Aoba Office

Chapter 1267 Positioning (9)

The little girl was filled with fear. She didn't know exactly what happened. She only has the memory of the initial car accident, the pain of being pushed against the car door by Mrs. Zhao for the second time, and the pain of being strangled to death by Mrs. Zhao the last time. She still remembers what her parents thought of her. That look scared her. She just wanted to run away, run away desperately, even if she ran into the darkness that she was most afraid of, it made her feel more at ease than being in a bright car with her parents.

After running all the way to a place where the car lights could no longer be seen, the girl stopped and started to cry softly.

She wiped her tears and walked forward slowly, looking back from time to time and talking about her grandparents and grandparents. Her parents are no longer reliable, and her closest relatives are her grandparents.

I feel sorry for the girl and sympathize with her plight. But she has become a ghost now, and I don’t know how to save her, so I can only follow her silently.

I reached out and touched her head, but my palm didn't touch anything.

The girl walked for a while, and the light of the car lights came on in front of her.

I had a bad feeling.

The girl was stunned, then suddenly became excited and rushed to the car, running and jumping.

She hoped she could be saved and knew she had to find someone to help her get home. For a moment, the appearance of her parents appeared in her mind. She hoped that her parents would change their minds, abandon the annoying Mrs. Zhao, and pick her up in the car.

The car stopped when it was more than 200 meters away from the girl.

The girl thought the car was waiting for her, so she quickened her pace and ran towards the car.

The car started suddenly, reached its top speed, and headed straight towards the girl.

The girl was stunned.

My outstretched hand stopped in the air.

If the girl's "now" is changed at this time, then the ghost will definitely find out.

I clenched my fists.

The car sped forward, bringing with it the sound of whistling wind and roaring engine.

The girl's body was knocked away, drawing a parabola in the air, and then landed on the front window of the car.

I was led by the girl and floated beside the car, just in time to see the frightened faces of the four adults in the car.

The girl's yin energy changed. Her thin fingers grasped the car window glass. Under his fingers, the car window glass shattered. Her hands were inserted into the glass and her face was pressed against the glass. Her appearance was chilling.

Mr. Shen turned the steering wheel, but couldn't get rid of the girl. He stepped on the brakes, and the girl's body rushed forward due to inertia, but her hand was still stuck in the glass. After the car stopped, her body hit the hood.

The girl bent her body and put her feet on the hood, assuming a posture similar to that of a beast.

I heard four people in the car yelling incoherently.

Mr. Shin started the car again, desperately trying to get rid of the girl.

Such an operation caused the car to lose its stability. After a bump, it rolled over and rolled on the ground.

By the time the car fell heavily, it had already turned over.

The people in the car suffered severe head injuries. This time they didn't even have the strength to climb out.

But the girl was still leaning against the car window, staring at them.

The car lights went out and the girl's creepy sight disappeared.

When the car lights came on again, everyone sat quietly in the car, their faces ashen.

Even the most excited Mrs. Zhao did not cause trouble for the girl again.

The girl also sat motionless, staring blankly ahead.

"I can't bear it anymore... I really... can't bear it anymore..." Mrs. Shen cried out, "Kill me... please, kill me... anyone... anyone... "

No one answered her.

"We can't die..." Mr. Shen said after a while, "We can't get out..."

Along with these two sentences, there were cries one after another in the car.

After a long while, Mr. Zhao stopped crying first.

"No, that's not right... We had car accidents several times... But, outside, there..." Mr. Zhao pointed out the car window.

The shadows of woods and mountains can be seen on both sides of the road.

"Maybe there is a way if there is no way." Mr. Zhao's words were shocking.

A few people bounced back.

They had no flashlights, but they still mustered up the courage and ran into the woods.

This cannot be said to be brave, it can only be said to be a desperate move after being desperate. Compared to Zheng Motian, their outdoor survival experience is basically zero.

After a while, I felt that they were separated.

I followed the girl, walking in the dark woods.

Every now and then the girl would run into trees. She was like a blind person, groping forward without calling her mom or dad. She no longer believed them.

After walking for who knows how long, the girl saw the light and ran a few steps happily.

She tripped and fell onto the asphalt road, not realizing what the light was. When she rushed to the light and saw clearly that it was the car they had abandoned, she stood there helplessly.

Not long after, there were footsteps and shouts.

The two couples appeared on both sides of the road holding hands. They soon found themselves back where they started.

"This is a ghost beating a wall... We can't get out! We can't get out!!"

"We might have died long ago..."

The four people gave up on themselves.

They hugged each other and cried, gathered around the car, and did nothing.

They were motionless, as if they were corpses.

I don’t know if there was something wrong with the time flow in this space, or if there was a change in the time of the dream. In less than a minute, I saw the light at the end of the road.

The four adults and one child saw nothing.

The car came from behind their car very quickly.

I don't know when, a light rain started to fall in the sky, and the rain became heavier and heavier, turning into a downpour. But there was not a drop of rainwater on the bodies of the four children and the car. The rain passed through them and fell directly on the asphalt road.

I looked up at the sky and then at the approaching car.

As expected, the car probably suddenly saw the person and car emerging from the middle of the road, and immediately turned the steering wheel sharply. The wheels rubbed against the ground, slid off the road, and hit a tree trunk next to it.

The Yin Qi instantly swallowed up the car.

The man who got out of the car was a little embarrassed, but he still rushed to the road and asked anxiously: "Hey, are you okay?"

His voice was muffled by the rain.

I felt my head become dizzy and my perspective shifted.

I no longer faced that man, but instead faced the four adults and one child.

The man ran near the car and reached out to pull the nearest little girl. His hands passed through the girl's body. The girl had no expression on her face and no reaction.

The man was startled, looked at his hands, wiped the rain off his face, and stretched out his hand again, "Little sister..."

His hand still passed through the girl.

The man was at a loss.

"What's going on?" The man looked around, scanned these people, took a step back, and shouted softly. He finally realized what he was doing, backed away, and ran back to his car.

Naturally I followed him into his car.

He hurriedly started the car, drove it back onto the asphalt road, and sped away.

I heard him muttering to himself, "It's terrible... I really encountered it... Why are you so unlucky... Guangyuan Highway... Hey, I haven't heard of those people..." He raised his head He glanced at the rearview mirror and looked away again as if he was being stabbed.

I noticed that the man was wearing summer clothes and the air conditioner was on in the car. Those five people were wearing thick winter and spring clothes.

Time has passed without realizing it.

When I was distracted, I noticed that the man had slowed down the car and there were beads of sweat on his forehead.

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