Aoba Office

Chapter 1067 No. 082-Living with Ghosts (2)

"Did you take any action?"

"Of course. When I found out about this, my first reaction was that my home had been robbed. I live alone in a house of nearly 200 square meters, and one of the guest rooms was basically empty. I checked the whole house. After checking... there are some extra things in my house. They are all things that I lost during express delivery. Those things are placed in the corner of the room, at the bottom of the cabinet, and I don't usually notice them. There was also a bag of tea, which had been opened and used. At that time, I really suspected that there was someone else in the house, hiding it somewhere... It was like a thriller... Although I am a man, this situation is normal. It happened to a woman who lived alone. I called the police, but they didn't find anything. They also suggested that I go to the hospital for a checkup... Phew... I thought about it. I have mental problems, maybe when I didn’t even know it... When I started my business, it was quite hard and not smooth, and I often had insomnia at that time..."

"Have you ever been to the hospital?"

"Yes. I took the time to go see it, and the doctor said a lot. Basically...because I had doubts, they followed this line of thinking. I didn't quite believe it. I did experiments at home. For a few days, I I always keep a folding knife with me, and when I sleep, I put it under my pillow. When I left the house, I put strings on the doors and windows, and used transparent tape, and then ordered takeout for delivery... ha. ...The takeout was delivered and someone collected it. When I came home, I found that someone had actually touched the string and tape at the door... I called the police again and discussed with my neighbors to put a camera in the hallway. It was just a matter of holding it in, just to find out. This time the police checked everything carefully, including my fingerprints and the fingerprints of the guests. The owners of those fingerprints were checked, including my employees and friends, and cameras were installed..."

"What did the camera capture?"

"... Phew... I took a picture of someone... a stranger, someone I don't know. This... is a photo."

Rustling, rustling...

"You don't know this person? What's the situation with the original homeowner and neighbors?"

"I don't know, and they don't know either. Moreover, the camera only captured him opening the door and picking up the takeout. It didn't capture him entering my house from the outside. For several days... I went home and searched inside the house. He was like Suddenly... I also installed a camera on the balcony. The camera on the balcony didn't capture anything. There were also two cameras in the house, and those two cameras captured him... He walked out of the toilet. ...There was absolutely no way there was anyone in the toilet. When I left the house, there was no one there. I walked forward, and he came out of the toilet on the back. He...he just...I looked for him. The property management team removed the ceiling of the toilet. There were some gaps like exhaust fans, ventilation pipes, and water pipes, but there was no one there and there was no sign of anyone moving. The ventilation window in the toilet was very small, so it was impossible. Someone got in. He is still the size of a normal adult man..."

"After you found out here, you moved out of your home and came to find us?"

"Yes. I didn't think in this direction at first. This time and again... I was at home during those few days, thinking about how the person sneaked in and where he hid. But this matter... became more and more... The more incredible it is, the more... you think this matter..."

"Well. There is no doubt that this person is a ghost. We can see the ghost's yin energy from you and from this photo. It's just that this thing is a little special. He didn't do anything, didn't do anything to you. , just accepting things delivered to your door, and deliberately avoiding you. His origin and purpose are different from the ghosts we know."

"Well...he didn't do anything...if I hadn't discovered it, maybe..."

"Did you do anything before you bought this house and the express delivery was lost? For example, invited strangers to your home, asked strangers if they needed help, or went to places like the crematorium?"

"No, I haven't done any of these things. After I found out there was a problem, I thought about it carefully and asked the master I invited before, but there was nothing. I invited him to come to my home and he also burned it at home. I put incense and stickers on them, but the effect was not good. I checked the monitoring afterwards, and the thing still appeared."

"If you don't mind, we will investigate his identity first. Or, we can also directly invite someone to save him."

"The transcendence you are talking about is..."

"That's how you understand it."

"Oh... this, is it necessary to investigate?"

"Because we don't know the details of the other party, we have such a suggestion. Maybe the ordinary transcendence will not work for him. If things happen repeatedly, it will not be a good thing for you. What's worse is that we rashly Taking action may anger the other person and worsen the situation.”

"That's...ok. I moved out recently too."

"Didn't he follow you?"

"No. The surveillance is still on. The video was transmitted to the cloud space. I also saw it. He is still there."

"Well, okay. We will start the investigation from the identity of this ghost. It will take some time to compare the face recognition. After confirming his identity, we will conduct further investigation."


On April 24, 2014, the surveillance video of the client’s residence was inspected. Video file 08220140424.avi.

At the beginning of the video, the picture shows a large living room.

After a while, a man walked out of the door next to the living room. The man looked to be in his twenties, wearing ordinary clothes and looking ordinary. He had a yin energy about him, but he behaved like a normal person. After entering the living room, he first turned on the TV and then went to the kitchen, seemingly to boil water. Afterwards, he returned to the living room to watch TV.

The video fast forwarded for a while, and the man sitting on the sofa raised his head and went to the kitchen again. When he returned to the living room again, he had a glass in his hand, filled with green tea.

The video fast-forwarded again, and when it paused again, the man turned his head and looked.

The video screen switched to the front entrance of the house. There was a man wearing a delivery boy's uniform standing at the door with a bag of stuff in his hand. The door opened, and the man in the room just now took something.

The video switches to indoors. The man ate in the restaurant, packed up, and left the house.

He was caught on camera leaving the house with the door open and returning a few minutes later.

Next, the video is fast forwarding.

Men either watch TV in the living room or play on the computer in the study room.

When the time on the upper right side of the video showed six o'clock in the afternoon, he turned off the computer and returned to the door from which he originally came out.

The time jumped to 6:30 in the afternoon. Another man who looked more mature opened the door with a key, returned to the house, and walked around the house as if looking for something.

He finally went to the study room and turned on the computer.

His expression gradually changed while looking at the computer. He immediately turned off the computer and carefully went to the room where the previous man had entered. After a long while, he walked out of it, his face extremely gloomy.

The video ends here.

On April 27, 2014, the identity of the ghost in the client’s home was confirmed to be Ye Xin.

Ye Xin, male, was born on March 12, 1987 and died on May 12, 2010. The cause of death was a car accident. No criminal record was found on him, no abnormality on his relatives or friends was found, and no relevant client was found. Property rights matters.

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