Aoba Office

Chapter 1216 Lost Memory

I was caught off guard by this, and I couldn't control my expression for a moment, and a look of surprise appeared on my face.

That October smiled, "Don't be nervous, I don't mean any harm."

His tone and attitude were indeed harmless, but I was still alert.

I am rarely seen by people or ghosts in dreams, and when I am seen, most of the time it is when things will get bad. Besides, he didn't see me when he possessed Wang Mingli last time. Either the situation has changed, or his acting skills are amazing, and he fooled me last time.

My alert expression made October take the initiative to stretch out his hands and make a gesture of surrender. But this didn't make me relax.

Even if a ghost raises his empty hands, it doesn't mean that he is not a threat.

October didn't explain anything else, just kept this action and said to me: "You are strange. There was no you in my memory. Can you travel through time?"

I didn't answer, just stared at October in silence.

"Can you take others to travel through time together?" October asked again.

I frowned, wondering what tricks he was playing.

October said helplessly, "I have no ill intentions, nor do I want to do anything to you." His eyes moved and fell behind me, "Are you the guardian spirit of that woman?"

Of course not.

But this sentence has shown that October can see that I followed Li Shuangbai here.

October looked at the ward for a while, "They are pitiful. No one can save them. You should have felt it, so you didn't do anything." He looked at me again, "The world is changing. Many things have changed. Originally, some things we could do, now we can't do them."

He sighed faintly.

His words seemed to be trying to get close to me, and also seemed to be talking to himself.

"I forgot the past, and what happened in my life. I stayed in the funeral home before, like some kind of earthbound spirit. I also saw many ghosts, and ordinary souls waiting to be reincarnated. I have no intersection with the former, they are all busy doing their own things. The latter, I will chat with them. If I meet a passionate one, I can talk more. I have helped some souls, watched them reincarnate, or helped them do something they can't do. The kind of dream for the family." October smiled and said, "It's not out of kindness, but because I'm bored. Whether it's ghosts or those souls, they have memories and things to do, but I don't. At the funeral home, some souls stayed longer than me and saw me appear. But they don't know who I am and what I have experienced. They didn't see which body I appeared from." I listened quietly to October's words. "I've been there for years. When I saw that woman, I thought it was interesting, so I joined in and followed to watch the fun. But..." The smile on his face slowly faded, "The direction of this matter is not interesting. Things are developing in the worst direction."

I raised my eyebrows, not knowing what he was going to do.

Is he asking me to help find his past, or to help the people and ghosts in the ward.

October's expression has become serious, "I think this may be the last chance. This is just an intuition. But I believe that if this world continues to develop and the situation continues to deteriorate, I will never have a chance to regain my memory. Coincidentally, I met you."

This turn is something I expected, and I didn't react.

"Can you take other souls through time?" October asked again, "Back to the funeral home a few years ago. I want to know who I am. Only then can I reincarnate."

"No." I answered decisively.

I didn't say anything else.

October stared at me for a while, "You are lying."

I frowned.

I can't control my ability well, let alone take other souls.

It is possible that Ye Qing could have hitchhiked. But that was entirely Ye Qing's own power. I didn't do anything.

This is the truth.

I thought October was cheating me, so I didn't move at all and just stared at him.

We were silent for a while.

Inside the ward, the doctors and nurses had finished treating Chu Lan and were about to leave the ward.

I heard footsteps behind me, but I didn't dare to look back, letting those people pass through my soul and leave the ward.

October suddenly sighed, "That's a pity. In that case, excuse me..."

He stopped talking as soon as he said it, and turned to look at the corridor.

I glanced in the direction he was looking. In fact, I didn't need to look to know that the ominous aura that was exactly the same as the one in the ward behind me could only belong to Luo Yonghua.

Luo Yonghua no longer had that ghost aura.

I don't know if the ghost aura appears and disappears from time to time, or if my ability is limited and I can't see this ghost aura at any time like Wu Ling and the others.

Luo Yonghua was calm, and only showed a slight worry when he walked into the ward. I made way, not wanting to be pierced by Luo Yonghua. I took the opportunity to glance at Luo Yonghua's eyes. He was looking at Chu Lan, and his eyes did not move at all, which meant that he did not look at the five female ghosts.

I don't know if it was because Luo Yonghua did not have the Yin-Yang Eyes, or because the curse was very strange. When killing Li Shuangbai, Luo Yonghua was fearless. He should have known the existence of those female ghosts.

October's voice came into my ears.

"This person..."

The words just started, and then stopped abruptly.

October had a thoughtful expression on his face, and finally shook his head, "What a pity."

"What did you find?" I asked.

October seems to know more about this whole thing than Wu Ling. But if I guessed correctly, he didn't keep a close eye on these two people and five ghosts. He just came over occasionally to hang out and watch the excitement.

October said calmly: "I don't know the specific situation. However, the curse itself should have a certain degree of randomness, and the decisive factor is this man and woman. Unfortunately, this man is not normal. What I am talking about is that as a human being, It's not normal. His temperament has caused some changes in the curse. This curse related to love has become sick and twisted because of this man."

"Do you know things like spells and curses?" I thought.

October looked at me with a smile, "I don't remember."

I remembered that October had forgotten what happened during his lifetime. This topic has been mentioned before, and it was also mentioned when October and Wang Mingli met for the first time. But I have some doubts about this.

"You should know something," I said.

Even if I don’t remember anything, I have common sense, knowledge, and character, and I have been staying at the funeral home for many years. It is impossible that I will not have any thoughts in October.

October tilted his head and thought for a while, "Okay. I know some things. It's just a guess. I may know something about this as you said. Maybe I was a Taoist priest, Feng Shui master, fortune teller, or a psychic, Exorcist, wizard." October laughed, "This routine is a bit like a movie plot."

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