Aoba Office

Chapter 1196 No. 040-Death Position (7)

"Please have your condolences, Mr. Lei."

"Huh... I don't know how this happened. Her mother had a benign tumor. The surgery was good. It still had an impact on the body, but it wasn't big. At our age, we are actually about the same age. , there is no need to struggle. Yinyin is already fine. Next, she should come back. Her mother and I tried to persuade her a few times, but we were still happy that our daughter was back. It would be nice to see us every day. If I had known... if I had known that this would happen... I... I would have felt like the sky had fallen apart when she went out during the day. Reading in the small library. There are often sounds in this community. There is a kindergarten next to it. After she comes back, she goes to the library after breakfast and comes back for lunch. Her mother and I work together. In the afternoon, she went to the library again. It seemed like she was back when she was a child. She had been busy since she was in high school, and she didn't have much time to talk to us. She went to Minqing University and came back during the winter and summer vacations. We have dinner together every day and watch TV with her mother in the evening..."

"Miss Lei's accident happened that afternoon. That night, she didn't come back. You called the police, right?"

"Yes. That afternoon...evening, around five or six o'clock. She should have come back. She has been cooking for us these days. She has really grown up...Her mother came home first and didn't see her. I thought she had gone shopping and hadn't come back yet. When I came back, we didn't see her, so we made a call. We thought her phone was out of battery, maybe because she didn't have a watch. She lost track of time while reading. I...we went to the library at seven o'clock. When we got to the library, it was almost empty. , the people at the library checked for us. She didn't borrow any books, so she didn't know when she left. The people at the door noticed that she had been there every day... They said she was gone as usual. It was time to leave. We looked along the road, from the library to the market, to the house, but there was nothing... so we went to the police station to help us check the intersection. We don't have much surveillance here, but we saw her coming out of the library at five o'clock, and she was already coming back, but she disappeared halfway, and we didn't know where she was..."

"Didn't you find anything in the next few days?"

"I found something. Some of the books she brought were found in the trash can. They were treated as trash at first, and an old lady who collected waste picked them up. We posted a missing person notice, and the old lady herself She went to the police station and told the story. She didn't see Yinyin, but when she picked up the empty bottle, she saw several books. She took them back and wanted to sell them as scraps. There were also Yinyin's notebooks with her name in them. That's when she saw the missing person notice... that trash can was not on the road where Yinyin went home..."

"Has Miss Lei been kidnapped?"

"Maybe... the police said they might have been kidnapped by human traffickers. We... we never thought... I thought only children would be abducted by traffickers... I have seen it on TV, but those who were kidnapped... They are all abducted at bus stations and train stations... We... her mother and I... her mother is about to cry to death. If she is abducted, I don't know how to find it. Is it possible to find it... maybe. Just... think about it later, I was kidnapped, at least... at least..."

"Were there any other clues found later? Were any other belongings of Miss Lei discovered?"

"There is also a bag, which is empty. There is a library card in it. Without this, no one knows that the bag is...the ID card and bank card are gone. The police searched for several days and found no one mentioned it. Money. I don’t know what happened... Maybe I was afraid of being discovered... The bag was found at the garbage station, and I don’t know which trash can it was thrown in. I found these for several days... for several days. stuff... and then... the police called me and said... found... found the person... I thought... he asked me... to prepare myself mentally, I thought... I thought at that time, Just find someone. The worst we can do is sell the house here and stop interacting with relatives here. Move to other places... It may not be easy to live in Minqing, the consumption level is too high, and there are too many people... It's not possible to live in a small city. It's okay to move to Minqing. When we get to Minqing, no one really knows. I...I thought about it a lot...I told her mother along the way. We agreed that when we saw Yinyin, we would not let her see anything and how to comfort her... When we arrived at the police station... I was led by the police, and we went further and further away, and the more we walked, the more wrong we went... We finally... arrived The morgue... I was confused. I held her mother's hand... After seeing the person, her mother fainted, and I forgot to help her... I don't know... those days. , I don’t know how I got here...a nice person...he was still there when we were having lunch, why...why..."

"Please express your condolences, Mr. Lei. Did the police mention the story of the case?"


"Mr. Lei?"

"They said that maybe after Yinyin was abducted, she resisted, was beaten, and... was stabbed... and then... the body was thrown into the river... just like that... all soaked, soaked Gotta...I...I..."

"I would like to ask, have you seen Miss Lei after that?"

"What? I see it every day... I dream about it every day..."

"Did Miss Lei say anything to you?"

"...She...screamed in pain...asked me to save her...Also, we ate together...lunch that day...and her mother...her mother soon...I didn't notice it, just thinking about it... Regarding the matter of Yinyin. When her mother fell down, I... sent her to the hospital. She died within two days... The doctor said it was no longer possible. It was internal bleeding... I don't know how... why did it happen? It’s become like this…”

"Can we see Miss Lei's photos and belongings?"

"Yeah, sure."

On February 8, 2007, we went to Tianhe No. 3 Bridge. Video file 04020070208.avi.

The video begins with a shot of a bridge not far away. The bridge is very ordinary, not an ancient building like a stone bridge or a wooden bridge. The bridge fence will also be simple stone piers with featureless carved decorations.

The camera moves towards the bridge and the sound of vehicles passing by can be heard off-screen.

The camera turned to take a picture of the fence on the left, and then continued forward to take a picture of the river under the fence.

The river is not clear, but it doesn't stink either. At this time, the sparkling waves can be regarded as a kind of scenery.

The river bank is covered with some moss, and the river is rippling and flowing slowly.

The person holding the camera should have already reached the bridge by this time, looking towards the river. Then, the camera turned 180 degrees to shoot the other side of the bridge. Somewhat similar scenery.

"There is no Yin Qi. Has it dispersed?" This was Liu Miao's voice.

"It's also possible that she never stayed here. This is just a place where the body was abandoned." Wu Ling said.


The camera panned back, tilting slightly.

"Let's take a walk along the river." Ye Qing said.

Outside the screen, there was a steady and powerful footsteps.

"This Tianhe is very long." Liu Miao said, "Go in this direction first?"

"What did you find?" Wu Ling asked.

"No, it's just intuition. Such an evil ghost shouldn't die silently at the place where he died, unless..." Ye Qing didn't finish his words, the video had ended.

I'm about to be tortured to death by my wisdom teeth...(ㄒoㄒ)

Now my mind is full of stories about wisdom teeth turning into monsters and being beaten to death by Ye Qing..._(:3」∠)_

This is the first update today...I'm sorry everyone...

Good night.

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