Aoba Office

Chapter 107 Explosion (1)

I kept this incident in mind, and when I arrived at work the next day, I looked for Xiao Gu and invited him to dinner.

After hearing this, the thin man also wanted to go.

"Xiao Gu has helped us so much, we should treat him to a meal a long time ago. Book a private room and let's go together."

The other three agreed. Guo Yujie took the initiative to book a restaurant, and her energy was much more positive than when she was working.

As soon as I made an appointment with Xiaogu and hung up the phone, Shouzi and the others asked me about Qin Yijuan.

"She is a teacher from my sister's school. A graduating student came to the school yesterday and was not very happy." I said vaguely. "The little girl heard some rumors about the school, and my mother became worried. She insisted that I ask about it."

"Oh, that's right." Guo Yujie nodded, "Your sister is in No. 18 Middle School, right?"


"Are there students like that in No. 18 Middle School?" Guo Yujie asked curiously.

The full name of the 18th Middle School is the 18th Middle School of Minqing City. The previous 17 schools were closed, merged, merged, and restructured. Only the 18th Middle School was preserved and became the first batch of key municipal schools in the city. high school. There are about forty key high schools in the city, each with its own characteristics. No. 18 Middle School is famous for its excellent academic performance. To put it bluntly, the students in No. 18 Middle School are very honest.

I didn't go to No. 18 Middle School. When I was a student, I would laugh with my classmates at the good kids in No. 18 Middle School. Now when I see my sister studying in the 18th Middle School, I feel completely different. I just feel that the 18th Middle School is really good and how well-behaved the children are taught.

"What's so strange about this? There aren't a few black sheep there?" The thin man disagreed.

The phone rang.

The fat man answered the phone and after saying a few words, his expression changed slightly and he turned to look at the four of us.

"What's wrong?" I stood up.

"Okay, let's go over there right now." Fatty said into the phone, hung up the phone, and told us: "Director Mao called, something happened in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants."

"What's the matter?" I asked, taking something.

Guo Yujie and the others also hurriedly packed up and carried their own bags.

The fat man sighed, "There was an explosion in a building. It was probably caused by a gas leak."

We moved our hands and took a breath in unison.

"Are there any casualties?" I asked.

"I don't know yet. The fire brigade is working on the rescue. The fire in the building has not been put out yet." The fat man was worried.

"Which building?"

"I didn't have time to say it."

"I'll go tell the old leader and you go drive first."

I ran to the old leader’s office and reported the matter to him.

The old leader looked solemn and said, "I'll go with you."

Six people would have to drive two cars. I called the thin man and asked them to take a car, and I drove with the old leader.

This matter has something to do with our demolition office, whether it's a big deal or a small matter. If the damage is not serious, it will have no impact on demolition. If the building is severely damaged and people are seriously injured or even killed, the attitude of those residents will definitely change when the demolition comes. No matter from a human perspective or a work perspective, I hope that the matter is not serious and that it would be best if there are no casualties.

But when the car arrived at the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, my heart skipped a beat.

The thick black smoke and the tongues of fire that shot out from time to time made people feel heavy. In the distance, I heard crying. Because of the smoke, I couldn't see clearly the extent of the damage to the building, but I can imagine that the power of the explosion was definitely not small.

"Gas explosion?" The old leader frowned.

Yes, how could a gas explosion explode like this? It looks like this is not one gas explosion, but several!

The thin man and the others arrived first. After the old leader and I squeezed into the crowd, we saw Guo Yujie waving to us. The thin man and the fat man were talking to Director Mao.

Only then did I notice that the building that exploded was the one where Tao Hai lived. This discovery made my heart sink again.

"How is it?" the old leader asked.

Chen Xiaoqiu said with a straight face, "The fire brigade is working on the rescue. People on the first floor have been evacuated. The explosion occurred on the fourth floor."

"You haven't been rescued even from the second floor? How long has it been?" The old leader frowned.

"Almost an hour."

The old leader was even more surprised, "What's going on?"

"I don't know either. Director Mao and others couldn't tell clearly. At first it was suspected to be a gas explosion, but the fire couldn't be extinguished. There was so much smoke inside that the fire brigade couldn't rush to the second floor."

"Then how come you didn't come down from the second floor?" the old leader asked doubtfully.

I thought about Tao Hai's cornucopia and had a bad feeling.

Chen Xiaoqiu and Guo Yujie could not answer this question.

"Where's the ladder?" The old leader turned to look at the fire truck.

"The water is spraying now. There's one on the other side too."

"What's inside a residential building? Why can't the fire be extinguished?" The old leader's face was gloomy.

The thin man and the fat man came over, greeted the old leader, and told them what they had just learned. In fact, it is almost the same as what Chen Xiaoqiu said.

"Director Mao said that the residents here are very ordinary and there are no suspicious people." said the thin man.

I looked anxiously at the building with smoke everywhere, thinking about the old leader's question just now.

It's not a chemical factory, so how come there are fires in residential areas that can't be extinguished for so long? There is no suspicious person, so normal residents would not pile up a lot of chemical raw materials in their homes. What is going on with the thick smoke and the inextinguishable fire?

Amidst the thick smoke, mist and fire, I saw a man standing at the window and immediately called out.

"What's wrong, Brother Qi?"

"There's someone!" I pointed to the fourth floor.

Everyone looked over.

The old leader narrowed his eyes, "Where is it?"

The four skinny guys all had dark faces. The thin man bumped me directly with his elbow.

I was shocked.

"Are you still there?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked.

I opened my mouth, looked at their expressions, and then looked at the person standing at the window, and suddenly I was speechless. I have been to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants many times, and I can tell at a glance that the location is a staircase. However, according to the slope of the stairs, this person must be three meters tall to stand in that position and let me see half of his body. Looking at the outline, it was a man, and all I saw was an outline.

"Are you looking at it? The smoke is quite big." The fat man said.

The old leader turned to look at me.

"Yeah. It's gone. It must have been a trick." I said bravely.

The man was still standing by the window, not moving. This is not normal no matter how you think about it. Either I was blinded and saw something in the smoke as a human being, or...

My heart beat faster, and I subconsciously tried to distinguish the outline carefully.

The fire department's water cannon sprayed the window. Probably due to the explosion, the glass windows of the entire building were shattered and the windows became big holes. The water sprayed in and dispersed a little of the thick smoke, and I saw the outline of a person, and that face made my scalp tingle. Because that was Tao Hai! Tao Hai stood numbly at the window, soaked by the water, and didn't react at all. No, he is not standing at the window, he is floating in the window! And he was descending slowly, as if taking an elevator, descending from the fourth floor to the third floor without any hindrance, and his feet were exposed in the stairwell window on the third floor.

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