Aoba Office

Chapter 1200 Earth-bound Spirit

My heart beat wildly. This was an instinctive reaction. I had no particularly clear emotions at the moment.

Lei Yinyin continued to change, and what came out of her soul was a kind of evil energy full of malice, which was completely different from her previous hazy state.

My heart beat faster because of this, as if watching a blockbuster movie, waiting for the protagonist to fall from the sky and kill the villain.

"What are you doing!!"

A shrill female voice broke the current atmosphere.

Lei Yinyin's changes also stagnated.

Several children were startled and froze in place, not daring to move.

A slightly rich woman hurried over, her face was pale, and the bloated fat on her body was trembling. She didn't know whether it was because of fear or because she had run a few steps before.

"You..." The woman's eyebrows almost rose. She grabbed a child in front of her and slapped the child on the face.

"Wow -" the child cried loudly.

"Shut up!" the woman yelled, then looked at the other children, "You all come here! Stand still!"

She was furious, and after asking the child to stand aside, she cautiously walked towards Lei Yinyin.

Lei Yinyin's soul was looking down at what was happening below.

The woman glanced twice, called out twice, and then boldly felt Lei Yinyin's pulse carefully. She retracted her hand as if she was electrocuted, gasped, and her face became even more ugly.

"You guys, go back with me first. Go back with me first..." The woman swallowed, looked around, and her eyes fell on a few children. She stopped shouting loudly, but those children should not make mistakes.

The woman took her cell phone out of her pocket and dialed the number with trembling fingers.

The figures, several large and small, slowly moved away, but the woman's voice still came over.

"Husband, I... just... um, called the police..."

The staccato sounds eventually stopped.

Lei Yinyin's angry mood has calmed down. She didn't turn into a ghost, and she still didn't reincarnate. She just waited where she was.

In her mind, the woman should have called the police.

I don't share her optimism. I am a "viewer" who has read "spoilers", and I know that Lei Yinyin's experience will never be pleasant or easy.

I guessed that the police that Lei Yinyin was expecting never arrived. Women don’t call the police.

From a normal perspective, if you see a dead body, you should call the police.

But what happened just now does not apply to normal people's thinking.

If you think about it a little deeper, you will understand. How can a family that raises children like that have normal thoughts? Those boys can be said to be innocent and cruel. But in other words, their parents never taught them about "death" and "injury". So when faced with a dead person, their initial fear quickly passed, and the first thing that came to their mind was a popular police cartoon.

Thinking again, Lei Yinyin's body had been touched by them and played around with as a prop for play. Not to mention the insulting behavior involved, the various evidences they left at the crime scene were enough for them to bear. The woman likely chose not to call the police because of this.

If she didn't call the police, no one would know what outrageous things her child had done, and no one would involve her child in this murder case.

I think that woman is totally capable of such a thing. The mother of such a child will not understand the meaning of "death".

It was getting dark.

As I expected, the police didn't come.

Lei Yinyin slowly became disappointed.

After a while, the sky turned completely dark, and someone walked over from a distance. They were using flashlights, which was still very conspicuous in this place without street lights.

There were a lot of people, at least seven or eight people. As I walked in, I glanced around and saw that there were nine people in total. Two are old people, and the remaining seven are young and middle-aged. One of them had a shaved head, with only some stubble on his round head.

I looked at what they were carrying and felt something was wrong.

"Mao Wazi, look, this is it." The old man said, shining his flashlight on Lei Yinyin's body.

The bald man walked closer and took a look, then looked around, "Okay, this is it. You go ahead and do it. I'll be watching from the side."

"Hey, is that okay?" the woman I saw in the afternoon said uneasily.

Another middle-aged man scolded, "You can't take care of your children? How can you take care of your children? Really... work quickly!"

"There's no need... just throw it away, right?" Another thin woman whispered.

"If you are not afraid that this woman will get involved with your children, then you can do whatever you want." The bald head said, "This is a vicious evil spirit with a lot of resentment. She has also been manipulated by your children. You can see what will happen next. ”

Several people shivered and took out things from the plastic bags they were carrying.

Lei Yinyin's mood suddenly surged. She was a little shocked and a little suspicious. Her soul was constantly swinging, suppressing her anger but unable to stop it from arising.

My heart sank a little bit. Through Lei Yinyin's eyes, I saw these people taking out bottles of dark red liquid. They poured the viscous liquid next to Lei Yinyin's body and drew an irregular human-shaped outline along Lei Yinyin's body. Some liquid fell on Lei Yinyin's body, but the body did not respond. But there were waves of pain in Lei Yinyin's soul.

Lei Yinyin let out a scream.

I endured the pain and saw the bald head raising his eyelids at this time, as if looking at Lei Yinyin. He quickly withdrew his gaze and urged those people to move faster.

They hurriedly poured several bottles of smelly liquid next to Lei Yinyin's body, and then followed the circle to expand the area.

When the bottles were empty, they heaved a sigh of relief.

The old man wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked, "Mao Wazi, what else do you want to do?"

"Light a fire and burn it. Don't worry, it won't burn much. Have you carried all the things given to you? When the fire burns, you will carry that one." The bald head took out a box of cigarettes and a lighter, lit it, and said.

The old man directed a man and ordered him to light a fire.

The scarlet liquid burned. As the bald man said, the fire was not violent, just shallow.

Lei Yinyin seemed to be roasted in a pot. She let out a louder scream in agony.

The few people stumbled and recited a spell.

The sound of these spells was very different from what I was used to hearing in Aoba's archives. It doesn't have the elegant and unrestrained feeling of Wu Ling when he recites mantras, nor the solemnity of Master Hui Yi when he chants sutras. Instead, it feels like a magic sound entering the brain, which is annoying.

Gradually, the repeated chanting became a long torture. Lei Yinyin's soul seemed to be being whipped, or like a rusty saw was pulling back and forth on her soul.

Lei Yinyin no longer screamed, but moaned incessantly, and his invisible soul shed tears.

The fire gradually subsided, and the sound of chanting mantras gradually stopped.

Lei Yinyin lowered his head and slowly raised his hands. Her hands were wrapped with red chains, like bright red burn scars. Her soul trembled.

"Okay, Mao Wazi?" the old man asked.

Another person followed and said, "In this case, she won't come to our Xiaojun?"

"Yeah. That's enough. Throw her into the river. She needs to stay here. If she is found, call the police. If she doesn't come, the police will come." The bald head said, smoking a cigarette, but not throwing it anywhere. .

Others are still a little scared.

The bald man sneered.

The old man gritted his teeth and said, "What are you doing standing still! I want your children to be arrested and put in jail!"

The others came back to their senses and showed some ruthlessness. They stepped on the withered grass and lifted Lei Yinyin's body.

Lei Yinyin suddenly stretched out his hand, but his body was strangled by an invisible force. She screamed in pain and curled up. In her field of vision, the scars on the skin on the back of her hand turned red, as if they were glowing.

She was unable to stop it and could only watch as the group left with her body.

She stared at their backs with hatred and roared loudly.

But this has no effect.

I know that Lei Yinyin is bound here. There was no way she could get out.

From this moment on, Lei Yinyin's thoughts became confused.

Hatred occupied all her thoughts, and the faces of those people kept appearing in her mind.

The three men who kidnapped her, the passers-by who ignored her pleas for help, the children who played with her, the men, women, and children who cursed her...

Her thoughts kept swirling, and the scars on her body sometimes lit up and sometimes dimmed.

She didn't know how long it had been before she felt an unusual aura.

It was similar to hers, an aura of hatred...

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