Aoba Office

Chapter 1199 Despair and Anger

Lei Yinyin was grabbed, covered his mouth, and dragged directly outside.

She could only scream "Uh-huh" and ask for help from one or two passers-by she saw.

No one rescued her.

The menacing looks of the three strong and powerful men made these people choose to avoid them.

Lei Yinyin was filled with despair and some hope.

She expected the men to call the police after they left.

She expected this when she was pushed into a dirty van by these people; she also expected this when she was tied up; and after the car drove for more than half an hour, she expected this. Expectation is like a weak flame in a storm, which is immediately extinguished.

"There are still two kilometers before we can leave the city." The man driving the car said easily while puffing away his smoke.

The other two men were laughing and joking, equally relaxed.

Lei Yinyin was no longer simply looking forward to it. An idea came to her mind. She knew she had to escape before that, otherwise, there would be no hope.

She struggled, struggling desperately.

"Don't fucking move! Fuck!"

"Knock her out."

"Can you guys do it? Don't make it stupid. It's rare for a college student to sell it for much if it's stupid."

The information revealed in this sentence is surprising.

They have never seen Lei Yinyin's ID. Lei Yinyin's bag contained textbooks for public examinations, but this didn't prove anything, and they didn't read the textbooks carefully. After getting in the car, they searched out Lei Yinyin's cell phone with a clear goal and turned it off directly. Other than that, nothing was touched.

This shows that before taking action, they still investigated Lei Yinyin.

I'm afraid this isn't the first time they've done this. They may be confident that no one will call the police, or they may be confident that the police will not catch them.

I feel a little sad about my calmness at the moment. and mourn for his own sorrow.

I became a complete outsider, without any emotion about what was happening.

Lei Yinyin's intense emotions did not affect me. Neither her fear nor her despair infected me.

She worked hard and even broke free of the rope that tied her and snatched the knife that the man was carrying. But this also led to her being stabbed in the body while fighting with the man.

"Oh shit!"

All three men were yelling curses.

"What the fuck did you do?"

"What can I do? She wants to stab me!!"

"Stop fucking arguing! Is there any help?"

Lei Yinyin lay weakly under the seat.

The man picked her up and looked at her wounds.

"No way. Forget it. Tough luck!"

"It's all a waste of time!"

"Tell the guy surnamed Yang that he won't be able to benefit from it this time. Say anything easy, trouble!"

The three people cursed and had no sympathy for Lei Yinyin's injury. Lei Yinyin was thrown under the seat again.

She felt pain and had some expectations. She was thinking about pretending to be dead, but she was also afraid that these people would kill her.

After a while, the car stopped.

Her complex emotions came to a head.

The three men lifted her out of the car, walked a short distance, and dumped her on the grass.

They didn't check if she was dead or alive, and they didn't stab her again. They even threw her bag beside her.

Lei Yinyin gradually relaxed as she listened to the people's walking footsteps and complaints.

She wanted to get up, but the wound on her stomach hurt too much. When she moved, she seemed to pull the wound, and blood flowed out again. She didn't dare to move anymore. In the eyes, there are rolling tears. Tears blur vision. She gritted her teeth and reached out to hook up the bag not far away, but she always missed it.

The pain was consuming her consciousness.

Even if he doesn't move, the wound is still bleeding. This is not a minor injury that will heal on its own.

Lei Yinyin felt cold and scared again.

At this moment, I still don't have any emotions towards Lei Yinyin. I knew clearly that she was going to die. I even clearly analyzed that some cruel things would happen before or after her death. Otherwise, with Lei Yinyin's current mood, she would not become such an evil ghost.

As Ye Qing said, something must have happened.

While I was thinking this, I heard footsteps.

Lei Yinyin naturally heard it too.

She became happy and squeezed out a thin sound from her throat. She wanted to scream for help.

The tears in his eyes also faded at this time.


Be saved!

That was all she could think about.

Her strong emotions still didn't affect me.

I watched quietly as a foot appeared in her field of vision.

"Hello? Hello?" A cowardly voice belonged to a man, probably only thirty or forty years old. His voice was neither young nor old.

I couldn't see the man's face, but I heard the sound of him swallowing.

"Save me..." Lei Yinyin said.

The man squatted down, but did not get close to Lei Yinyin.

His pants and shoes looked old and dirty. His knuckles were thick and his hands were rough.

This is not the point.

The point is, that hand grabbed Lei Yinyin's bag.

After grabbing the bag with that hand, it disappeared from Lei Yinyin's sight.

Lei Yinyin's eyes widened.

"Help me...don' me..." Lei Yinyin shouted helplessly, but his voice was too low to be heard.

The sound of the man's running footsteps clearly reached Lei Yinyin's ears until it disappeared.

"Save me..." Lei Yinyin cried and repeated these words.

I felt Lei Yinyin's life disappearing. Her soul became very weak and lost a heavy sense of strength.

Lei Yinyin is dead.

She entered a subtle state. He didn't turn into a ghost, and he didn't go to the underworld.

She only has consciousness left and can still perceive the outside world.

She didn't know how long it had been before she heard the children's laughter and their exclamations.

My body seemed to float, and my field of vision also floated, and I saw four and a half young men approaching. They should all be around ten years old. They looked at Lei Yinyin's body with some curiosity and some timidity.

One of them stepped forward and pushed Lei Yinyin's body. Others screamed and took a few steps back. Afterwards, they gathered back together.

They turned Lei Yinyin over and saw the wounds on Lei Yinyin's waist and abdomen and the blood stains on his body and on the ground.

They screamed, somewhat at a loss.

"This is a murder! The murderer must be nearby!" One of the boys suddenly said.

When I hear this sentence, I always feel that something is wrong.

Several boys looked at each other and then at Lei Yinyin, with excitement on their faces.

"That's what Officer Nan said!" The other boy saluted, trying to look serious, but the corners of his mouth were raised.

Some distant memories come to my mind...

"This is a murder!"

"That's what Officer Nan said!"

These two sentences are lines from a certain cartoon, and they happen to be part of my childhood memories. Calculating the time, it was almost the time when Lei Yinyin’s accident happened, and it was the most popular animation.

My heart trembled at this time.

The children searched the ground for clues, then started arguing again, pointing out what was wrong. They split up, and after a while, one of the children came back with a box of crayons in his hand.

Their voices became muffled.

This is because Lei Yinyin's consciousness is trembling.

I couldn't hear what they said clearly, but I could see the continued excitement on their faces. They used crayons to draw lines along Lei Yinyin's body. Halfway through, they turned Lei Yinyin's body over again and redrawn the lines.

Lei Yinyin felt angry and resentful when she saw herself being manipulated by others.

She is about to...become a devil!

Good night everyone~

P.S. I have forgotten the time because I have a toothache... Today is the 1st~ Please vote for me~

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