Aoba Office

Chapter 1269 Positioning (11)

Li Shi carried the child on his back and asked his wife to tie the child with a coat.

The child was uneasy. Although he did not say anything, his expression was very confused and frightened. He held on to his father tightly, curled his neck, and rested his head on the back of his father's neck.

Mrs. Li comforted the child softly.

"It's okay, just climb up. Don't you still want to rock climb every day? You promised to climb the mountain, right?" Li Shi's voice was gentle and brisk.

Both couples tried their best to make a relaxed gesture so that the child could feel at ease.

I can feel the anger and resentment in Li Shi's heart. After all, he was dead, and he died in such an inexplicable way. It was impossible for him to have no grudges. However, he didn't want to show that look in front of his children.

He seems to know very well that as a ghost, the most important thing to do is to reincarnate, not to take revenge.

If he were the only one here, he might not be able to suppress his emotions and would try every means to seek revenge. But feeling the weight behind him, he exhaled and continued to think of ways to climb up.

"Speaking of which, ghosts can fly, right? Maybe they can pass through walls." Mrs. Li also pretended to be relaxed and talked about pleasant topics.

"That's right. We should be able to fly." Li Shi laughed.

The child stuck his head out and asked softly: "Can it fly?"

"Well, it must be possible. You may need to practice more." Li Shi grinned and smiled at his son.

The child seemed to be in a good mood and no longer looked depressed.

The family of three struggled for a long time, and Li Shi really became more confident. But just when his feet were ten centimeters off the ground, his body fell down again.

The child clapped his hands and jumped, "Daddy is so awesome, daddy is so awesome!"

Li Shi touched the child's head with a complicated expression.

The child was just trying to hold back his energy and wanted to fly, so he didn't notice anything strange about his parents.

The couple looked at each other and gave up the idea of ​​"flying".

"It seems impossible to climb up like this. We don't have any tools, and we have never climbed mountains before." Mrs. Li said in embarrassment.

"Then let's walk along the mountain. We should be able to find a way up. No, if we find another way, it will be the same if we continue walking." Li Shi said.

He picked up the child, coaxed him a few words, took his wife's hand with his other hand, and walked around the wreckage of the car.

The mountain road was rugged, but as ghosts, they didn't feel the difficulty. However, such mountains and forests are not considered to have roads at all. They walked all the way down the slope of the mountain wall for a long time, but they couldn't see the bottom.

The child slept for a while. When he woke up, he grabbed a leaf and played with it.

There was no sound of insects or birds in the forest, it was dead silent.

There was no daylight and no living creatures, but the atmosphere of the family of three was quite harmonious.

Mrs. Li told stories to coax the children, from piglets building houses to ducks fishing, and so on. The child also dozed off several times. They haven't seen the bottom of the mountain yet.

"Are we...lost?" Mrs. Li touched the child's head and looked at Li Shi worriedly.

"Well..." Li Shi's expression was solemn.

"Now... this mountain won't be that high, right? We've obviously been going down..." Mrs. Li said, her tone a little more impatient, "If I could be reincarnated... it could be shown in movies, anywhere. Okay... And before the car accident, we just..."

Li Shi held her shoulders and said, "Wife."

Mrs. Li stopped talking.

"It's okay. We will definitely find a way out. But...even if we can't find it, someone will come looking for us. If we are gone, someone will definitely come looking for us."

"They don't know where we are. Falling in a place like this..." Mrs. Li said frustratedly.

"We can definitely find it. Even in mountainous areas, there are people. It's okay. It may take a long time, but we will definitely be able to get out. Hey, if we get out like this, when the time comes, we will reincarnate, wow, humans will have immigrated to alien planets. ." Li Shi said in a cheerful tone, "You don't have to think that you were born too early."

Mrs. Li burst out laughing and patted Li Shi on the back.

Li Shi held her hand and said, "Let's go."


"In the next life, you will also be my wife."

"That depends on your performance."

"No. When we go to the underworld, we will make a decision."

"Who do you want to settle with?"

"There must be someone in charge. We will find him to settle the matter when the time comes."

"They've all immigrated to other planets, including the underworld."

"I am very sure of that."

I felt a little sad listening to the couple's chatter.

How long had they been wandering in the mountains and forests?

How long can they maintain this mood?

As soon as I thought about it, I noticed that the scenery around me had changed.

It's still a mountain forest, but the trees in the mountains have changed.

I heard the cheerful voice of the child in front of me, "Dad! River!"

I hurriedly chased after him.

Unknowingly, their family walked out of the forest and reached the shallows at the foot of the mountain.

Li Shi and his wife were overjoyed, holding their children in their arms, stepping on the pebbles, and rushed to the river.

The two people walked along the river for a while, then looked back at the mountain they had just walked out of.

The sky is already bright, but the mist surrounds the mountains, and only the hazy light above the head can be seen. The river gurgled, without any sparkling waves, but seemed a bit turbid.

Across the river is a mountain wall. Looking up, the mountain peaks are shrouded in mist, making it impossible to see the end.

"If you walk along the river, you will definitely be able to get out." Li Shi said decisively.

This is common sense. Mrs. Li also has more confidence.

The child was put on the ground and picked up two pebbles. His parents looked at their harvest with great interest.

The couple both smiled.

I watched the family of three holding hands and walking downstream along the river, and my mood did not become lighter.

This river and this mountain are all shrouded in that layer of yin. If you can't get out of this yin energy, you can't get out of the ghost's territory, and you can't talk about reincarnation.

I exhaled and silently followed the family of three, thinking about where exactly this place was.

There should be no river in Tai'an Mountain. At least not a river this wide. Guangyuan Mountain Resort has mountains and waters. It is designated as a resort, and its natural environment is very good.

I feel the changes in Yin Qi. Whether it is Guangyuan Mountain Resort or Guangyuan Highway, the Yin Qi is always the same. The yin energy in Guangyuan Mountain Resort may be stronger. But the negative energy I felt in the resort was within the resort, not the surrounding mountains and rivers. Whether there is a difference or not, I am not sure.

The children sang children's songs in front, and after a while, they sang pop songs.

Mrs. Li hummed softly in harmony with the child's voice.

Li Shi lowered his head and looked at his wife and son with a smile.

The sound of water grew louder ahead.

The river narrowed at a bend and the current suddenly became turbulent.

Li Shi carried his son on his back and climbed carefully on the boulders. Mrs. Li followed closely behind him, her steps equally cautious. None of them seemed to be good at outdoor sports. They were on all fours in an ugly posture, but they were surprisingly stable.

I don't know if it's their ghostly form that plays a role.

After passing such a turning point, the road became smooth again. Although compared to the previous river beach, the road here is very narrow, like a section of rocky debris left behind after a mountain collapse.

Li Shi couldn't help but worry.

He regretted a little. He should have found some wood before and barely built a boat to move forward in the river. It would have been better than not being able to get up or down now.

Finally, they reached the end of the rock, with the river in front of them and no place to stay.

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