Aoba Office

Chapter 1223 In Progress (1)

Finding people and ghosts is time-consuming.

Some of the incidents that Aoba handled before had to end in failure because he could not find the target.

This time it seems that the goal is clear and it is not difficult to find people. All three of them had calm expressions. My mood is also very relaxed.

"Will it take a long time?" I asked.

I'm mainly worried that Huang Anxin, who died in school, will turn into a ghost and do bad things.

Wu Ling shook his head, "Maybe it won't take long."

She didn't give me an accurate number, and I knew that she couldn't give me a definite answer, so I could only suppress the matter.

At this time, the prompt icon on Nangong Yao's notebook flashed twice, and a screen popped up.

I saw the surveillance video, which was from Chu Lan’s ward.

I couldn't help but glance sideways at the three of them.

It can't be such a coincidence, right? Did Nangong Yao prepare some software in advance?

Guo Yujie exclaimed.

My attention moved to the video and I frowned.

Chu Lan was still tied to the bed. Luo Yonghua entered the ward as if he wanted to feed Chu Lan. The five female ghosts gathered around Chu Lan.

There was some noise in the video.

Nangong Yao reached out and turned up the volume.

"...It'll be fine soon. I'll go find Mao Xiaoli tonight. Sorry, I kept you waiting for a while. I was too busy working overtime yesterday." Luo Yonghua's voice was very gentle, but his expression was a little evil.

I was surprised.

Is this because Qingye people updated the equipment, or did they take other measures?

I looked at the three of them, and I didn't know if they were good at acting or if they were showing their true colors.

"Is this..." The thin man pointed at the screen.

My spirit suddenly became tense.

"Has Lin Qi told you?" Wu Ling asked calmly.

The thin man answered, and his tone was normal, with some subtle sadness and concern. The former may be for Chu Lan, and the latter should be for his ex-girlfriend.

very good.

The thin man was not suspicious at all.

"We are going to solve this matter today and are waiting for Luo Yonghua to enter the ward. All the prepared props are ready." Wu Ling stood up and took out a puppet from the backpack next to him.

The doll looked like a little doll bought in a store. It was a girl with three heads. Her blond curly hair was tied into two ponytails, and her eyes and mouth were covered with makeup. It seems a bit cheap. The matching clothes are shoddily made.

I have a feeling that is hard to put into words.

"That's it?" The thin man was surprised.

Wu Ling was very calm, "I'm in a hurry, so I can only buy one at the supermarket here."

The fat man said "Oh" and his eyes fell on the trash can.

There is an empty cardboard box in there. It is completely consistent with what Wu Ling said about buying a little doll in the hospital supermarket.

"This material is easy to color." Wu Ling explained, took off the cheap clothes, and took out a marker from his backpack.

It should be a black marker with golden words written on it.

Strangely, these golden characters turned into black after a while and were printed on the doll's back.

"What are you going to do?" Guo Yujie asked curiously.

"Transfer the power of the curse to this doll. When the time comes, it will be this doll that carries the curse, and they all will be liberated." Wu Ling said.

She held the doll, put its forehead against hers, closed her eyes and recited some spell silently.

Nangong Yao glanced at the screen and said, "He seems to be going out. I'll stop him."

"Do you want me to follow you?" Guo Yujie asked kindly. She also showed off her slender arms, "Don't worry, I'm very strong. If he insists on leaving, I can stop him."

Nangong Yao's eyes behind his glasses showed a smile.

The thin man muttered: "Isn't this dangerous? Are there five female ghosts in the house?"

"Didn't Lin Qi say that? They are related to that curse. To outsiders, they are just ordinary people." Guo Yujie said.

I think so.

Probably because of this, the feeling about the whole thing is very dull, and there is very little sympathy and concern.

Subconsciously I started analyzing myself and making excuses for myself.

I don't want to become that kind of insensitive person.

In the past, numbness and cold-bloodedness were just words to me. I don’t have a strong sense of wanting to be a warm-hearted and good person. Just abide by the law and follow your heart, that's all. But now, I hope my heart can be richer. This is not for "better myself", I just don't want to become a devil in the future. Keeping a human heart will be of great significance after my death.

Thinking about it this way, I found that I had accepted the established fact that I would die. Instead of dying of normal old age in a few decades, they will die unexpectedly and suddenly in the past few years.

I couldn't help but rub my forehead.

Gu Mo said: "Are you confused and about to enter a dream?"

I was startled and looked at Gu Mo.

Only after I looked at him did I remember. The final plan was for me to pretend to be in a dream, leave the thin man here, and watch what Wu Ling did. Wu Ling and the others would take the opportunity to find a reason to make the thin man believe that something was wrong with me in my dream. In his anxiety, Shouzi would even more intensely hope that Wu Ling's spell would come true.

The plan was hasty and crude, and its main purpose was to improvise. People in Aoba are very confident in their ability to adapt to situations. I believe that with the skinny guy’s temperament, he will definitely follow the script. Because he cares about me enough. I feel a little guilty about this.

But now, the first phase of the mission has been achieved. The thin man has stayed in the ward and will see the end of Wu Ling's practice. I hesitated whether to give him another stimulus.

I don't want to take advantage of the thin man's concern for me to plot against him.

The thin man looked at me worriedly, "Brother Qi, are you okay?"

He was worried not because I was going into a dream, but because of my expression.

The fat man also looked worried.

I'm pretty sure of this. We have been good brothers for many years and know ourselves and each other well in this regard. Of course, this kind of knowing oneself and the enemy is not something that was developed over time. It is because we really hit it off. We became familiar with each other in the blink of an eye when we met in college. We soon found that we were compatible with each other, and we quickly became able to talk about everything. There was never any unpleasantness. When things between us and Qingye got involved, the shared secrets and the common dangers we needed to face multiplied our friendship.

After seeing their expressions, I lowered my head slightly.

I can read their thoughts, and they can read mine.

I didn’t have the confidence to act in front of them.

The thin man shouted again, this time more worried.

"He may be feeling something. He may not be able to hear your voices now, and what he sees and hears becomes like a dream." Gu Mo's voice penetrated my ears.

I felt my body being supported.

The thin and fat people are all on my left, and the one who will support me from the right... In that direction, it can only be Gumo.

His voice and tone are very natural, without any acting elements.

"Miss Guo and I went there," Nangong Yao said.

Guo Yujie was in a panic and seemed to ask about my situation.

The thin man's voice drowned out the sound of her and Nangong Yao's retreating footsteps, "Isn't that okay? That curse isn't dangerous to other people, is it?"

"If that curse doesn't know that someone wants to stop it..." Gu Mo said easily and casually.

"You——" The thin man was furious.

Knock knock.

There was a knock on the door.

The room was quiet for a while, except for the sound of Wu Ling chanting a mantra.

"Who?" Gu Mo asked.

"You seem to be looking for me." A male voice replied.

I felt cold sweat break out on my head.

This voice is from October!

"You seem to need help." October said again outside the door.

I lowered my head and looked up at the door.

A figure passed through the door and entered the room.

The thin man took a breath and faintly uttered one syllable: "Ghost..."

I was shocked.

"Oh. You have to use 'inhumans' to solve that curse. Is this...Miss Wu Ling from the Wu family?" October said.

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