Aoba Office

Chapter 1064 Shaohua (9)

The girl read all the information.

I didn't go over to take a look, I just leaned to the side and watched her sit like that for a long time.

The dream was fast forwarding at this time, and the sky outside the window was constantly changing, like a passage in a documentary, but the girl remained motionless. That's how she is most of the time.

The phone rang at this time, and it was her friend who called again. When the phone hung up automatically, there were new text messages. Their enthusiasm is even greater than that of debt collection agencies, which are phone-bombing software and a job anyway.

The girl took the phone and looked at it again and again until the phone's battery ran out again.

She looked at the dark screen, instead of recharging her phone, she looked out the window at the sky.

Her parents finally came back at this time.

Screams and muffled voices soon followed.

The torn talismans and the open bedroom door made the couple nervous.

The sound of a door closing was heard, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps going downstairs.

The girl smiled bitterly and walked out of the room.

The note taped to the door had been taken down, crumpled into a ball, and thrown on the ground.

I vaguely heard the couple talking about this when they opened the door, sighing and sighing. Maybe they were frightened by the scene in the house, so they didn't pay attention and threw away the two notes.

Girls don't think so.

The feeling of being abandoned by the world intensified. She bent down and picked up two pieces of paper, unfolded them and flattened them.

The note suddenly passed through her hand and fell to the stairs.

The "shit green" door opposite opened, and a middle-aged man poked his head out to take a look, then went back. There was a conversation in the room, which seemed to be talking about the girl's family.

The girl didn't care about this and chased the two notes downstairs.

It was also unfortunate that the two pieces of paper fell from the railing of the stairs, all the way down.

The girl ran downstairs and couldn't find the two notes for a while. It took her a while to find the little yellow in the corner under the stairs on the first floor.

The corner was filled with abandoned bicycles and mopeds, as well as a lot of advertising paper and garbage.

The girl lay on the ground and reached in.

People came outside the big iron gate of the residential building.

The girl's hand passed through the note like this.

The person who came over took out the key to open the door, passed through the girl's body, and went upstairs.

The girl bit her lip and continued to reach out.

Her fingertips touched the edge of the paper, and the paper moved further inward.

The girl became anxious and got up to move the bicycles away.

Someone came down from upstairs again, and her body fell directly into the pile of bicycles.

As soon as the man left, she felt happy, passed her hand directly through the bicycle, and picked up the two pieces of paper.

There was a lot of dust on the paper, especially the sticky strip, which was dirty and almost black.

The girl carefully collected the two pieces of paper and put them in her pocket.

She looked at the mailbox and stared at it for a long time. The hand in his pocket moved and he took out a bunch of keys from his pocket. That was her key.

She opened the mailbox and took out the note she had put in the mailbox yesterday.

The hand holding the paper was shaking a little, but she still held the two thin pieces of paper and closed the mailbox again.

The moment the mailbox was closed, the bunch of keys inserted in it disappeared.

She stood there for a while, and when someone came in and out again, she passed that person and left the house.

I followed her, went to the hospital, looked at her body, and went to a fast food restaurant to see her memories of junior high school. When she was in junior high school, she and her friends often occupied a big table in the corner. Mostly on Friday afternoons, when school is over early, they come here, order a drink, and sit there for most of the day. During the holidays, we would come here together to write or copy summer homework together.

A group of girls would sometimes laugh together, attracting attention from people around them.

Now, the place is occupied by another group of boys and girls, all of whom are busy writing and probably catching up on their summer vacation homework.

The girl looked here for a while and then left.

She went to the small shops around the school to look at the stationery and accessories. Naturally, you can't move, you can only watch.

She went to the piano teacher's house again. She listened at the door for a while, heard the sound of the piano, and then went in through the door. Sure enough, her teacher was giving one-on-one piano lessons to others.

The piano player is a boy, who seems to be a beginner. He is still playing simple exercises. The teacher is silently tapping the time, and the metronome is shaking rhythmically on the piano.

The girl could tell when he played several wrong places in a piece of music, and the teacher pointed them out one by one after he finished playing.

She sat there and watched the piano lesson for an hour, then left with the boy.

After leaving the community where the teacher lived, she and the boy left separately. She went to the cinema two roads away.

This was when they were in junior high school. Once, they made an appointment to watch a movie. When she had piano lessons that day, she was absent-minded and was scolded by the teacher several times.

The cinema is a bit old and is a community cinema.

They chose this place to accommodate her piano lessons.

Nowadays, movie theater walls are decorated with posters for the latest movies. But as she recalled it, the poster turned into the movie they originally watched. However, the poster is very blurry and only the name of the movie is clear.

She entered the theater and randomly found a show. The movie at that time came to an end, and there were only four or five middle-aged and elderly women in the seats. The two people, who seemed to be the hero and heroine, hugged each other. At the same time, the soundtrack sounded and the surrounding lights lit up. The women left while chatting. The girl sat alone in the middle seat and watched the credits roll.

Her memory changed my vision again.

The plot of the comedy movie she watched originally appeared on the screen, and it was also a bit blurry. The laughter around her was clear, her own, her friends'...

After the credits rolled, the cinema staff came over to clear the place.

She saw where the girl was sitting and was about to flip up the seat.

The girl jumped up and got out of the way, watching the place where she had just been sitting become empty, and the staff member left without looking back.

The four pieces of paper were still in her pocket.

She reached out to touch it, trying to find some sense of support, but she found her mobile phone. Of course this was what she imagined.

Only, this time it’s not a real phone, but it’s just like a real phone. She received new information.

The time for the trip has been set, it's tomorrow.

She put away her phone expressionlessly and walked out of the cinema.

Next, she had no destination, and all she could think about was her friend's upcoming trip.

From day to night, she walked mechanically, but I seemed to feel a force pulling her.

The power was interrupted when she reached the back door of a residential complex. At the same time, it seemed that her emotions had been out of control during this period.

She leaned against a street tree on the side of the road and cried.

I looked at a small door next to it and drew a simple map of this place in my mind.

If I remember correctly, the community here is the community where Guo Yujie's family is located.

This made my heart skip a beat.

Guo Yujie... Yi Huan now, Zhang Xiaojia in the past - the friend of Zhu Mei, the victim of the subway incident, was killed by Zhu Mei and turned into a ghost, so she also found Guo Yujie inexplicably.

This situation is a bit weird, and it made me wonder about Guo Yujie's abilities.

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