Aoba Office

Chapter 1251 Strong Light (8)

Zheng Motian didn't answer for a while.

I looked at this female ghost in surprise.

Of course I've heard of the scapegoat. When people who die suddenly become ghosts, they will catch a substitute. Only after they catch a substitute can they themselves be reincarnated. Such "rules" should not be uncommon in the paranormal circle.

I don't know if there is such a "tradition" in the real supernatural circle, but in folklore, there are many such things.

I have been exposed to supernatural events for a year, but I have never encountered any scapegoat incidents. Among the commissions Aoba received, I have never seen a scapegoat.

In my original impression, all the ghosts in this world died because of their obsessions. If the dead want to be reincarnated, they can just go there. The great thing is that they are lost and trapped in the human world. I haven’t heard of the need to catch one. Only when a substitute comes to take your place can you reincarnate.

My eyes changed from surprise to suspicion. I suspect this ghost is lying. Her face was completely disfigured and her expression could not be seen. Just listening to the voice could not determine a person's true thoughts. At least, this ghost's voice was honest and he didn't seem to be lying.

Zheng Motian had already cleared up the issue of "stand-in" at this time, and asked hesitantly: "Is it... a scapegoat? I... I don't know... I was just driving on the road, and then I felt something was wrong, and I turned the front of the car... …”

Zheng Motian talked about his experience in detail, and there were some confusions in it, but as he talked, he made up for the mistakes he made before. He is not an idiot. Although he is irritable, his thinking is still very clear. After giving up self-deception, I realized the crux of the problem.

"...I was hit and killed...that car...the person in that car was myself, I drove my own car and hit myself..." Zheng Motian trembled, "It must be that must be that one!" "

"You died on your own." The female ghost interrupted Zheng Motian's hysteria.

Zheng Motian was stunned, "But I saw..."

"You died on your own. If you are caught as a substitute, you will see the ghost just like you saw me." The female ghost said, and her decisive tone made Zheng Motian stop arguing.

"How could this could he die for no reason?" Zheng Motian couldn't figure it out.

I know that he died from the yin energy of a fierce ghost here. The ghost doesn't need to catch a substitute, or even show up, or do unnecessary things. It can easily kill a living person just by relying on the yin energy leaked from itself.

The female ghost didn't seem to know this. She only said: "This place is evil. Haven't you heard? Guangyuan Highway is haunted. People often die here. Later, the road was closed and there were fewer people, but people would still come and die here."

Zheng Motian screamed. At this moment, he had forgotten the terrifying appearance of the female ghost and started talking about the people and ghosts he saw on the road.

The female ghost was very calm. After Zheng Motian finished speaking, she said: "Those are also ghosts who died on this road. They are different. They are not clear-headed and are still trapped in their own deaths. Some repeat their own deaths. Some people just don’t know that they are dead. You are lucky and have a clear mind. Otherwise, you would be just like them.”

Zheng Motian shuddered.

"Now that you've woken up, you can find a substitute. Only after you find a substitute can you leave here." The female ghost said calmly.

"Ah?" Zheng Motian was stunned.

"I am just a scapegoat." The female ghost sneered, "I am the operator of the 110 alarm center here. I was also unlucky. I answered an alarm call and that idiot got lost here. I talked to him for a long time. I contacted the police station here to find someone. Who knew he died in the middle of the journey but he was still quite conscious, so he immediately arrested me as his scapegoat.”

The female ghost talked about her death with resentment.

According to her narration, she was on her way home when she got on the Guangyuan Highway unknowingly. She was driving a moped and walking at night, but she was distracted for a moment and took a nap. When she woke up, she found herself on this road. After driving for a while, she couldn't find the direction at all and couldn't make any calls. She was so frightened that she almost collapsed, but she immediately calmed down. She was a local and had heard about the incident on Guangyuan Highway. She tried hard to calm down, but was directly hit and killed by a vehicle rushing out of the woods on the roadside.

The car had its high-beam headlights on, and the lights were so dazzling that she couldn't see the person in the car at all. Her moped was hung on the front bumper of the car and was pushed for a long distance. Her foot was stuck between the two cars and was immediately twisted. After that, she fell to the ground and the moped was crushed. , she was hung on the chassis of the car and was dragged for hundreds of meters, and her entire face was wiped off.

After she fell off the chassis of the car, the vehicle stopped, rolled over her again, and then someone got out of the driver's seat.

She still remembers that voice, and why she died.

The female ghost raised her head and seemed to glance at Zheng Motian, "If you can attract a substitute, you will be free immediately and you won't be trapped here."

Zheng Motian's expression was unpredictable.

At this time, the female ghost opened the car door, got out of the car, and was about to leave.

"When did you die? Why haven't you found a substitute yet?" Zheng Motian shouted.

The female ghost did not stop, and the voice still came from the mobile phone: "I want to, but I have never met a living person."

She stepped out of the range of the high-beam lights and merged into the night.

Zheng Motian gritted his teeth and his thoughts were confused.

The female ghost doesn't understand, and Zheng Motian probably doesn't understand either. I already understand that not all ghosts can catch this kind of substitute.

I'm not sure whether scapegoats can really "take death", but I am sure that only if they are connected to the death of these ghosts can they use their Yin Qi to pull people over. Just like what Li Moqian did unconsciously, this was regarded as "the guidance of fate." For living people, this is a disaster.

Zheng Motian thought for a long time, and his ideas gradually became clear.

He probably didn't understand the "theory" I knew, but he analyzed it from the female ghost's narrative and found that this kind of substitute could only find relevant people. The only people he came into contact with before his death were people from that group of travel friends.

Zheng Motian did not hesitate, found his dropped mobile phone, plugged in the battery board again, and turned it on.

His determination made me frown.

Zheng Motian turned on his phone and didn't pay attention.

I saw the time displayed on my phone change. It is no longer January 29th, but February 3rd.

Several days have passed.

Something clicked in my mind.

Zheng Motian's mobile phone has signal again. He couldn't wait to open the group and send messages.

The messages in the group stopped at what he saw when he opened the group on the day of his death.

I frowned.

Zheng Motian's message was carefully written by him. He carefully considered the words and sentences, deleted them several times, and finally completed the draft. The content is very simple, just one sentence: "Damn insurance company, why don't they come to tow the truck!"

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