Aoba Office

Chapter 1252 Strong Light (9)

Zheng Motian waited quietly and expected.

The group was very quiet, and there was no news for a long time.

Zheng Motian became impatient. After thinking for a long time, he sent another message: "Where are the people? Are they all dead?"

There was another long silence.

Zheng Motian uttered a curse word and asked impatiently, "Where is the person? Where is the person?"

But there was no response in the group.

Zheng Motian switched to the address book and sent a private message to someone, but still nothing happened.

He cursed loudly this time and threw the phone aside, minding his own anger.

After a while, he cheered up again, grabbed his phone, looked for his address book, and sent messages to other people.

The result was still no response.

Zheng Motian dialed the phone impatiently.

I saw him calling several people, from insurance companies to people with only nicknames and screen names, and then gradually to people with names and surnames, and finally to people with relatives. He called his home, but still no one answered.

Zheng Motian was discouraged, threw away his phone, bit his nails, and thought hard.

He felt that it was not possible to contact others on his mobile phone, so he recalled what the female ghost said, turning over the memories in his mind, thinking about the various people he had come into contact with, even strangers whose names he did not know, and he tried his best to think about them.

My eyes turned cold when I looked at Zheng Motian.

He was able to find a substitute to die without hesitation, and even found his own family and parents along the way. His character was already evident.

At this moment, I hope that Zheng Motian will be trapped in this ghost place forever and never be able to escape.

A scene came from Zheng Motian's mind, which interrupted my thoughts.

I saw the cars driving on the road in the open night. That car was traveling at high speed, and my perspective should be that of another car traveling at high speed. The oncoming car swung its steering wheel and hit a lamppost. The scene flashed away and turned into the scene of a tragic car accident in the rearview mirror. I heard Zheng Motian's violent heartbeat, but he was very quick and the car did not slow down. Instead, it sped up and turned at the next intersection.

There are no witnesses, no surveillance, and no traces will be left at the scene. Even if he is caught, there will be no collision between him and the other vehicle and he will not be the perpetrator. But it would be really troublesome if you were caught.

Zheng Motian only thought of "trouble" and was anxious for two days after driving away. After waiting for a few more days and no police came to his door, he completely relaxed and forgot about the incident.

When Zheng Motian thinks about this now, he has only one thought: Is the driver dead? If he is not dead, I wonder if he can be captured as a substitute?

The mystery of why I dreamed about Zheng Motian was revealed. Although this answer didn't give me any surprise, it was already expected. But seeing the truth of this scene, I still feel angry.

In that car accident, both parties were actually responsible.

Zhao Chi was driving tiredly, Zheng Motian turned on high beams illegally, and both parties were speeding. In any case, it cannot be said that Zhao Chi was directly killed by Zheng Motian. Legally, Zheng Motian cannot be sentenced. Morally, ordinary people cannot know Zheng Motian's thoughts, but now I clearly feel his despicability.

He felt no guilt about the car accident, and had no sympathy for a person who might have died as a result. He was just selfish.

Zheng Motian even quickly began to search for the next stranger in his memory, thinking about finding a substitute.

I know very well that he did not lose control after becoming a ghost, nor does it seem that Li Moqian only has a vague subconscious and does not know what he is doing and what the consequences will be. He just wants liberation, no matter who his liberation will kill.

Zheng Motian's actions ended in vain. He looked at the dead-silent road and became irritable.

At this moment, car lights appeared on the road ahead.

The high beam stopped at the corner, motionless.

The road turned a big corner at some point, the road conditions became different, and a mountain wall appeared on the side of the road.

Zheng Motian's heart skipped a beat, he was overjoyed, but worried that this was another unlucky guy stuck on this road.

He turned off his car lights immediately and tried to look at his surroundings in the darkness.

He didn't notice that the surrounding environment had changed according to his thoughts. His car was no longer parked on the road, but hidden in the woods.

Zheng Motian was even more happy. He discovered the benefits of becoming a ghost, and was somewhat certain that the bright light over there belonged to the substitute he had recruited. He didn't know who it was, and the thought just flashed through his mind. He had already tightened his grip on the steering wheel, thinking about what the female ghost said and the car accident, and planning in his mind.

I looked at the light ahead.

Without the new Yin Qi, the people over there are probably living people, or living people who were trapped by Zheng Motian.

When I thought of this, my heart sank. After a moment of hesitation, I got out of the car and ran over quickly.

But the distance between Zheng Motian and the other party was a bit far, and I couldn't get close. The other party's car lights shrouded the car body. In this dark night, I could only see the light of his car's headlights.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement from both sides.

I felt uneasy and didn't know what to do.

I really shouldn't meddle in other people's business, otherwise it may lead to worse consequences.

This is 2014, not 2023. If it were closer to the "now" time, I might still be able to successfully save people and save the "worse consequences" in the unknown future. But now it’s 2014, so far away from “now”.

Even if the time on this road cannot be based on personal perception, when Zheng Motian chooses a substitute, several years may have passed, which is still an uncertain and uneasy factor.

I thought about Ye Qing's words, and my thoughts were swirling in my mind.

do not be afraid……

If I ultimately fail to save the world, more people will die;

If I succeed in saving the world, the people who died before will have a different fate.

Ye Qing's thinking was very clear and his logic made sense. If it really goes as he expected, it will be a happy ending for everyone.

But reason is reason, and emotions are emotions. You can't stop being afraid just by telling yourself "don't be afraid".

My muscles were shaking uncontrollably, and my insides seemed to be shaking.

The distance is too far. I have to do something only when both sides take action. And by that time, the vehicle might start moving very fast. Zheng Motian was prepared to hit the opponent directly to death. He'll be firing on all cylinders. With his own will and Yin Qi as assistance, the speed of the car is definitely not within the normal range.

As soon as I thought about this, the car moved.

The driver started slowly and drove slowly, like a deer carefully observing its surroundings. He had already sensed the danger, but he didn't know where it was.

Zheng Motian's excitement was conveyed to me.

He couldn't see the other party's vehicle, but he could see the two bright lights moving.

He stepped on the accelerator and the car sped out.

The other party's vehicle will also pass through that curve.

My body suddenly tensed up and I stretched out my hand towards Zheng Motian's car.

Suddenly! Intense light shines into my retinas. There was only a vast expanse of white left in front of my eyes, my skin felt the wind blowing, and something passed through my body!

The bright light disappears in the blink of an eye.

I immediately turned around and reached out to grab Zheng Motian's car, but I failed.

A huge crash was heard, and Zheng Motian's car collided with the front of the other car.

I saw that the other party’s car was brightly illuminated by the high beam headlights of Zheng Motian’s vehicle. There was a family of three in the car. They all closed their eyes tightly, subconsciously raised their hands to face the light, and screamed in shock when they were hit.

In front of the two cars, the other side of the curve turned into a cliff at some point.

Without any pause, Zheng Motian's car hit the opponent's car and fell into the cliff together with his own car.

My body was involuntarily pulled by Zheng Motian and dragged to the cliff.

No pain of falling to the ground.

I saw the hit vehicle rolling over the cliff and eventually turning into a ball of fire that exploded and engulfed everything.

Good night everyone~

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