Aoba Office

Chapter 1063 Shaohua (8)

The girl sat on the ground for a long time, looking at the paper that turned into ashes without leaving any trace, and she felt that despair again.

She gave up and tossed the pad aside.

I felt the Yin Qi disappear, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

If I can't save her, I hope she will be reincarnated normally instead of being eliminated by me.

The girl looked at her hair that hung down to her chest. Under her gaze, her clothes also changed, just like the one worn by Goddess Yan in the video.

She scoffed and went to the living room.

The living room in her house is very large. It may have been a three-bedroom house. Half of the wall was demolished, turning the room into a small hall.

There is a piano in the small hall.

The girl walked to the piano, lifted up the flannel, stroked her skirt, and sat down on the chair.

She started playing the piano, which was the song that Goddess Yan played in the video.

The beautiful piano sound became sluggish after a while.

It's not that she forgot the score, but that she felt bored.

Her hairstyle and clothing returned to their original state. After placing an accent on his hands, his whole body stopped moving.

After a while——


There was a knock on the door.

She turned to look at the door.

"Is this this one?"

"I remember this is the one. Didn't we come together at that time?"

"Yi Huan! Yi Huan!"

There was a girl's cry outside the door.

The girl's tears rolled down her face.

"Try calling again." Someone said.

The buzzing sound of a cell phone vibrating could be heard in the room.

"The phone is on, but no one is picking up."

"She turned on her phone. She must have seen the messages in the group, right?"


The girl staggered to the door of the room and stretched out her hand to open the door. Her hand passed through the door, and she fell out of the door.

I hurriedly followed and saw three girls outside the door.

The three girls all look familiar to me. They should all be my sister’s junior high school classmates. I didn't see my sister, and they didn't see me and the girl.

The three girls were chattering, talking about girls.

The girl fell at their feet, half of her body overlapping their feet. The girl stared at that scene in a daze.

"I used to talk about taking pictures together... I also want to make a video and put all the photos together." One of the girls said disappointedly.

"It's not necessarily that we can't be contacted all the time. Let's leave a message for her and wait for her when the bus leaves. She may have something happened recently." Another girl said.

"Maybe I didn't do well in the exam..." the third girl said and immediately shut up.

The three people looked at each other.

"Maybe I dropped my phone?" Someone broke the embarrassment.

"Did you bring any paper? Give her a note."

"No. I saw the supermarket when I came here just now. Let's go buy some."

"This kind of door has no cracks. Buy this book and post it N times."

"Put one in the mailbox too. What floor and number is this?"

The three of them walked downstairs while talking.

The girl still maintained her original posture, watching them leave and waiting until they left and returned.

A square yellow sticky note was posted on the door, with a message and an emoticon at the end.

The three girls did this and looked at each other.

"What if we get the wrong door?"

"I remember this one. The door opposite was this shit green color."

"Eh - you're so disgusting!"

They laughed and laughed for a while, and even wrote an extra note:


We are looking for Yi Huan, a classmate who graduated from Moral Education Junior High School.

If she lives here, please give her the note below.

Many thanks! "

"Is this okay?"


They collected their things and headed downstairs.

The girl followed.

When they arrived at the mailbox downstairs, they wrote two identical notes, put them in the mailbox, and carefully left a corner of the mailbox opening.

"This way they will know that someone has left something for them when they come back." A girl snapped her fingers, proudly.

The three people left the community happily.

The girl kept watching. After they left, he reached out and pulled out the two notes. She touched the emoticons on the last note, crying and laughing at the same time.

It was getting dark and many people were going home from get off work. The girl's parents never came back.

She also left home and did not go to school. Instead, she took a car, changed cars, and arrived at a small street.

I guessed her destination before she arrived.

This is the place my sisters chose when taking photos. When they graduated from the third grade of junior high school, this group of little girls took those photos here.

This place is considered a cultural street and is planned to be turned into a tourist attraction. However, it didn’t work out in the end. The houses were all built, but when we brought in the store, we ran into trouble, and the surrounding renovation work also came to a halt. Many shops are still empty. However, the scenery is quite good and there are few people. Some photo studios choose to take wedding photos here.

The girl walked along the road, stopped at many places, and then continued forward.

She walked to the end of the road and sat down on a bench at the end of the road.

The soft yellow light of the street lamps illuminates the entire street, and the occasional shadows make the scene look more charming.

The girl's hand stretched out.

A fairy wand appeared between her fingers.

The crackling fire blossomed like a blooming flower.

The colors of the fire are colorful, and it should be the change in the girl's mind. That fairy stick couldn't burn out, it just kept burning.

Until the girl became discouraged and the fire and fairy wand disappeared.

She suddenly fell down on the bench and curled up.

The girl slept here all night. After dawn, the noise from the next street came over.

The dream jumped.

Another night.

In my field of vision, a group of girls taking pictures with fairy wands appeared. The figures of the girls are blurry, and only the twinkling fairy wands are very real.

This is what the girl sees. It's not all memory, it has a bit of a hallucination effect.

However, no yin energy came out. This made me frown.

I don’t know how many days passed like this, but someone finally passed by on this road.

The pedestrian looked like a disappointed tourist, saying that the road recommended online was boring and he might as well go to Kangxin Road. Another said that the love tree was gone and Kangxin Road was no longer interesting.

They talked about the itinerary and would fly back tomorrow.

The girl sat up from the bench and walked home slowly.

Her family hasn't changed at all.

The two notes were still taped to the door, and it seemed that her parents had never come back.

She walked through the door to the bedroom.

The phone still had power, and there were many calls and messages sent to her.

As she watched, tears fell again.

They are all messages from her friends, and they are all calls from her friends. The number of messages in the group was refreshed to 999+.

She was a little moved, but also a little overwhelmed.

She couldn't communicate with people, and her attempts frightened her parents, but what about these people?

The girl sobbed.

She is not dead yet, but she is not alive either.

For a moment, feeling the girl's mood, I wished she could turn into an evil spirit. At least, that way, she wouldn't feel as empty and desperate as she does now.

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