Aoba Office

Chapter 1197 No. 040-Death Position (8)

On February 9, 2007, no abnormality was found in Tianhe City.

On February 12, 2007, Lei Yinyin's father, Lei Dawei, was contacted and his blood sample was obtained.

On February 15, 2007, I contacted Master Huiyi for salvation. Video file 04020070215.wav.

The video was opened, and the picture showed a quaint room. The furniture and furnishings in the room are all antique and incense is burning, and wisps of smoke can be seen wandering in the room.

A man walks into the frame, holding something in his hands.

Looking at the back, this should be Liu Miao.

Wu Ling soon appeared in the picture, holding a porcelain bowl in his hand.

Liu Miao placed the object in her hands on the bed in the center of the picture and stepped aside. As soon as he left, the thing he was holding was also revealed in the camera.

That's a puppet. The bare doll has no facial features and a dull figure. It is simpler than the plastic mannequins in the windows of clothing stores. It is like a child's clumsy handicraft class homework.

While Wu Ling was chanting a spell, he dipped his fingers into the contents of the porcelain bowl and painted on the doll's body.

She moved gracefully, leaning forward slightly, with an extremely focused expression on half of her face.

In the picture, two of her fingers can be seen stained red, the color looks like blood.

The sound of a man breathing can be heard in the video.

"Is this enough?" the man asked nervously, "Yinyin...this is Yinyin..."

The man's voice was the one I heard just now, belonging to Lei Dawei.

Liu Miao said: "Well, this can summon the soul. When the time comes, Master Huiyi will save your daughter."

Still outside the screen, an old voice chanted the Buddha's name and comforted: "Donor, don't worry."

The man is still exhaling. It's just that his breathing was very messy. Sometimes he was holding his breath deliberately, and sometimes he couldn't help but gasp.

Wu Ling smeared blood-like paint on almost the entire body of the doll. However, from the picture, we can't see what she drew.

When Wu Ling straightened up, turned to look at the camera, and pointed his head in one direction, a back figure appeared in the screen.

It doesn't belong to Liu Miao or Ye Qing. Looking at the cassock, it should be Master Hui Yi.

Wu Ling walked out of the camera.

Master Huiyi began to arrange the scene in the camera. He moved the incense burner in front of the head, placed a futon on the ground, and sat down to chant sutras.

The sound of chanting is like a kind of music, ethereal and ethereal, with an indescribable flavor.

The sound of gentle footsteps came from outside the screen, and Wu Ling entered the screen.

She turned her back to the camera, placed her hands on the doll's head, and recited a new spell.

Although I don't understand these spells and incantations, I can hear the different rhythms in the different syllables.

Wu Ling's voice and Master Huiyi's voice blend into one, giving people a wonderful feeling.

After a while, a layer of red mist appeared around the doll. This layer of blood mist appears silently, flows slightly, and is entwined with the wisps of smoke in the room. It does not give people a sense of fear or nausea.

After a while, the fog became thicker, making it difficult to see clearly the condition of the doll. The doll seemed to be wrapped in a ball of red cloth, turning into a cocoon.

There was a sting, and something broke through the cocoon. White fingers scratched through the red mist. The cocoon is squirming and disintegrating.

Wu Ling stopped chanting mantras, but Master Hui Yi did not stop chanting sutras.


The man's heavy breathing followed the sound.


With this choked call, the cocoons were completely torn into pieces, flying like catkins, and when floating in the air, they melted and disappeared like snow flakes.

Lying on the bed was no longer a doll, but a young woman. She was wearing thin clothes, which didn't match Wu Ling's outfit, and gave her a sense of seasonal dislocation.

However, this sense of dislocation is not very strong.

What was even more inconsistent was the aura on the woman's body. There was an aura of hostility in her, the malice of an evil spirit, but it seemed to be suppressed by something. Her Yin Qi is also somewhat "sluggish".

"Yinyin!" the man shouted.

This sound seemed to wake the woman up.

The ever-changing confusion and ferocity on her face disappeared and turned into pure confusion.

She slowly turned her head and looked in the direction of the camera.

Her lips trembled twice, and finally she uttered a hoarse voice: "Dad...Dad?"

"Yinyin!" the man cried, crying with joy. His figure did not appear in the shot.

Wu Ling stepped away without touching the woman.

"Miss Lei." Wu Ling's voice was very clear and was recorded on the DV. "We have been entrusted to solve your matter."

The woman's body trembled and her expression became cold.

She sat up from the bed, and her ankle-length skirt fell down and fluttered slightly.

She glanced at Master Hui Yi, then looked at Wu Ling.

"We don't know what cruel things happened to you, but it's all over. You are dead, turned into a ghost, and started attacking innocent people." Wu Ling's voice was calm.

A man's cry sounded.

The woman looked at the camera, lowered her eyes, put her hands on her legs, and grabbed her skirt.

"It's time to end, Miss Lei. You should put these things down and go reincarnate. Your father doesn't want to see you like this. This tragedy should end." Wu Ling continued.

Tears fell from the woman's eyes.

"It's time to end, Miss Lei." Wu Ling repeated.

Master Huiyi is still chanting sutras.

Along with the chanting, Wu Ling's voice seemed to come from a very far away place.

"Yinyin." Lei Dawei seemed to have controlled his emotions at this time and said, "Yinyin, dad... it's my fault that dad is useless, dad didn't protect you..."

The woman raised her head suddenly, anxiously wanting to say something.

"I also wanted to find the murderer... I posted missing persons notices on that road and by the Tianhe River. I wanted to find the person who saw you and the murderer that day... but..." the man stopped. He came down and cried twice, "I...I can't protect you...There is no way...Your mother also...I am a useless man, I can't protect you mother and daughter...I will do anything." No…”

"" the woman murmured, stood up, and wanted to walk towards the camera, but suddenly stopped and froze in place.

"The aura on your body is too evil and is not suitable for contact with ordinary people. It will hurt them." Wu Ling said.

A look of pain appeared on the woman's face.

"I-" the man started.

"Mr. Lei, for your safety, please stay here." Liu Miao interrupted him.

The father and daughter, one inside and one outside the screen, both cried softly.

"Miss Lei, it's time for you to reincarnate." Wu Ling said again, "Master Hui Yi will help you and let you enter the underworld smoothly. It's time to end, Miss Lei."

The woman clenched her fists, still hesitating.

"Are the people who killed you and harmed you dead?" Ye Qing's voice came out unexpectedly.

The woman looked up, her expression was shocked, then turned cold.

"Other than that, I can't think of any other reason. You have no chance to take revenge, and you don't have the ability to continue to take revenge. Give up." Ye Qing said, "If you continue like this, you will not become stronger, you will only lose yourself. You yourself You should have noticed it too.”

Ye Qing spoke for a long time and then paused slightly.

The woman seemed to want to step back.

"You have begun to indulge in the pleasure of killing." Ye Qing said.

Thank you for your concern. (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

My gums are inflamed and I can’t extract my teeth yet_(:3″∠)_

My teeth have always been troublesome. All four wisdom teeth are crooked. When my wisdom teeth appeared while I was studying, I often had toothaches, but they were not serious. However, problems have occurred one after another in the past two years: one of them fell apart while eating, and one was eaten away. It was very difficult to pull it out. It felt like it took several hours... There are still two lower ones left. Last time During the examination, the doctor said it looked fine and there were no cavities. It would depend on my condition whether to remove it or not. Also magical. I always thought that there was a big problem with the lower two teeth... Then, since there was no big problem, I just got lazy... Now the retribution has come [wiping tears]

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