Aoba Office

Chapter 1065 Shaohua (10)

While I was thinking about this, things started to change.

The surrounding environment has changed. I saw unfamiliar streets. The shop signs on the streets were in characters I didn't recognize, and the people around me were speaking in a language I couldn't understand.

I saw many girls flashing by, exotic buildings, natural scenery, and fairy wand fireworks...

The feeling is indescribable.

Although this is not the first time I have experienced a dream in fast forward, it is the first time I have felt the real emotions of the possessed object.

It's like the scene in a documentary of natural beauty, where spring comes and flowers bloom.

The same changes in the sky, the clouds rolling in and out, the sun rising and setting, the stars and the moon, all become shocking and beautiful.

In the end, these images turned into the fairy wand held in the hand. The shining sparks lit up the small space, making the pale hand look like a piece of jade.

The girl's excitement reached its peak.

The night turned from dark to light, and a sunrise jumped out from the sea.

The girls gathered together, and the young tour guide, who looked to be in his twenties, held a camera and shouted "eggplant" to everyone.

The girls laughed together.

I felt the sunlight passing through my body. In front of my eyes, the backs of the girls' heads were blurring, replaced by a road full of traffic.

I was standing on the side of the road with my duffel bag at my feet.

My phone rang and I answered it.

"Yi Huan, you finally answered the phone!"

"Yi Huan Yi Huan! You've gone too far! You haven't given us any news!"

"Ask her if she saw the message!"

"We turned the corner and arrived at her door. Has she come out yet?"

"There is also a visa. Has she applied for a visa?"

"Hurry up and ask, we need to book a flight soon!"

"Is our class full?"

"No, I've been watching! There are still two seats left! Come on, come on! I'm going to place an order!"

There was a lot of noise on the other side of the phone, and it was all girls' voices.

I felt tears running down my cheeks.

"I'm waiting at the intersection. Everything is done. I'll go with you! Let's... go together!" the girl choked with sobs.

Almost the next second, a bus turned from the intersection, and many girls were waving by the window. I can hear their voices now.

Before I got in the car, I heard even more noise.

The pungent smell of disinfectant from the hospital rushed into my nasal cavity.

I heard some footsteps and felt my body losing all strength.

In confusion, my body that seemed to be floating fell down again.

I opened my eyes and found myself lying on the bed.

The phone rang and it was my sister's number.

I already had a premonition and picked up the phone immediately.

On the other end of the phone was my sister's crying voice.

"Brother... Yi Huan, one of my classmates... she disappeared... she was gone, and her luggage was also missing. We just called and searched for a long time... Her mother finally answered the phone... Her mother said, Yi Huan fell ill and was hospitalized after her college entrance examination. She fell into coma a few days ago. In the ward, just...just now...she...she played with her for several times. God, we picked her up and came to play together. We even took photos...she was obviously with us..."

My sister burst into tears, but her cries were very soft. From the sound of her voice, she seemed to be hiding in a small, cramped space. In addition to her crying, I also heard the crying of other girls.

"Is she happy?" I asked.

My sister cried for a long time before saying "yes".

"That's good." I said again.

My sister burst into tears.

I feel sad, but not that sad.

During the period when he became a wandering soul, that trip was probably the happiest time for Yi Huan.

I heard the girls crying on the other side of the phone and was speechless for a moment.

After a long time, my sister stopped crying.

"Brother, Yi Huan...has she turned into a ghost?"

"Didn't you say that she just left today?"

"Well...she...she may have come to say goodbye to us...We called her for a long time, sent a lot of messages, and even went to her home...we kept contacting her, kept contacting her..."

"Yes. You have been in contact with her." I echoed, but the meaning was completely different from what my sister said.

If these girls hadn't been in contact with Yi Huan, what would have happened to that girl?

"We bought a plane ticket and are going back." My sister said lowly, "We are going to see her off."

"Yeah." I responded.

This must be the first time my sister has attended someone else's funeral, and it's the funeral of a girl of the same age.

She didn't say anything more and hung up the phone.

She should have more in common with the girls around her now than me. Regarding Yi Huan, this is their common friend and common memory. Good and bad are all fixed on this day.

I looked at my phone and thought of Xiaobai.

Xiaobai's memories, good and bad, were all fixed on that day.

Probably, turning into a ghost or a soul wandering the world after death is not entirely a bad thing.

At this moment, I was a little shaken.

I sent a message to Shouzi and the others and told them what happened.

The thin man replied: "That's really dangerous. It's a critical moment. Fortunately, that's a good girl."

Yes, luckily it was a good girl.

The fat man asked: "What happened to Sister Guo?"

Guo Yujie had a question mark expression on her face.

"You may be attracting that kind of soul." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

"Then what? I didn't do anything!" Guo Yujie was very innocent.

She really didn't do anything.

"It should be a passive skill. You are finished, just like the fat man." The thin man joked.

So far, only the Nian beast has caused trouble for Fatty, and the ghosts who have found Guo Yujie all seem to be harmless to humans and animals. They are not in any danger, nor are they causing any trouble. They all behave like normal people in trouble.

Two similar examples allow us to reach a consensus.

"That's it, I'm not running away!" the thin man said decisively.

"Why didn't you run away..." Guo Yujie made a speechless expression, "It seems to be of no use."

"Yes, you are a loser."

"Hey!" Guo Yujie made an angry expression again.

But her ability, currently, seems to be a bit useless.

"There may be changes in abilities, right?" Fatty guessed, "Aren't the abilities of Qingye and the others just slightly changed? There are others..."

Some are deteriorations, but they are indeed changes, not static.

Their capabilities may also change in the future.

I think of my abilities.

The first dream was about the old witch in kimono. It was a very ordinary dream, no different from the dreams I had in the past. I was completely passive in accepting various ideas. Compared with ordinary dreams, that dream was more logical. It would not be like dreaming about being at work and suddenly starting to write exam papers. Until now, even as a bystander and an outsider, receiving the memories of possessed objects, I can be regarded as a half-witness, and I can see every bit of their lives.

This change happened quietly.

So, it's not surprising that one day, their abilities change.

Guo Yujie was looking forward to this. The thin man prayed that his abilities would become safer. The fat man and Chen Xiaoqiu didn't say anything.

What I have experienced in the past two days has made me give up this expectation. As long as the side effects of my ability are not forcibly imposed on the people I love like Muge, it is already satisfying.

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