Aoba Office

Chapter 1066 No. 082-Living with Ghosts (1)

Incident number 082

Event name: Living with Ghosts

Client: Yang Fan

Sex: Male

Age: 29

Occupation: Company owner

Family relationships: parents

Contact address: Room XXX, No. XX, Zhuangcheng Xinyuan, Minqing City

Contact number: 187XXXXXXXX


On April 23, 2014, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 08220140423.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Yang. Please have tea."


"Are you okay?"

"Well... I'm sorry, I stayed in the hotel for several days and ran out without bringing anything... I found you guys on the Internet and came over immediately."

"It's nothing. Please tell me what happened to you."

"...There is a ghost in my house...I don't know where it came from, but there is a ghost in my house!"

"Can you tell us in detail? From the moment you discover the anomaly, every detail is important to us and helps us make judgments and solve the trouble you encountered."

"Oh, okay. I found out... probably more than a year ago... I bought this house more than two years ago, a little more than two years ago. I bought it in July 2011. The company I opened at that time made a big deal , I looked at many places in Minqing and chose it. It was a second-hand house, but the house was very good. The previous landlord bought the house as an investment. He also ran a company and the house was waiting for appreciation. , and I didn’t rent it out. His company had some problems at that time, so he had to sell the house... I found out clearly that it was a second-hand house and I was planning to live in it for the next ten or two years. I have lived there for ten years, so I really checked the previous owner, the house itself, the surrounding neighbors, and the surrounding situation... There was nothing wrong with the house since it had been vacant for a long time. It's nothing in itself. I also believe in some Feng Shui. When I bought the house, I had someone look at it and do a little bit of it... My hometown is not here. Here, I invited my employees and some friends to sit and eat together in the house, which was very lively.”

"You just said that you hired someone to do something. Can you tell me more about it?"

"I just burned incense and smoked it. He said something about the new owner coming and asking irrelevant people to go out. I also burned some paper... Is there any problem with this? After doing this, I hired a decoration team to decorate the house. They all renovated one side. The decoration team didn’t say anything. I often went over to supervise the work and said hello to the neighbors, but I didn’t find anything.”

"Well, from what you say, there's no problem for now. You can continue."

"Okay. It's probably what I just said. I hired someone to do some work, then renovated everything, and then invited people to have a party... I lived there. In the first three to four months, most of the year, nothing happened. What I found. There was nothing wrong with the house. It was around that time that I started shopping online and bought a lot of daily necessities. Basically, the things were delivered to me at home during the week. , no one signed for it, so I left it with the doorman, who collected it for me. I bought a set of plates and chopsticks that time, and a courier text message came saying that it had been signed for. I went back to the doorman after get off work to ask, but they didn't receive it. I also asked the neighbors, but they didn’t have anyone to collect the items for me. I called the courier, but their customer service was quarrelsome with me. Later, I contacted the store and the matter was resolved and they sent it again. Come here with one set.”


"After a period of time, I lost my express delivery several times. Things were a bit annoying... I thought it was the express delivery company responsible for the express delivery in the area where I lived, and their hands and feet were unclean. I complained, but it had no effect. I changed The online shopping website also designated some express delivery, but things still happened. Probably... at the end of last year, I invited several company managers to my home for dinner. , the craftsmanship is okay. When I eat alone, I only use a few things. When I invite people to eat, I have a manager to help me get some plates. A big plate. When I saw him taking it, I didn't think anything... After eating, I was cleaning up the dishes at home, and I realized that the number of plates was wrong. The set of plates I bought was missing. The set had a total of two large plates and five small plates, one in each color. I counted four large plates and ten small plates, that’s two sets. I... I was confused at that time. I didn’t know. what's going on."

"Apart from this, did you find any other problems at that time?"

"No, I know what you want to ask... The kind of thing that appears in movies, where things are moved or missing, has never happened. The express delivery I had lost at that time were all small and fragmentary things... The house has three bedrooms and two living rooms, and it has been decorated, but I live alone and the space is not very big...I...sigh..."

"Please continue."

"Okay. I found that there were too many plates at that time, so I went to look at the chopsticks I bought together, which were also of the same design and color. The set I signed for was placed in the chopstick holder outside, and the chopstick holder was also a set. I looked around and found another set in the cabinet. My thoughts at that time were quite ridiculous. I even wondered if there was something wrong with me, such as split personality, sleepwalking, etc. But this thing is also true. Not very serious."

"When did you start thinking things were serious?"

"Well, it was in September last year. In September last year, I bought a new mobile phone, also purchased online, for more than 5,000 yuan. I didn't receive the item, so I asked the courier company. This time they gave it to me I called him for the courier's number... He told me that I signed for it myself. He went downstairs to my house, pressed the intercom and said it was express delivery, and someone opened the door after he went upstairs. The door was also open, and when he walked over, someone came out to sign something. This lady was incredible. I was at work at the time, so there was no way I could sign for something at home. After picking up the item, I asked several times, and the courier was definitely from my house. I doubted the courier again, so I went to the courier station and saw the receipt. The signature on it was so fancy that I couldn't even tell what it was. There was a problem. I called the police later, and the matter dragged on for a long time. In the end, it was settled. They paid some money and settled."

"Do you have any reservations about that signature?"

"No. The police have collected evidence, but I don't know if it is still there."

"Okay. You continue."

"Well. After that, it was also a matter of express delivery... Heh... It was also an item. The express company said that I signed for it and said that my neighbor should have seen it. I went to ask. My neighbor said... He said, When he came home, he saw the courier coming out and going downstairs, and then my door just closed... He didn't see anyone, but he really saw someone coming from the room and closing the door... "


Good night everyone~

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