Aoba Office

Chapter 106 No. 052-Ghost in the Ghost Zone (6)


"Ms. Yao, this matter is very serious. Please answer our questions honestly."

"I'm making a game."

"Xiao Yao?"

"I am making a game according to the script of 'Ascension to the Sky'. I asked Sister Zhang for some information about the game. I don't want to sell it, I just want to make it...I am alone, and the production progress is very slow."

"Where did you go?"

"Not much really. I'm not very good at writing programs. I used to always write plots and create characters..."

"Can you show us the computer you are using?"

"Computer? At home..."

"Can you take us to see it now?"

"Oh sure."

"I want to come along."

"Brother Zhou, can we go together?"

"Of course, that's your home."

"Please come in. No need to change your shoes."

"Xiao Yao, you don't have to be so polite to them."


"Is this the computer?"


"Hey, why do you open other people's computers without permission!"

"It was going to open."


"Sorry, Mr. Zhou, our leader is such a straightforward person."

"Is this being blunt?!"

"Brother Zhou, it's okay."

“Nangong, come and take a look.”

"Are you the hacker?"

Da da da da…

"Is this it?"

"Yes. I just did a little bit, this..."

"This is it."

"Boss, you mean..."

"Delete it."

"What nonsense are you talking about! This is Xiao Yao's hard work!" "Wait! Why did you delete it?"


"Why...I haven't done this..."

"'[Aoba Nangong], stop your behavior.' Haha, now you understand why I deleted it, right?"

"Doesn't it know Nangong's identity?"

"How do I let it know who I really am?"

"Is this... really a ghost?"

"Can I communicate with it?"

"I can cut out the notepad. It should be able to 'see' it."

"Let it stop killing people."

Da da da da…


"Xiao Yao!"

"Brother Zhou, I... made a killing... game?"

"No, there was no killing. Those people died accidentally."


"'It's not killing, it's living in the game.' How do you understand this sentence, Mr. Zhou?"



"Xiao Yao, don't cry."

"Ask if it can free people."

Da da da da…

"'No. They will contribute to completing me. Live forever with me.' Tsk! Is this game insane?"

"Tell it that Red Light Lightning is preparing to re-produce the 'Ascending to the Sky and Falling to the Earth' expansion pack, and Yao Jingyu will return to the company to participate in the production."

Da da da da…

"What did you say?"




"It asked, 'Quiet, really?'"




"Haha! Nangong, you are too weak."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, I...suck..."

"It's okay. Just talk to it."

Da da da da da da…

"Xiao Yao..."

"What did she hit?"

"'Really. So you don't have to pull someone else in to get the production done.'"

"'Great, Jingjing. Will you make me?'"

Da da da da…

"'Yes.', 'Then, Jingjing, I look forward to the day when I meet you again.'"

"Woo! Woo hoo..."

"Delete it."

"Can you..."


"That's it...alright?"

"See if there is still that server."

Click! Click! click! Da da da da…


"It's gone..."

"As agreed, work with your colleagues from the original company to produce it."

"In that case, it...will come out again?"

"I won't kill anyone again."


"Xiao Yao, let's make it according to your script."


"We need to take this computer with us."


"If you have any information, back it up and delete it."

"We will compensate you, but we have to take the computer away."

"Because of……"

"Xiao Yao."

"Oh...ok, let me back up some things."

On November 23, 2008, one computer was destroyed. Attached: A photo.

On November 25, 2008, the investigation was concluded.


The computer was an assembled desktop. The machines were very old and had been wiped clean. I saw a little reflection on the dark screen. Strangely, what was reflected on the screen was not the photographer, but a blurry figure with only his head and shoulders. It was like a person playing computer seeing his own reflection on the screen.

I have some aversion to cold.

The problem may not be with that game, but with this computer! It takes advantage of Yao Jingyu and the half-finished game she made to kill people!

Out of curiosity, I searched for "Heaven and Earth Promise" and "Burning Sky Flames" on the Internet. There is quite a lot of news about this game. It is rare for the server to go on strike for many days in a row. Later, the production company and the publishing company terminated the contract and remade it. The stand-alone game was sold, and the sales were good. There were three movies in total, and it was also adapted into a TV series. I took a look at the red TV series poster and suddenly it looked familiar.

"Lin Qi, have you also watched "Immortal Fate"?" Guo Yujie came over with a water glass.

"No. Have you seen it?"

"Yes, it was very popular at that time! Ning Yuan is super handsome!" Guo Yujie said infatuatedly.

I was still thinking about Qingye's file in my mind and sighed in my heart. I continued to flip through the webpage and saw a piece of social news: Zhuang was addicted to games and died suddenly in front of the computer. Some netizens in the comments below said that this Zhuang was his roommate in college. He was addicted to games at that time and insisted on inviting him to play "The Promise of Heaven and Earth" through QQ. Looking at the time, this Zhuang died in 2011, so it should have nothing to do with the "Ghost Zone Ghost", right?

When it was time to get off work, I turned off the computer and saw my face projected on the black screen. I suddenly felt very scary.

I hope Qingye is reliable this time and doesn't leave any trouble.

"Brother Qi, are you leaving?" The thin man greeted me.

"Let's go. I'll go back early today." I responded.

The five people filed out and said goodbye at the door.

When I go home and see my parents and sister, I feel relaxed.

My sister was talking about school to her mother who was cooking, and she was still frightened, "It's so scary. It's the first time I've seen Teacher Qin get so angry."

"What's scary? Did you make a mistake in school?" I asked with a smile.

"No!" My sister rolled her eyes at me.

Mom said: "It's Teacher Qin, the dean of their school. He will retire after taking care of them this year. He was originally going to be evaluated for a title, and he was a sure winner, but a student came to make trouble in the past."

"That student is a murderer." My sister added.

"You know all this?" I patted her head.

"The teachers said it. They said it was Teacher Qin's only stain. If he taught a murderer, he couldn't be judged on anything."

"Isn't it dangerous to be released and come to the school? Your school security doesn't care about it," my mother said worriedly.

"I'm not sure. It seems that he wasn't caught at the time and there's no evidence." The younger sister scratched her head.

"Then why do you call someone a murderer? Isn't that too much?" I frowned.

It is hurtful for a school student to be called that by a school teacher.

"I don't know. Anyway, that's what the teachers said." My sister also frowned, rolled her eyes, hugged my arm, and said coquettishly, "Brother, go check it out! Your demolition office Don’t you have a good relationship with the police station? Your leader is also very capable and can definitely find out.”

I flicked my sister's forehead and said, "Are you instigating your brother to use public tools for private use?"

"This is for your sister's safety. It's okay if you ask someone to check." Mom glared at me.

"Okay. I'll ask Xiao Gu from the police station." I asked my sister, "Do you know that person's name?"

"have no idea."

I curled my lips, "Then what's your teacher Qin's name?"

"Qin Yijuan."

"Okay." I was also worried about my sister's comfort, so I decided to call and ask Xiaogu after I went to work tomorrow.

Sorry for the late update today.

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