Aoba Office

Chapter 1201 Journey of Revenge (1)

The aura was very clear, so clear that it was impossible to ignore.

I didn't know that this was Lei Yinyin's senses, and that my own abilities had improved. I could tell that the owner of this hateful aura was not a ghost, but a living person.

Lei Yinyin's consciousness became clear. Her field of vision broadened, and there was no longer only blood-red fog.

After her vision widened, she could clearly see the scene around her.

The place where her body was abandoned was actually a hillside. The slope, which is not very high, was originally covered with grass, but now it is dotted with many wild flowers.

In the distance is the flow of the Tianhe River, which flows through this small city.

The scenery was actually beautiful, but Lei Yinyin had no intention of enjoying it.

She turned her head with difficulty and looked at the man diagonally in front of her.

The man had his back to Lei Yinyin and was cursing in a low voice.

"...What kind of thing...are you trying to steal my spot...damn...a bunch of idiots...they all belong to me..."

Not all of his curses were heard by Lei Yinyin, but he could guess some of the contents just by listening to those fragments.

The man's resentment almost overflowed from his body.

Lei Yinyin's mood actually became lighter.

I heard her husky voice.

"Do you want revenge?"

This sound interrupted the man's thoughts. He turned back suddenly, revealing a somewhat aged face.

I thought this man looked familiar and I immediately thought of him.

Liu Haiqing...

The man who died under the air conditioner!

It’s actually Liu Haiqing!

I was a little surprised, but also a little aware.

The man was still looking around and asked warily: "Who?"

"You can't see me. I'm trapped here. You burn this place down so I can get out. I can help you get revenge."

Lei Yinyin's voice was full of temptation.

Liu Haiqing showed some fear and took a step back.

"I'm a ghost. I can help you get revenge. As long as you let me go. I don't want anything else." Lei Yinyin said again.

Liu Haiqing hesitated. His cell phone rang at this moment. After taking out his cell phone, he left cautiously, running away almost without looking back.

I thought Lei Yinyin would be depressed by this, but he wasn't. She also chuckled twice.

That kind of laughter is real and comes from the heart. She was sure that Liu Haiqing would come back.

In fact, only one day passed before Liu Haiqing really came back.

His eyes were shining, he hesitated a little, and shouted softly: "Are you still here?"

"I'm here." Lei Yinyin replied.

Liu Haiqing gritted his teeth, "As long as I burn this place down, you will help me take revenge?"

"Yes." Lei Yinyin answered openly and confidently.

Liu Haiqing had various tangled expressions on his face, but after a while, he made up his mind. He ran again, this time not for too long, and soon came back with his things.

He came back with a bucket of oil, carefully checked with Lei Yinyin the area to be burned, and poured the oil bit by bit.

After struggling for a long time, he poured the oil on the grass according to Lei Yinyin's instructions.

In Lei Yinyin's field of vision, the grassland was still burning, exactly like the scene that night.

When Liu Haiqing lit the fire, he looked around to see if anyone had seen it. He hesitated again and again before placing the lighter on the grass.

The fire quickly burned and overlapped with the flames in Lei Yinyin's field of vision.

Lei Yinyin screamed, and Liu Haiqing was so frightened that he fell to the ground, using his hands and feet to crawl back.

But Lei Yinyin's cry only sounded for a few seconds and then stopped. With that scream, the flames shot up and then went out.

Liu Haiqing lay on the ground in embarrassment and turned to look over. There was a look of shock on his face, and his eyes were facing Lei Yinyin. He could already see Lei Yinyin.

Lei Yinyin just glanced at him and then looked down at his body.

The scars on her body were gone and she was truly free.

Lei Yinyin laughed. The laughter went from audible to loud, and she laughed a little maniacally.

Liu Haiqing was frightened again, and this time he rolled and crawled to the ground to escape. However, he was a little reluctant to leave and looked back unwillingly.

Lei Yinyin ignored him and disappeared on the spot.

I had a wonderful feeling. Lei Yinyin directly traveled through space and reached the place he wanted to go.

It was a bungalow, and the surrounding environment looked like a countryside, but it was not the kind of countryside in a poor mountain village, but a countryside where life was pretty good.

There were people walking on the smooth asphalt road, and sometimes motorcycles drove by.

Lei Yinyin looked up at the bungalow in front of him, walked directly through the courtyard gate, and entered it.

There were no people in the room, and there was no good furniture, so there was no decoration. Overall, it's more like a rough house.

Lei Yinyin was looking for something, but couldn't find it.

She came out of the bungalow and appeared on the asphalt road, wandering aimlessly. Soon, she found several children gathering together to play on the computer. She raised her head slightly and saw the sign hanging on this house - Internet Cafe.

After Lei Yinyin entered the Internet cafe, she sat down in the empty seat next to the children.

The Internet cafe is quite big, and most of the young people playing games are concentrated in it. These children occupied the outermost computer and worked together to play games, which was a bit strange.

They were shouting and arguing about how to kill the boss in front of them.

A man passed them and blew a smoke ring to tell them to be quiet.

"Third brother, please open a few more for us and we won't have any quarrels." A boy said with a playful smile.

"Do you have money? Open a few more? If your mother knows you are here, if you don't go to school, she will beat you to death, and then beat me to death. It's good that I didn't drive you away. Hurry back when you've had enough fun. "The man touched the boy's head, went to the front desk to get a bottle of beer, and then walked back to the Internet cafe.

Several children were chattering.

Lei Yinyin suddenly spoke: "Little brother, can I pay you money?"

Several children looked over in surprise, with blank faces on their faces.

Lei Yinyin smiled and said, "I'll pay you for the Internet. You just need to answer a few questions."

"Who are you?" The boy who just called Third Brother blurted out, his face full of curiosity.

"It doesn't matter who I am, right?" Lei Yinyin put his hand on the table, with a hundred-dollar bill under his finger.

Several boys showed greedy expressions.

"I want to find three people. Three men, thirty or forty years old, very fierce-looking. They have a small van, which is very shabby. The three of them should leave here often..."

"Oh, it's Er Gouzi's father and uncle!" The boy interrupted Lei Yinyin and turned to look at the boy beside him.

The boy paused and sniffed, "Why are you looking for my dad, my uncle, and Uncle Ma?"

"There is something. Where are they?" Lei Yinyin asked. He raised his hand and made a gesture of picking out his pocket. When he dropped it again, there was one more banknote on the table.

I can feel that this is not real money, but some kind of illusion that deceives people's eyes.

This surprised me.

Lei Yinyin was self-taught and gained this power during the time he was bound.

Could this be the talent of ghosts?

Or, as Wu Ling said, when God created ghosts, he gave them this power - like it set a subconscious mind for the ghosts so that they would not reveal their identities in front of people.

I thought of You Qiqi again. It seems that You Qiqi's talent is not something she was born with, but was given to her by something new.

Is there any talent difference here?

I can't figure this out.

Lei Yinyin has made a breakthrough.

Those children were eager for the two hundred-dollar bills, and some of them rushed to answer the question without waiting for the idiot to answer.

"Those three wicked people are already dead! They drove into the mountains, and the car rolled down the mountain, and the children were all dead!" The child in the vest said as he reached out to grab the two bills on the table.

The Ergouzi suddenly got angry, threw the child in the vest to the ground, and grabbed the child's hair with his hand.

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