Aoba Office

Chapter 1068 No. 082-Living with Ghosts (3)

On April 28, 2014, Ye Xin’s father Ye Zhengping was contacted. Audio file 08220140428.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Ye."

"Well, hello. You said on the phone that you wanted to ask about my son? I don't know what it is?"

"Don't be nervous. We actually want to ask him if he had any intention to buy a house? Do you know about the house in Zhuangcheng Xinyuan?"

"House? Impossible. He must have just graduated at that time, and our family is not that rich. This matter... he shouldn't have... uh..."

"Did you remember anything?"

"There is one the beginning...he had just graduated not long ago and had no plans to buy a house. But at that time, he had a classmate whose family was quite wealthy and was planning to buy a house. It seemed to be on Minqing South Road... …Is it from Minqing South Road?”

"Yes, Zhuangcheng Xinyuan is near Minqing South Road."

"Yes. He went to see it with him, and when he came back, he said that he could buy a house there in the future. The environment there is very good, the newly built properties are also very good, very spacious, and the surroundings are very convenient... In two or three years, After saving some money, I should be able to get a loan to buy a house there. We sold our old house and paid the down payment... We also talked about getting married in the future... Who knew it would happen in a blink of an eye... He was still so young and had just started working. I haven’t even talked to a girlfriend yet…”

"Please forgive me, Mr. Ye."

"Hiss... um... you guys, what do you mean by asking these questions... are you from a real estate company? My son..."

"We are a real estate agency. Your son registered information with us before we contacted you. He did not pay, he just registered as a customer. If there is a suitable house, or he has a strong intention to buy a house, we will There is potential for further cooperation. I am contacting you today to ask what you mean. Did he plan to purchase a house in Zhuangcheng Xinyuan? "

"Huh? No, no. He just talked about accompanying his friends to see the house."

"That's right. We are very sorry for the death of your son. I believe he has many wishes that have not yet been fulfilled."

"Hmm... I don't quite understand. Are you trying to sell me a house? I'm going to retire in a few years and I can't afford to buy a house. What on earth are you looking for me to do..."

"We just want to get to know your son."

"He has passed away. He passed away 10 years ago. If you have nothing to do, please go back."

"Sorry to disturb you. Can I ask one last question, did he mention which of his classmates wanted to buy a house in Zhuangcheng Xinyuan?"

"I don't know, I'm a classmate from university."

On April 30, 2014, it was investigated that Xu Ziwen, a classmate of Ye Xin University, purchased a house in Zhuangcheng Xinyuan on January 28, 2010, and had transferred the ownership and moved in.

Contact Xu Ziwen. Audio file 08220140430.wav.

"Huh? What? Ye Xin? What do you want to ask Ye Xin about?"


"This... what I know about the situation is that a few years ago, 10 years ago, Ye Xin passed away in a car accident. It was... pretty miserable, that's all. I attended the funeral at that time... You want to ask What?"

"It's like this. Before Mr. Ye's car accident, he accompanied you to look at the house in Zhuangcheng Xinyuan, right?"

" are the one on the 30th...can't you?"

"It seems that Mr. Xu has also heard about what happened recently in Zhuangcheng Xinyuan."

"This...I heard some people say that it's haunted or's impossible, right? Ye Xin? Doesn't that matter?"

"This is what our client captured. The ghost that appeared in the house is indeed Mr. Ye."


"Mr. Xu, can you tell me what happened when Mr. Ye accompanied you to see the house? Please tell me in detail."

"This, I...I don't know what...I...and how could it be the 30th..."

"Isn't the house you were looking at at that time the house in No. 30?"

"No, it's not there. The house I'm looking at is the house I'm buying now, not the one on the 30th. From the 1st to the 32nd, the houses in front have been picked up and sold out as soon as they opened. When I bought it, it was already It's a little late. The house we were looking at that day was not decorated. It was not a fully decorated house, just a rough one. I made an appointment with him for dinner that day, and we often get together after graduation, so I just happened to come over to see him. He... he was quite envious at that time, but he basically just followed me and talked with him. , and it was the salesperson who said more. That’s it. How could this be Ye Xin? Is this photo taken from the surveillance camera? What’s going on?

"How much do you know about the situation on the day of Mr. Ye's accident?"

"I just received a group text message. It should be his cousin or brother who notified people. It said that Ye Xin had a car accident and could not be saved, and then the memorial service would be held at a certain time. I went to his house to burn incense, and also went to the memorial service. I had a tofu soup and rice, and then came back. At that time, I heard some people say... Maybe it was Ye Xin's relatives who said that he had a car accident while at work, and his head was hit. He was unconscious when he was sent to the hospital. He was rescued for several days, but he could not be saved, and he didn't have a chance to leave a message or anything... His parents were very pitiful, and the old people sent the young people away, but that was it. I didn't hear what they said... This matter was quite unexpected, but the house... Ye Xin's family has an old house, right? It's not that they are short of houses..." "According to Mr. Ye's father, after he accompanied you to see the house, he mentioned that he planned to buy a house." "Oh, he did mention it. We went to dinner after seeing the house that day, and he envied me for buying a house so early. I didn't use my own money, my parents paid the down payment, which was considered our family's investment.资,提早给我买了……我也就劝了几句。他自己挺看得开的,当时也说没什么,过两年,工资涨上去,家里原来的房子卖掉付首付,换套大房子。他也没说庄城新苑怎么怎么样……这个……这个真是……”








The video begins in the living room that was filmed in the previous video.

The camera is facing the sofa in the living room, and you can see the wall the sofa is against and the oil painting on the wall.

A voice came from outside the screen, it was the voice of the client Yang Fan.

"Is this... okay? Can he... make sense?"

"I think Mr. Ye is very clear about his current situation. We all hope that this matter can be resolved satisfactorily." Wu Ling's voice sounded, "Mr. Ye, can you please come out and see me?"

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