Aoba Office

Chapter 1253 Strong Light (10)

When the flames dissipated, I thought I would see Zheng Motian reincarnating. This "thinking" is not very strong. I still have some doubts about whether the ghost will really let go of the people it killed and the ghosts trapped here.

When the white light replaced the flame, I squinted my eyes and saw the excited figure in the white light.

Zheng Motian stood in a white light. There were no roads, mountain shadows, or cars, and there was only his lonely ghost.

He seemed to be inspired by something and rushed forward.

Although there is only strong white light in this entire area, if you look carefully, you can still see something different.

The light comes from the front. The light source was in the direction Zheng Motian was running.

I followed Zheng Motian and looked around cautiously.

Except for Zheng Motian, there is no yin energy in this area, and even the huge yin energy that pervaded before is gone. But to say that this is Huangquan Road, the way to the place, doesn't seem to be the same thing. The Huangquan roads I have seen before are all very traditional. At least they all have roads, and they are real roads. However, the transcended souls of Qingye and the others just disappeared before their eyes, and no path to heaven appeared.

Now this white light is more like the road to heaven in Western movies and TV dramas. There are ghosts in the country guiding you to reincarnation in the underworld. There is heaven and hell in the West, and there are also some niche beliefs, each with its own world of death.

However, now I know that those "superstitions" are not all false, nor are they all true. At least the supernatural circles between East and West and various countries are not as clear as national and cultural boundaries. What we call God may be called destiny in the West. It is the same thing, and it can stir up troubles in different countries at the same time.

Perhaps, this white light is another form of expression of Huangquan Road.

If that's the case, will there be any problems if I follow you like this? Or is it just one more opportunity to visit the underworld?

My steps stopped.

But Zheng Motian was still moving forward, and my body was pulled involuntarily.

Zheng Motian ran so hard that he was out of breath and couldn't even reach the range of the white light. Under the white light, there was a hazy halo all over his body.

I don't know how long he ran. He was tireless and had no anxiety at all when he was driving. He only thought about leaving and being free.

I found the situation to be exactly the same as when he believed the compass was right. This is not a good sign.

Suddenly, I noticed a change in the white light. The light shrank and no longer spread throughout the space. At the same time, darkness fills in the areas where the white light disappeared.

Zheng Motian also noticed the changes behind him, looked at the increasingly distant light source, and accelerated like crazy as he ran.

He cried out, begging the light to wait for him.

Not sure if he heard Zheng Motian's call, the light source stopped retreating and turned forward.

Zheng Motian was so ecstatic that his legs were so tired that he couldn't lift them up. But now he burst out with strength and rushed over.

Darkness surrounded Zheng Motian. There are only two groups of light left in this space.

I stopped suddenly and felt how familiar those two groups of light were, and the Yin Qi that began to appear around me was also surprisingly familiar.

For a long time before, I had been surrounded by this kind of yin energy.

Zheng Motian was unaware of anything. He didn't even notice that he was so tired that he could only stagger on the spot, and he just stared at the two groups of lights.

The light accelerated, accompanied by the sound of the car's engine and the sound of tires scraping the ground.

Zheng Motian stopped completely.

The two balls of light hit Zheng Motian directly, crushing all his muscles, bones and internal organs!

The brakes sounded, and the chassis and tires of the car ran over Zheng Motian's body.

Zheng Motian was lying on the ground, vomiting blood, and blood was flowing out from multiple wounds on his body.

His body was in convulsions, unable to react, and his mind was blank.

I looked at the car.

The car stopped for a while and then continued to drive forward.

I took advantage of that little time and took a clear look at the scene inside the car.

There was no one in the car. Not only was there no one in the back seat of the car, but also in the driver's seat.

This is an empty car with no one in it.

Watching the car go away and be swallowed up by darkness, I turned to look at Zheng Motian.

Zheng Motian was lying in the darkness, his body seemed to glow, allowing people to see him.

His body is slowly recovering. The feeling was very painful, just as painful as when he was injured, but longer than the pain when he was injured. It seemed endless and would torture Zheng Motian forever.

When his body recovered, the darkness of the entire space slowly disappeared like mist blown away by the wind.

Some scenery was vaguely visible, and until Zheng Motian fully recovered, these scenery were shrouded in real fog.

Looking up, I can see the foggy sky shining slightly. The time changed from night to day, and the surrounding area was no longer a dark road surrounded by mountains, but a scenic spot surrounded by mountains and forests.

I saw villas belonging to scenic spots.

There is no one here, no human voice, no human breath. The permeating Yin Qi was stronger than before, and I heard the chirping of birds and insects again.

I frowned and looked around.

The empty scenic villa gave me an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Although, such buildings can be seen in many scenic spots. Sometimes it is not necessarily a scenic spot. Similar buildings will be built in rural farms and mountain villa areas.

Zheng Motian got up from the ground and looked around in confusion.

He shouted twice cautiously, but when he received no response, he took a few tentative steps.

His body has completely recovered and he is no longer in pain.

Zheng Motian gradually quickened his pace, ran to the nearest small villa and knocked on the door there.

The door was locked and no one answered the door.

Zheng Motian walked around without giving up and tried the windows on the first floor. The window was locked and the window glass was gray, making it difficult to see what was inside the house.

Zheng Motian had no choice but to run to another villa.

The distance between the villas is not small, and beautiful greenery is planted. The tall trees can block the view well and ensure the privacy of each villa.

A place like this surrounded by mountains should have pure air. What is floating here should be mountain mist, not haze. I did smell the fresh mountain air. This kind of air is not comfortable.

The sounds of small animals in the mountains and forests, the mountain breeze and the smell of wild flowers all carry a ghostly aura. I don't know how such Yin Qi was formed or what happened to that ghost, but such Yin Qi makes the atmosphere here extremely weird. No matter how good the scenery is, it will never make you feel relaxed and happy.

Zheng Motian has found the third villa, and the same scene appears again.

Zheng Motian was discouraged and cursed the female ghost he met on the road. He thought the female ghost had deceived him. But he couldn't figure out the truth of the matter.

He no longer looked for those villas, but walked along the road between the villas.

I had that familiar feeling again, and as Zheng Motian moved forward, this familiar feeling became stronger and stronger.

Ahead, the road changed.

The straight road suddenly became clear. A small square appeared in front of me.

There was a loud bang in my mind, remembering the dream I experienced when I rescued Wu Ling.

This is Guangyuan——

Before I finished my thought, I felt a huge pulling force.

The sun broke through the thick fog and shone on my face.

I woke up in my bed at home.

The dream is over.

That thought was over too.

——Guangyuan Mountain Resort.

The haunted place where Ye Qing and Wu Ling first met!

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