Aoba Office

Chapter 1224 In Progress (2)

I tried hard to control the expression on my face so as not to reveal too many flaws. Although no one should be able to see my face clearly at this time. Slightly long broken hair hangs down on the side of the forehead, and Gu Mo is blocking her side. Everyone else's attention should be on October at the moment, and no one will pay attention to my situation. Even in October, he probably didn't look over and realize that I was the strange soul he met.

My mind has begun to work at a rapid speed.

I got to know Wu Ling in October, and I also recognized Wu Ling in October.

This was really beyond my expectation.

When I called Wu Ling before, Wu Ling never mentioned October. I was worried about my sister's comfort and worried about Huang Anxin's affairs, so I didn't ask them carefully about the situation here. Now, I don't even know what happened.

Wu Ling's chanting of curses did not stop.

Gu Mo asked: "Who are you?"

Doesn't he recognize October? Or are you pretending to be stupid?

damn it. There are so many questions in my mind.

October replied: "You can call me October. My identity..." He paused for a moment, "I don't know either. I have forgotten what happened during my lifetime. However, I saw you. You were here in the morning. Hospital. I originally thought you were here just because of Chu Lan, but now it seems that you are here because of me. If I know her, she should also know me. And me?"

"You forgot what happened during your lifetime, but you remember her?" Chen Xiaoqiu took over the topic.

After a moment or two of silence, October replied: "I don't know. I recognized what she was doing when I felt it and saw her. However, I still can't remember other things."

The voice sounded calm, not like he was lying.

"Then you should know what she wants to do." Gu Mo said lightly.

October was silent again, and after a while, he said: "Yes. She wants to use me as the carrier of 'inhumans'. She is very bold and confident. Then, you should also have a plan to confirm that you can convince me Agree to be that carrier.”

I was surprised again.

I was completely unaware of what October said.

According to the results of the discussion between Aoba and I, October was not included. Instead, we wanted to exclude it.

"There is such a plan. If you want to know what happened during your lifetime, we can help you check it out. As you said, you can recognize Wu Ling, and Wu Ling probably knows you too," Gu Mo said.

"After you found out that I was hiding from you, you confirmed this?" October asked curiously.

"Yes. Wu Ling said that those who had such strength and consciousness and were cremated here in Minqing could only be a very few people in the circle. She couldn't make a final judgment just because she hadn't seen it before. Your appearance." Gu Mo replied.

At this point in the conversation between the two, everything has been explained clearly.

I didn't expect Wu Ling to be so bold and so confident. If it wasn't true, as she said, that she could recognize only a limited number of people who met the conditions, then Gu Mo's acting skills were too superb, and they were really bold and ready to deceive October.

I expect the result to be the former.

My heart was in my throat.

October thought for a long time and finally answered: "Okay. I promise you."

As he finished speaking, I noticed that the atmosphere in the room had changed. The tone of Wu Ling's chanting also changed.

Chen Xiaoqiu interrupted at the right time and asked: "What exactly is this spell?"

Wu Ling briefly explained it before, but her original explanation and actions did not include October.

Gu Mo, who was rarely considerate, introduced the principle of the spell, "...Next, he will bear the curse. With his strength, he will not be killed so easily, and he should be able to last for a long time."

Wu Ling's spell seemed to have come to an end, and the tone changed again.

I also slowly turned my head and looked at Wu Ling.

The puppet in Wu Ling's hand has changed. It is no longer the simple plastic doll, but has become a bare puppet. The sadness of the puppet, the black engraving is very clear, but it has a little more content than the previous doll. I can only tell this, what the original characters and the extra characters mean, I have no idea.

Above the doll, hanging a little in the air, there is a small translucent figure floating.

The little man has an appearance similar to October, but more like a dummy than October. It's not a dummy like a cartoon villain, but similar to a puppet, a little bare, with only the outline of a human figure.

Wu Ling uttered the last syllable of the spell, blood seeping from the corners of his lips and the hand holding the puppet.

The doll exploded with a bang.

The hanging little man also expanded rapidly and turned back into a complete October. But on him, there are characters behind him that appear and disappear, and finally disappear into the void.

"Let's go." Wu Ling wiped the blood from the corners of his lips.

October has his back turned to me. I couldn't see his expression, but I saw him raising his hands and moving, as if to confirm his condition.

"Have you come out of the dream?" Gu Mo suddenly looked down at me.

I was excited and raised my head to meet Gu Mo's eyes.


"Failed?" Gu Mo asked again after having some time to rest.

I reacted and lowered my eyes slightly, "Yeah. Failed again. That curse..."

"Leave it to Ling now." Gu Mo said, "Don't worry so much. I've already guessed that you won't be of use."

Although it was an agreed upon acting, I think Gu Mo was sincere. I couldn't help but feel depressed.

"That spell sounds very powerful." The thin man muttered at this time.

I didn't see the whole process of the spell, they should have.

The thin man's words made me feel relieved.

I know that the thin man believed in that spell.

"You guys just wait here." Wu Ling said to us.

She walked to the door, followed by October.

There was no expression on October's face, it was dull.

I was secretly surprised and glanced at Gu Mo.

Gu Mo's face was expressionless and he didn't look at me, but he said to me: "Before the spell is completed, he is just a tool. After the spell is completed, he is just a personal container."

This sounds very cruel.

"Then he can't be reincarnated?" I asked hesitantly.

The wish for October should be to find the lost memories and then be reincarnated with peace of mind.

Gu Mo looked at me at this time, very surprised, "Do you think he would want to be reincarnated?"

I was startled.

"People like them don't want to reincarnate. They are different from people like us." Gu Mo turned his head and looked at the monitoring screen on his laptop.

Guo Yujie and Nangong Yao stood in the ward, leaning against the door, looking at Luo Yonghua.

Luo Yonghua's mood was very unstable.

The sound of the laptop was turned off at some point.

Gu Mo turned the sound back on.

"...Who are you?" Luo Yonghua asked excitedly.

Nangong Yao pushed up his glasses, "We haven't met before. However, you have met my friend. We are sorry that we did not stop the female ghost from killing your father."

Luo Yonghua's face flushed with excitement, " know these? Are you studying this?"

He was indifferent to Nangong Yao's mention of his father, and his attention was entirely on other things.

Nangong Yao sighed, "It seems it's too late. That incident was too irritating to you."

"No, it's not stimulation! It's sublimation! I was awakened by the inspiration! That kind of power, pure power!" Luo Yonghua waved his arms.

The ward door was knocked rhythmically at this time.

Nangong Yao opened the door with his backhand.

Luo Yonghua looked at the door in confusion.

Wu Ling took October into the ward.

Luo Yonghua's eyes widened and he pointed at Wu Ling, "You are... you are the one that day..."

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