Aoba Office

Chapter 1218 Interlude (1)

After breakfast, our family waited for Fatty and others to come over.

Only then did my sister show a bit of uneasiness. This uneasiness mainly stems from worries about the unknown future.

I saw that the forum my sister was browsing was the internal forum of Minkyung University. However, she can only read some content from the public version now, nothing interesting.

After a while, my sister started browsing social networking sites again, looking for content related to Minkyung University.

The fried chicken restaurant issue is at the forefront, but the topic has long since gone cold.

As a well-known university in the country, Minkyung University is still very well-known, but it is not comparable to the top two universities, and its popularity is naturally limited. Some gossips and revelations have nothing to do with Minkyung University.

My sister put down the phone and asked me anxiously what I would do after meeting my roommate.

I burst out laughing.

"Brother!" My sister stared at me, her face turned red.

"It depends on luck. If you find someone you are easy to get along with, get along well with. If you find someone difficult to get along with, it doesn't matter. Some people don't stay in the dormitory for long." I comforted.

It really depends on luck.

Compared with my sister's worry about meeting the best roommate, I'm more worried about her meeting the kind of roommate who likes supernatural and divination.

I glanced at my parents who were watching TV in the room and reminded my sister again not to touch that kind of thing.

My sister rolled her eyes, "I don't like those. And..."

She may have thought of her deceased classmates, and her expression became sad.

I originally wanted to touch my sister's head and see how she styled her hair, but the position of my hand was changed to her shoulder. After taking two shots, I said, "Okay. Just know what you're doing. If others force you to do it, just don't participate."

My sister rolled her eyes at me again, "Who believes this now? You can't play games or watch videos. What kind of psychic games are you playing?"

This is a true statement. But you can't help but some people just like to be unique.

My sister was still anxious about meeting a great roommate and was not satisfied with me changing the topic. Maybe she really doesn't want to talk about this and is afraid to talk about it.

I sighed inwardly.

The phone rang at this time. It was Fatty and Thin Guy and the others.

I called my parents and took the initiative to carry my sister's two luggage downstairs. My sister also carried her small bag.

When I got downstairs, I saw two cars owned by Fatty and Chen Xiaoqiu. Xue Jingyue was also in Fatty's car, which surprised me a little.

The fat man and thin man in my car looked at each other and realized something was wrong.

They got out of the car one after another and greeted our family. My parents thanked them and exchanged pleasantries. My sister obediently called someone, thanked her, and stopped talking. The anxious face she showed me has now gone away.

The fat man and the thin man and I walked to the back of the car and put our luggage away.

I asked the two of them in a low voice: "What's going on?"

"Yueyue called me yesterday and said she saw something." Fatty replied.

My heart skipped a beat, "What did she see?"

The fat man gestured with his fingers, "Fingernails."


I couldn't understand what this meant. Looking at the thin man again, he shook his head. We both looked at the fat man, and he spread his hands and shrugged.

"She doesn't know, she just feels something is wrong." Fatty said, "She can't explain clearly."

This is really troublesome.

I thought this was going to go smoothly, but now it seems there are going to be twists and turns. I just hope this twists and turns don’t involve my family. After all, the three of them are just ordinary people.

The three of us had a brief exchange and then got into the car.

The car driven by Chen Xiaoqiu carried our family of four. The fat man and the thin man were in the same car as Guo Yujie and Xue Jingyue.

On the way, my mother couldn't help but strike up a conversation with Chen Xiaoqiu, fully demonstrating the characteristics of a retired old aunt. Although Chen Xiaoqiu has a cold personality, he has always been very polite. So, the two of them were asking and answering questions along the way.

I was thinking about Xue Jingyue when I heard my phone ringing. When I opened it, I realized it was a message from my sister.

"Mom is checking out my future sister-in-law. [Laughing] [Laughing]"

I replied with a [beating] expression, "We are friends."

I don't have that kind of charming thoughts towards Chen Xiaoqiu. In fact, all I can think about right now are supernatural issues, changes in the world, and key issues of life and death.

The five of us, including Aoba's people, don't seem to be in love. Even the fat man who is in love with Xue Jingyue doesn't have the habit of spreading dog food. The relationship between the two people has already entered the state of an old married couple in advance, and they are very much like two good partners. According to Fatty, this transformation was completed inadvertently. Looking back, the point of change was when reality continued to show a deteriorating trend.

I sometimes think of the emotional stories in apocalyptic disaster movies, but we have nothing similar to those stories. There’s no drawbridge effect, no bursts of passion out of desperation.

If you want to analyze it, despair accounts for more than 99%, leaving people with no time to think about anything else. All they can think about is how to survive.

The car drove near Minkyung University and encountered a traffic jam. All I saw along the way were vehicles taking children to school. This scene is similar to the situation near the examination room and school.

It took a long time for our two vehicles to have a chance to enter the campus, but the vehicles could not stay for long.

Fatty and Chen Xiaoqiu let us down and wanted to find another place to park. Xue Jingyue stayed in Fatty's car. The rest followed their sister.

The thin man and I shared my sister's luggage. My mother and Guo Yujie were on one side, holding my sister's hand. The three of us chatted and laughed while queuing up at the registration area. My dad was with us, as if he were middle-aged and retired, and began to care about the personal problems of the thin man. The thin man replied cheerfully.

After waiting for a long time, Fatty, Xue Jingyue and Chen Xiaoqiu all parked their cars and came over. My sister had not completed the registration procedures yet.

"Why is it so slow?" The fat man was surprised.

"Maybe it's because there are so many people. The timing is not coincidental," I said.

We talked about our experiences on the first day of college, and the content was almost the same. I was in the same class with fat people and thin people. It was a small college, small class, small number of people, and registration and other things were very fast. Xue Jingyue studied in the very mainstream Department of Economics, and it took a lot of time to queue up to register. Chen Xiaoqiu also majored in economics, but he and Xue Jingyue talked about it together.

After waiting for a while, Guo Yujie squeezed out of the crowd along with my mother and my sister. In this regard, she has an innate advantage, whether it is gender or strength, it is very easy to use.

Freshmen passing by could not help but glance at Guo Yujie. She is good-looking, has a good figure, and bravely separates the crowd. As if entering a deserted place, Guo Yujie's performance is too eye-catching.

"Okay. Let's go to the dormitory." Guo Yujie announced.

All the way to the dormitory, our group was still very eye-catching. Other students come with their whole families to report, or else they act very freely and freely as small families or individuals. It's better for us here, most of them are young people of about the same age.

The girls' dormitory is now bustling with people, men, women and children are coming in and out, but there is no sign of the girls' dormitory at all.

My sister received the key from the dormitory manager, and she felt a little nervous when she found out that someone was already in her dormitory.

Guo Yujie comforted her: "It's okay, we must be easy to get along with. It doesn't matter if it doesn't work. Join a club and communicate more with the class. You can always find someone to be company with."

Probably the scariest thing about living in a collective is being alone. I have never experienced that feeling of rejection. However, you can imagine it a little bit.

Guo Yujie and the other three have a better say in this matter. These three people seem to be very independent. Needless to say, Guo Yujie was a strange flower when she was in college. As for the situation of the other two people, I am just guessing and I can make a rough guess. Whether it is Chen Xiaoqiu's rigorous and rigid character or Xue Jingyue's troublesome ability, it should not be easy for them to live together.

I stepped on the stairs and followed my sister and Guo Yujie. The luggage in my hands gradually started to feel heavy.

"Where's the seventh floor? Do you want to change hands?" Guo Yujie turned around and asked at this time.

The thin man and I said in unison: "No need."

Guo Yujie turned her head with a smile and whispered to her sister.

I was sweating a little.

Carrying a heavy suitcase, the number "seven" is really a distant and torturous symbol.

Finally, when I reached the seventh floor, I put my suitcase on the floor and took a big breath. The thin man politely put the big bag he was carrying on the suitcase and let me drag it away.

The wheels of the suitcase made a grunting sound on the ground.

Except for Guo Yujie and Chen Xiaoqiu, all of us couldn't help but gasp.

I looked at my parents. Fatty and Xue Jingyue helped me. They were both in good health. They were just panting, but everything else was fine.

Guo Yujie held her sister's hand and also helped her.

"You're going to have a hard time in the next four years." The thin man teased his sister.

My sister sighed.

My breathing gradually calmed down, and listening to the noisy sounds in the dormitory, I actually felt a little nostalgic for my college days.

This nostalgia was quickly broken by a scream.

Outside the dormitory building, many people were noisy and shouting.

One of the voices came clearly to my ears.

"Someone jumped off the building!!!"

My body froze. The thin man and the others also froze.

My sister turned pale and her parents were a little panicked.

There was a commotion on this floor, and in the dormitory room on the left, someone repeated the word "jump off the building."

Chen Xiaoqiu glanced at me and took the lead in walking to the dormitory next to me. I handed my luggage to the thin man, asked them to wait where they were, and then entered the dormitory.

This kind of watching the fun was not stopped by the owner of the room. They also gathered on the balcony to look down, and they were very considerate and made room for other people who wanted to watch the fun.

I looked over and saw people gathered in a circle downstairs, and I also saw the bodies in the circle. It's not very clear from a distance of seven stories high. I immediately raised my head and looked at the dormitory building opposite.

As soon as I glanced at them, I noticed that on the balcony of the seventh floor diagonally opposite, a girl and a person who looked like her mother were almost slumped on the ground. Another man was anxiously asking something, but he lowered his voice so that I couldn't hear them clearly.

Looking around, among the crowd of people watching the excitement, only their behavior stood out the most.

"I didn't see anything." Chen Xiaoqiu leaned into my ear and whispered softly.

I shook my head as well, feeling a little relaxed.

There was no yin energy and no ghosts were seen. It should be... just an accident, right?

I thought with a frown, still feeling uneasy.

Sorry for the late update.

But this chapter has too many words~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

The third update is over today, good night everyone~

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