Aoba Office

Chapter 1069 No. 082-Living with Ghosts (4)

After Wu Ling finished speaking, for a long time, the picture on the screen did not change at all.

Wu Ling spoke again: "Mr. Ye, what you are doing now is not a long-term solution. When a person dies, he should be reincarnated. Even if he is not reincarnated and turns into a ghost, it should be because of some kind of obsession, rather than just staying in the world doing nothing. ”

When Wu Ling finished speaking, the video became quiet again. There were some vague breathing sounds coming from the video, and the owner of that breathing sound was a little unsteady and seemed very nervous.

Ye Qing's voice sounded at this time: "Okay, let's do it."

This time, there are a few more changes in the video.

There seems to be an extra layer of fog in the originally clean picture. This is not a real mist, but a faint yin. There has always been Yin Qi in the video, but at this time, the Yin Qi, which was originally so light and almost invisible, gained a substantial feeling.

The sound of footsteps comes from outside the screen, from far to near.

The sound of the man gasping was heard.

"Please sit down, Mr. Ye." Wu Ling said politely.

The footsteps stopped, then sounded again, and a figure appeared in the screen.

It was a man with an ordinary appearance and ordinary clothes. He looked like an ordinary office worker. He was also the "protagonist" who had appeared in the previous surveillance video. With a wry smile on his face and a blank look in his eyes, he sat down on the sofa with a very reserved posture.

"Can you tell me something about you, Mr. Ye?"

"I..." the man spoke, and the confusion on his face deepened, "I don't know... I died in a car accident, I know this. When I was hit, my mind went blank, and I just felt It hurt, and then... I don’t know how long it took, but I felt light and giddy. When I woke up, I was at home, my parents were burning paper and crying... That should be my head, they ...They burned paper for me..." The man lowered his head, his eyes red.

"Then what?"

"I thought it was just the first seven souls, and then there would be bull-headed and horse-faced things...but there was nothing. I stayed with my parents that night. They couldn't see me, and they couldn't hear me when I called them. I just I stayed at home all night, and at dawn, I was worried that something would happen, but nothing happened. So..."

"You stayed home?"

The man opened his mouth and said, "Yes, I stayed for a while. But... I couldn't do anything. At home, there was really nothing to do, so I went out and walked around. I don't know... I thought this was what happened after death. , stay here... There is a novel that has been adapted into a movie, isn't it like this? People die, but they still stay in the world, see their relatives and friends living their lives, and then, one day, they suddenly ascend to heaven." He smiled bitterly, "I have been thinking about when I will ascend to heaven for a long time. Well, what an opportunity... I followed my parents for several days, watching them busy at work, and also visited my company and the cemetery... I also spent some time looking for my first girlfriend, which was really..."

The bitter expression on the man's face became a little heavier.

"Don't you have particularly strong emotions?" Wu Ling asked.

The man shook his head, "No. I didn't do anything bad. I wanted to comfort my parents, so I thought of some, uh... ways. For example, leaving a note, giving some hints... just like those scenes in movies, ghost movies That kind of thing. But I...just like in some ghost movies, I can't do anything."

He suddenly closed his mouth.

"Have you ever found a ghost like you?" Ye Qing interrupted and asked.

The man was startled and looked to the side of the camera, his eyes flickering slightly.

"What happened?" Ye Qing continued to ask.

The man lowered his head, "It's a bit scary... I walked around, trying to find something... I saw a ghost, he, he looked very... except that one hand was missing, and blood was still dripping from the broken part. I saw him following a man. They didn't look like serious people, they looked like gangsters. I didn't dare to follow him. I haven't met anyone else."

"Why do you live here with me?" The client Yang Fan's voice sounded, full of doubts.

The man said awkwardly: "I'm a little scared. I didn't meet any more ghosts, but I met someone. He seemed to be able to see ghosts, and he found me. I originally wanted to communicate with him, but he brought out a jade pendant. When I saw the jade pendant, I felt like my body was on fire. He later chased me and found the community where my home was, so I had to run out and saw an empty house here. …”

"You lived here before Mr. Yang bought the house?" Wu Ling asked.

"Yes. This house was originally renovated, but no one has lived in it, so I lived here. One day, I don't remember which day it was, I really had nothing to do. After practicing for a long time, I finally was able to touch it. Something has arrived. The original homeowner had cable TV and paid the water and electricity bills, so I... I went home to see it once, and I also wanted to tell my parents and let them... But, I can't do it here. I can turn on the TV, but I can't do anything in front of my parents. I want to tell them... but it doesn't work..." The man sighed in frustration.

"But you and those express delivery and takeaway people!" Yang Fan was excited.

The man looked up and said in confusion: "I find it strange too. I also thought about communicating with you. When you moved in, there were still those decorators... But before... I wanted to tell the courier, but it couldn't be done. After you installed the camera, I tried it again, but it still didn't work. As soon as I did that, my head would suddenly... How to say... my mind would be empty and I couldn't think of anything, and it would take a while for me to recover. I don’t know what the problem is.” He said in a panic: “I wanted to leave, but there are some things... you often shop online, live alone, and are not at home during the day...”

"So, you just stay here?" Yang Fan said angrily.

"I'm sorry." The man lowered his head, "Before you renovated, you hired someone. I actually thought at that time... but that person didn't drive me away. Later, you gradually discovered me, and I was still wondering if you could ..." He sighed, "I don't want to stay like this. I've been to the Chenghuang Temple and the Guanyin Temple. I really don't know what to do. It's been a few years. …That's it……"

The man's eyes moved to where he was looking before, "I wanted to come out just now, but..."

Ye Qing said: "You can't show up before I speak?"

"Yes." The man nodded.

"Okay, we understand." Wu Ling took the words.

The man's eyes moved, his face full of confusion.

Yang Fan asked: "What's going on?"

"Something happened, but it has nothing to do with you two. Mr. Ye, can you feel any difference now? Do you feel like you are about to leave this world?" Wu Ling asked.

The man shook his head and looked at his hands, "No, on the contrary... it feels more real."

"Yes. If you are willing to reincarnate, we can help you." Wu Ling said.

Good night everyone~

P.S. Starting from tomorrow, monthly votes will be doubled. If you have monthly votes, remember to vote again tomorrow~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

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