while.

I looked at the man's performance and wondered what he was going to do next. This man is obviously as opinionated as Zheng Motian. I did not receive his memory, but when he was scared, I saw a little bit of the legend about Guangyuan Highway in his impression.

The supernatural tales he remembered were of earthquakes, logging camps and tunnels. It is somewhat different from the version of rumors I found online. He was afraid of the shadows of those mountains, but not so afraid of the road. But after being unable to reach the tunnel or get close to the mountain, he also developed fear.

"I don't believe it!" The man gritted his teeth, sat down again, and started the car.

He drove on the endless road with perseverance, tireless and unwilling to give up, and gradually became numb.

I felt my consciousness being pulled from his car to another.

The surrounding scenery changed, and what came into my eyes was the chaotic scene of the car accident.

The car was spinning on the ground, surrounded by screams. With a screech of brakes, the car stopped.

The two of them were still in shock, still shaking and separated.

This was a private car, with a young man and woman in the driver's seat and passenger seat. They survived, and the young man immediately got out of the car, turned around and cursed the people behind the car. He rushed over, and I followed him, and I saw him punch Mr. Shen and his hand went through Mr. Shen's head. The man staggered and almost fell. When he came to his senses, he found that half of his body had passed through the tire of the car.

He let out a scream and sat down on the ground.

The woman followed and was pulled by the man and ran to the car.

"Ghosts! They are ghosts!" the man yelled, about to get in the car.

The woman seemed to be more courageous than him, so she shook him off and approached Mr. Shen and the others. After discovering that Mr. Shen and the others were really ghosts, the woman turned pale with fear. She was a little more rational, so she closed her mouth, covered the man's mouth and nose, and supported him back to her car.

Their car drove away, and on the road, they encountered the car of the man just now. But the men ignored their trumpets and cries.

The man and woman were so frightened that they sped away.

I felt that the two cars were constantly circling on the ring road, and sometimes they would run into each other head-on.

They often pass each other, and the man cannot see the man and woman, only the man and woman see him.

My soul was pulled again.

Car accident, car accident...

Those five people's cars parked in the middle of the road caused several crashes.

Some people continued to drive and fled the scene, while some gave up. Like the five people, they were waiting for complete death. Some were crazy, some were desperate, and chaotic tragedies kept happening on this dark road.

When I saw the operator again, she appeared at the front of the car, was hit by a car, and was dragged forward for dozens of meters.

I heard excited laughter from the driver's seat.

"Okay...I caught the substitute! I caught it! It must be possible! I can leave this hellish place!"

The man's thoughts are strong and I can easily sense his thoughts.

What shocked me was that this man came up with this idea simply by slapping his forehead.

He jumped out of the car, not feeling disgusted or frightened, and examined the operator's bloody body.

"Dead. She is already dead! I can go! I can leave here! I have found a substitute! There is a scapegoat!" The man jumped crazily, looked around in confusion, and got on again car.

"I'll definitely be able to drive out this time, I'll definitely be able to..." the man said nonchalantly.

I felt the Yin energy surrounding me change.

Feeling carefully, I found that there was a subtle difference between the Yin Qi at this time and Zheng Motian's Yin Qi at that time. The Yin Qi at this moment is even more lifeless, and Zheng Motian's Yin Qi at that time...

Suddenly, the surrounding Yin energy glowed with a strange vitality.

The man's car drove onto the road. Soon, thick fog appeared in front of him, and the sky seemed to be getting brighter.

The man cheered.

No...this feeling is not the same as Zheng Motian's feeling at that time...

The car suddenly hit an invisible barrier and made a heart-wrenching sound.

The man rushed forward and hit his head on the windshield.

And there was something somewhere where the car body hit, and it slowly disintegrated the car body!

I was shocked and subconsciously wanted to step back.

The man subconsciously reached out to support his body, but his hands were gone. He screamed and retreated hastily.

The car stopped, and the front and front windshield were gone. The man shouted, but in this fog, only the man's cry echoed.

I felt a pulling force again, and my whole body flew backwards.

I heard the voices of men and women, and the cheerful laughter of children.

In the darkness, two groups of light rushed straight towards him. The three voices turned into panicked shouts. A huge momentum struck, and the car rolled, hit the guardrail, and plummeted down the cliff.

who is it?

The object possessed this time is...

With a bang, the car landed on the ground, and the sky-high flames instantly ignited and exploded.

I stood in the blazing fire and was not affected in the slightest.

After the fire faded, I saw three ghosts next to the wreckage of the car.

The faces of the three people all had a confused expression. They looked at each other and then at the wreckage of the car.

The familiar man said: "Are we... dead?"

It's Li Shi!

It's Li Shi's family!

I tensed up my nerves, trying to find Zheng Motian.

There is no doubt that among the ghosts I know so far, only Zheng Motian has gone to Guangyuan Mountain Resort! If I want to go there through dreams, I can only rely on the ghosts who go there.

It is no longer possible for me to possess Zheng Motian in my dream, but if I find Zheng Motian, I may be able to find some clues.

But I looked around and there were only three members of Li Shi's family here.

"Dad..." The child cried and grabbed the corner of Li Shi's clothes.

"It's okay, it's okay, Tiantian." Li Shi forced out an ugly smile and hugged his child.

"Husband..." The woman leaned against Li Shi.

The three of them cuddled together.

"We, we are still together. It's good... at least, we are together... this, here... we should, should go reincarnate now. Haha, I don't know how to do this. Maybe, maybe because of the tragic death, we didn't go... to find someone to help. I have found some people who know this before to save the ghosts." Li Shi tried to lighten the atmosphere.

He turned his head and looked around, "We have to get out of here first. Get back to the road... and then..."

"Husband..." Li Shi's wife pulled him and pointed at the wreckage of the vehicle, her fingers trembling.

"What's wrong?" Li Shi asked doubtfully.

"Only our car. The car that hit us is not here. The car that hit us is not here..." Mrs. Li said.

I looked at this woman in surprise.

Li Shi fell silent.

I found that Li Shi had already observed this.

The dull atmosphere between them as a couple made the child uneasy.

Li Shi patted the child comfortingly, "Okay, let's go up first. After all, we have to get to the road. In this deep mountain and old forest... I don't know where this is." Li Shi smiled bitterly.

I saw part of Li Shi's memory.

Before the crash, they realized they were lost. The highway they were driving on suddenly turned into a winding road. It seemed that the fog appeared in an instant, and the fog dispersed in an instant, and the surrounding environment completely changed.

Li Shi was already driving with extreme caution, but he didn't expect that a car would deliberately hit him at that blind corner.

The name "Zhao Chi" came to Li Shi's mind. He suspected that he had asked someone to save Zhao Chi, and something had happened to him. Apart from this incident, he had never encountered any supernatural events in his life.

Although there were some deviations in the results, Li Shi's guess was not wrong in direction.

I watched Li Shi and his wife working hard to climb the mountain, and my mood became very complicated.

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