Aoba Office

Chapter 1217 The Night Before

October talked about this topic easily, as if he wasn't that concerned about his amnesia. But he immediately changed the topic and asked me: "So, are you willing to be an important role in this movie and help me regain my memory? Well, this movie should be a two-male protagonist movie. Two strangers My souls worked together by chance, and after going through various difficulties and obstacles, I regained my memory, and you..."

He glanced at the ward, probably wanting to talk about Li Shuangbai. He probably also thinks that I am Li Shuangbai's guardian spirit, and the purpose of my coming here is also to help Li Shuangbai.

I didn't answer, waiting for him to continue.

To my surprise, October didn't mention Li Shuangbai, but looked at me thoughtfully and smiled, "Although I don't know your purpose very well, I can help you if you need it."

I suddenly understood that he had noticed that I didn't care about Li Shuangbai that much anymore.

But this didn't affect anything.

I shook my head and said, "I can't do it."

If the possessed object in my dream is October, I might be able to help him regain his memory. This is not difficult. But I can’t dream, I just can’t dream. Just by looking at the surveillance camera, I can instantly possess Li Shuangbai. I have met October before, but I have not dreamed about him at all in the past few days. I don’t know the inner workings of dreams, but I understand that this situation means that it is difficult for me to possess October.

I suspect that this has something to do with seeing me in October.

October stared at me for a long time, sighed, and seemed to believe what I said.

"Okay. Then if one day you know what happened to me during my lifetime, I hope you can find a chance to tell me." October gave up, looking ready to leave.

I was ready to watch his figure disappear, but suddenly I felt something was wrong.

I saw October's surprised expression, and in a blink of an eye, the ward turned into the living room of the hotel suite.

I saw the chandelier on the ceiling, turned my head, and saw Wu Ling sitting next to me.

Wu Ling was reading a book with a calm and serene expression. But the room was very noisy. Gu Mo was sitting on the other side of the sofa playing games passionately, pressing the game controller to produce a drumming effect, and mumbling something. The room was filled with the sound effects of the game. These sounds were mixed with the sound of keyboard tapping. Nangong Yao was sitting at the table, using his notebook. His body blocked the screen and I couldn't see what he was doing.

Wu Ling looked away from the book, "Are you awake?"

Questions, with an affirmative tone added.

I said "hmm".

"Which one of them did you dream about?" Wu Ling's voice cut through the noisy game sounds.

I answered this question, and took the initiative to tell the content of the dream, and also mentioned October.

"October..." Wu Ling muttered again.

"He got this name by himself." I explained. "When he turns into a ghost, he forgets what happened in his life. No ghost knows who he is."

"Since it appeared in the funeral parlor, if he was cremated there, he would be buried in the cemetery next to it, right?" Nangong Yao turned around and said, "There is only one crematorium in Minqing."

I know nothing about the situation in the Min Keng Crematorium industry. But the few times I attended memorial services, they were always at that funeral home. But when it comes to cemeteries, there is more than one public cemetery in Minqing.

"It was cremated over there. It's possible that he was buried somewhere else." Gu Mo interjected, because the game character happened to be headshot at this time. He said "ah", put down the game controller, and looked at me, "Want to He was a Taoist priest and an exorcist, and he might not even have a tomb."

"The ashes of Taoist priests should be sealed?" I don't quite understand.

"They have all turned into ghosts. Something must have happened during his lifetime, and there is something wrong with the cause of death. The person who cremated him was either his companion or his enemy, and his ashes will be handled later." Gu Mo got up and went to the small refrigerator to get a drink .

I looked at Wu Ling.

Gu Mo's reasoning makes sense, but I'm used to feeling that this uncle is unreliable, and Wu Ling is more reliable.

Wu Ling was thoughtful, thought for a while, and shook his head, "There are too few clues, so it is difficult to deduce his identity. However, if we can meet him, we might know."

October did not show much hostility, with a mild attitude and seeking cooperation.

But the existence of such a ghost still casts a shadow over what we have to do next.

"Talk to him in advance." Wu Ling made the decision, "You don't have to worry about this matter. Just prepare a plan for tomorrow. We will wait for your news tomorrow."

I don't want to involve my sister and parents in this matter. Even if it were possible that, in the near future, the world would become known to the world as full of dangerous paranormal things, I would expect that date to be pushed back as much as possible until those of us are more prepared and come up with appropriate response plans. that day. Of course, for me, the best I can do to prepare is to be as strong as possible.

I clenched my fist and my knuckles hit something hard in my pants pocket.

Seriously, I have no idea how to be strong. Use your abilities as much as possible to get yourself used to your abilities?

"What's wrong?" Wu Ling asked.

I shook my head, "I'll make arrangements for my family tomorrow and I'll send you a message."

I stood up and prepared to say goodbye, but when I thought of the question just now, I stopped.

"What do you want to say? Gritty." Gu Mo asked.

I didn't hesitate any longer and asked the question.

Gu Mo and Nangong Yao looked a little surprised. Wu Ling was calm.

"Everyone has different abilities, but the methods for improvement are actually the same. As long as you keep using it, your abilities will become more and more convenient, and you will also find more changes in your abilities. There are no shortcuts or systematic methods in this matter. Training methods. Speaking of which..." Wu Ling only hesitated for a second before continuing, "There is an idea that a person's obsession is also related to the strength of his ability, but there is no way to train it. It’s random. You should have felt it too.”

I thought about my dream experience over the past year, and I somewhat understood Wu Ling's statement, but I couldn't fully understand it.

Sometimes, I have a strong desire to save people, but I am unable to touch the person I want to save. But sometimes, as Wu Ling said, obsession and ability are closely related. A good example is when I tried to save my sister in the movie city. I experienced three dreams in a short period of time, with three different objects, all related parties to that incident. Although the outcome of the matter was terrible, at that time, I did use my abilities smoothly and smoothly, and changed some history.

"So, just let it go." Gu Mo repeated the word and started the game again.

Amidst the fierce sound effects of the game, Wu Ling and I said goodbye.

This evening, I contacted Chen Xiaoqiu and told Qingye and the others about their plan. Chen Xiaoqiu expressed his agreement and will cooperate with me tomorrow. What Slimzi and I were talking about was just borrowing a car to take my sister to school.

After confirming the itinerary, I went to see my sister.

My sister was watching the video. When she saw me coming in, she asked strangely: "Is this something?"

"Just to see if you have packed your things." I walked over and rubbed my sister's head.

"Put it away. Don't touch it. I just washed my hair." My sister said angrily. She raised her eyes to look at my face and said with a smile, "Brother, are you reluctant to let me go?"

"Yeah. I can't bear to have someone in my family who is bullied by me." I joked.

My sister pouted and pushed my arm, "Okay, it's just so close to Minqing University, and it's not like I'm going out of town. I'll be back every weekend. Come on, come on, don't disturb me watching movies."

"You are so heartless." I rubbed my sister's head again.

"It's because you are old, brother. You are already sad about things like this." My sister grabbed my hand and said, "Come on, hurry up, I'm seeing you getting nervous."

Before I was kicked out by my sister, I glanced at her laptop screen.

What she watched was a foreign movie, and I still had some impressions of the characters, scenes, and lines. It was a movie about kidnappers and rescue. Last year, it was a masterpiece with high box office and high reputation around the world. It was a strong contender for various film awards. It was heavily promoted. I knew the content even though I had not seen the movie.

I stood outside my sister's room door. I don't know why, but I suddenly felt uneasy about what would happen tomorrow.

It seemed like something was coming out, but I couldn't figure it out.

There is something that I have forgotten.

I thought about it all night and didn't remember it.

The appointed time for the next day has arrived.

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