Aoba Office

Chapter 1198 Number 040-Death Position (9)

The woman in the picture is silent.

Lei Dawei, on the other hand, let out a cry of surprise and worry: "Yinyin!"

"I..." The woman's body trembled, she raised her head and looked in the direction of the camera, tears falling again from her eyes.

"It's time to end, Miss Lei." Wu Ling said again.

The same words repeated again and again made the woman lose her cool.

She covered her face, fell to her knees, and cried out in pain.

The crying went on for a long time.

Lei Dawei comforted her incoherently, but it didn't have a very good effect.

After a long time, the crying stopped.

The woman sat slumped on the ground, lowered her hands, and said indifferently: "Okay..."

Following this sound, Master Huiyi's chanting voice changed.

The sound of chanting changed from ethereal to majestic, and the sound was shocking.

The woman trembled, looked up at the camera, and mumbled, seemingly saying "Daddy."

No sound came out, but the trembling of her body became intense.

The woman in the picture seems to be a phantom, her face becomes blurred, and the scene of a doll appears in the picture.

The sound of chanting struck a chord in the heart, echoing the trembling of the woman.

Suddenly, the woman's figure turned into a mist, slowly rising.

"Yinyin!" Lei Dawei shouted, followed immediately by the middle-aged man crying bitterly.

With a bang, the doll fell to the ground and twisted into a strange shape.

On February 15, 2007, the commission was completed and the investigation was terminated.


When I saw the last line in the file, I felt dizzy.

This feeling of dizziness is familiar yet unfamiliar.

I found that the handwriting I saw in my eyes was distorted.

The simple content suddenly became complicated and became dense and completely incomprehensible.

After a while, I realized that this was the content of the textbook for the public examination.

I have read and memorized these things, but now I have mostly forgotten them.

Some of the content in the textbooks is outdated. I can still tell that.

It is not the set of textbooks I have read, and it does not contain the latest political learning content.

Just as I was thinking this, I felt a hand pressing on my forehead.

I froze and regained some consciousness.

I wanted to be separated from the object of my possession, but I couldn't feel my body and soul.

I suddenly realized that this was no ordinary dream, this should be Lei Yinyin's memory.

After thinking about this clearly, I was a little disappointed.

If I just see Lei Yinyin's dream, I can't change the "past", I won't be able to do anything.

Whether it's saving Lei Yinyin or stopping Lei Yinyin from killing people, I can't do it.

The hand on his forehead rubbed his eyebrows, then stretched out and grasped the cup on the table.

Lei Yinyin also raised his head at this time.

In my field of vision is the scene of the library reading room.

The reading room is small and not full. Looking at the decoration, it's not that it's shabby because of the age, but it's really shabby. They are not public facilities in big cities like Minqing. They always like to pay attention to some style. Even a community library needs to be very high-end. Of course, this also requires differentiating the conditions of different communities. There is a huge gap between wealthy communities and poor communities.

I was a little distracted and thinking wildly.

When Lei Yinyin drank water and started reading again, I didn't even come back to my senses.

If you lose your mind like this, time will fly by quickly.

When I reacted, I found Lei Yinyin packing his things and quickly and quietly left the library.

She was almost the last to leave. There was no one in the library at this time.

I feel a little uncomfortable.

When Lei Yinyin walked out of the library door, I figured out what made me uncomfortable. distracted...

I was distracted in my dream and completely forgot about Lei Yinyin, the victim and the murderer. I thought about some random things, and I even let my mind wander.

No sense of tension...

When I thought about it clearly, I seemed to break out in a cold sweat.

I'm nervous now, not for Lei Yinyin, but for myself.

This feeling……

"You have become addicted to the pleasure of killing."


I threw Ye Qing's words behind me.

It’s not the “thrill of killing,” nor is it “addiction.”

I just……

got used to……

I have begun to get used to this kind of dream and began to accept this kind of supernatural events.

In the records in the files, the indifferent or calm words of Aoba's people appeared in my mind one after another. It was like a volcano erupting, with lava spewing out all at once.

My brain was almost melted by the lava, and my soul was so hot that it hurt.

Both instinct and reason tell me that this is not a good state.

But instinct can't stop me from being calm now, and my reason tells me that this calmness is not a bad thing.

I felt conflicted and cold at the same time.

Lei Yinyin had no idea about this. Her mood is calm. At this time, I also received her thoughts. She was thinking about what she would have for dinner today.

I should be sad about this.

If it were the past, it would be sad.

Because when Lei Yinyin left the library just now, I caught a glimpse of the time and date on her mobile phone.

Today is the day Lei Yinyin was killed. The young woman would never get her dinner.

I should be sad about this.

But now I am very calm, not even sad.

Is it because Lei Yinyin is not a good person through and through, and she killed people after turning into a ghost?

I thought.

There must be a reason.

There must be a reason!

If there is no reason...

My soul seems to be frozen.

Lei Yinyin now reached the crossroads. There are no traffic lights or surveillance at the intersection here. Lei Yinyin just looked left and right before crossing the road.

There are not many people on this street, and most of the shops on both sides are closed. However, there were still some vehicles passing by.

Lei Yinyin walked two more streets and arrived at the vegetable market.

Once here, it gets lively. Not to mention the crowds of people, it was a bit crowded. It seemed like the whole city was crowded here.

Lei Yinyin bought groceries and felt very relaxed.

She was going to go through the back of the market. It only takes ten minutes to walk from the back of the vegetable market to the back door of her community.

So close.

For Lei Yinyin, she couldn't finish these ten minutes today. There was no way she was going home.

I desperately thought about these contents and those sad things, and I wanted to arouse my emotions, but my mood was just panic about my current situation.

There were few people on the path behind the vegetable market where some garbage was piled up.

Lei Yinyin wore sneakers and made no noise when walking.

Suddenly there was a strong force behind her, and a hand grabbed her shoulder forcefully.

Lei Yinyin's mind went blank. He just screamed out because of the pain and turned his head in surprise.

It was an unfamiliar face. The man looked tall and menacing.

Soon, two more people came around, both men of similar temperament.

This is not normal. The one who comes is not good.

Lei Yinyin quickly realized his situation and shouted loudly: "What are you doing!!"

Her screams attracted some attention.

There is not a single person on this road.

"Honey, stop making trouble and come home with me!" The man who caught Lei Yinyin was not gentle at all, he basically shouted these words.

The two men who were traveling with him turned their heads and said fiercely to passers-by: "What are you looking at! I've never seen a couple quarrel!"

Lei Yinyin was even more shocked and struggled immediately.

She raised her hand and hit the man on the head with the food she just bought, "Let me go! I don't know you!"

"Stop shouting, wife! I promise not to find that woman! Think about our son!" The man said loudly, covering Lei Yinyin's voice, and stretched out his other hand to cover Lei Yinyin's voice. Sound's mouth.

The two men shouted to passers-by.

Lei Yinyin was anxious and frightened, and tears flowed out. She looked at the nearest passerby. The middle-aged woman glanced at the three men, then looked at Lei Yinyin, and looked away.

Suddenly I remembered that today is Halloween, and yesterday was Halloween. It's a pity that I didn't write a story that was particularly suitable for the occasion...

However, I don’t seem to have written any stories about Ghost Festival or Qingming Festival before. They all write about Valentine’s Day and Chinese New Year~ Hmm... there’s a subtle feeling_(:3」∠)_

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