Aoba Office

Chapter 1222 Interlude (5)

I was confused.

It's like a celebrity street photo posted by paparazzi. I'll never understand how other people associate a guy wearing a hat, mask, and sometimes big sunglasses with certain celebrities. I couldn't recognize the person dressed like that at all.

The thin man and the fat man are obviously my kind, and I don’t think the two photos are of the same person.

But the floor leader who first broke the news swore that Huang Anxin was so generous, how he didn't have time to do his homework, how he didn't want to go out with other classmates on weekends and summer vacations, and what kind of hickeys and fingerprints were discovered. Even more suspicious.

"Not alone." Guo Yujie suddenly slapped the table.

Xue Jingyue also shook her head, "It doesn't look like a person."

Chen Xiaoqiu asked: "Is this post a rumor?"

The three women have reached a consensus.

I looked at Nangong Yao in surprise.

Nangong Yao clicked the mouse again and switched to the homepage information of a social networking site.

"The content of that post was sorted out by an emotional public account. This account often posts this kind of information. There are also private messages written by netizens and gossip about celebrities' private lives." He clicked on another web page, the content of which was what he just said Talk about organizing long pictures.

I suddenly got chills all over.

"Based on some of the content I just researched, I can confirm that there is a team behind this account. They have their own vest accounts on major websites and fabricate content to share. Then, this public account will publish a long summary picture. This account In addition to zombie fans, there are also netizens who are interested in the fake news. The number of reposts, comments, and likes exceeds 100,000. In terms of profit, this organization should make money by selling advertisements. In a piece of gossip about marital infidelity, the parties involved sued for divorce and demanded huge amounts of mental compensation. The reason was the negative impact on the Internet after the other party's infidelity was exposed." Nangong Yao pushed up his glasses.

"Is this... blackmail?" Guo Yujie asked in surprise.

"Just ask the trolls to stir up public opinion." The thin man said, shaking his head, "I have come across this type of trolls before. They... charge money to do things. Those who pay them are not celebrities or entertainment companies, but ordinary people. People. Many people now take this aspect into consideration in divorce cases. To be honest, in terms of the technical content of the hype, these trolls are very good at making up stories.”

"What about Huang Anxin..." Xue Jingyue asked uneasily.

"It will take time to investigate the specific situation. But looking at some of the things that have been found so far, it is likely that she was wronged. She just posted a selfie on the Internet and was praised by others, and then..." Nangong Yao did not continue. Go on.

I now felt the sympathy of Huang Anxin.

I discovered that I can still have the sympathy of a normal person without being involved in supernatural events.

Wu Ling suddenly said: "There is one more thing. I just asked Nangong to check that the culprit of Li Moqian's incident that year was Xie Yang, who was a navy soldier. We sent him to prison in 2014 and in 2018 After he was released from prison, he went to work for the media company to which this official account belonged. "

I slowly opened my mouth.

"Li Moqian's kidnapping case was tracked by this public account and other public accounts of this company. Judging from their reports at the time, the group that blackmailed Li Moqian focused on Li Moqian. He was kidnapped for his own reasons. It is speculated that the kidnapper was Li Moqian's black fan, and Li Moqian was retaliated against. Someone in Li Moqian's agency may have been involved in the campaign," Wu Ling said. , "In addition, there is another doubt. When the kidnapping case became a hot topic, the official social homepage of Tianxia Weekly once released a notice, claiming that they had obtained the information from special channels and had key information about the kidnapping case. Later, Tianxia Weekly The content published by the weekly was indifferent, and the readers of Tianxia Weekly also hurt some of their energy.”

"What do you want to say?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked.

Wu Ling was very calm, "All things can be connected in series. The world is not that small. Such a 'coincidence' can only prove one thing. Li Moqian has become a ghost."

"But I didn't..."

Wu Ling raised her hand and interrupted me, "You didn't see her. We didn't find any trace of her. Although time is limited, Nangong has found enough things. This shows that although Li Moqian has changed She became a ghost but couldn't move. From 18 to 23, she persisted for five years. Then, there were two possibilities. One was that she couldn't hold on anymore and she wanted to do something. Huang Anxin did that. Her fingernails and being recognized by her junior high school classmates are a precursor to her actions——"

What Wu Ling said coincides with my guess.

"——Second, she is not planning to do anything, but God wants to do something. It's like a repeat of what happened when you met You Qiqi in the hospital that day. It's going to close the net." Wu Ling added.

I hesitated.

Wu Ling's judgment showed that she and Ye Qing had different opinions. Ye Qing believes that God has no humanity, so God should not do such things again.

I glanced at Wu Ling, and from Wu Ling's expression, I couldn't see anything unnecessary. She was just stating her opinion.

Wu Ling looked back at me and asked me what my opinion was.

I didn't hide anything and told Ye Qing what he was thinking.

Wu Ling frowned and muttered: "Have you lost your humanity..." After a long time, she shook her head, "This idea is not impossible..."

"If it loses its humanity, it can't set up a trap alone, is that what you mean?" Gu Mo asked.

I nodded.

"In this case, there are three possibilities." Gu Mo raised three fingers, "The rules have changed. The ghost's power has been strengthened. Even if Li Moqian is trapped somewhere, she does not take action herself. Her thoughts will Something happened and some people were affected by her.”

I was speechless.

If this is the case, the power of ghosts is really boundless.

Wu Ling breathed out, "This will be bad news."

"Yes, very bad news." Gu Mo shrugged.

"But isn't this revenge? What is Mo Mo really going to do..." Guo Yujie hesitated.

"This is not revenge. This should be a cry for help." Chen Xiaoqiu said surprisingly, "If she does not do anything consciously, but affects the outside world because of her subconscious mind, she cannot be completely rational. She is giving people clues, hoping that someone will find her. situation, and..."

"Find her. Save her," I murmured.

"That's right. And the person who knows her location may be Xie Yang or a reporter from Tianxia Weekly. As long as you find them, it shouldn't be difficult to find out something." Wu Ling concluded with certainty.

Update 1.

Good night everyone~

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