Aoba Office

Chapter 105 No. 052-Ghost in the Ghost Zone (5)

On November 18, 2008, the server of "The Promise of Heaven and Earth" was attacked, causing the game to stop running for three hours. The "Burning Sky Flame" server is not affected. The "Burning Sky Flame" incident has caused heated discussions on the Internet. Invaded the networks of Shengshi Network Company and Hongguang Jiedian Company, and monitored internal files and surveillance systems.

On November 19, 2008, he continued to attack the server of "The Promise of Heaven and Earth", causing the game to stop running for five hours. The "Burning Sky Flame" server is not affected.

On November 21, 2008, internal email records of Hongguang Jiedian Company were monitored. Document 05220081121.doc.

Sender: Ding Yi

Content: There is a problem with the Shengshi server. Can we ask to terminate the contract?

Sender: Zhou Xingyi

Content: Legal affairs are being handled. If the conditions are met, the contract will definitely be terminated.

Sender: Zhang Yu

Content: Next time you sign a new company, you must agree not to change the game plot.

Sender: Zhou Xingyi

Content: Tiandi will definitely be affected. If we sign a new company, we will directly ask for a new expansion pack.

Sender: Ding Yi

Content: Can’t the original Ascension to Heaven and Fall to Earth be used?

Sender: Zhou Xingyi

Content: Definitely not.

On November 22, 2008, I contacted Zhou Xingyi, executive director of Hongguang Jidian Company. Audio file 05220081122.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with us."

"Haha, can I not come? I wonder what your names are? Among the top hackers in the country, I have never heard of anyone who is so bored that he comes to hack a game."

"We don't want to hinder your business, but what's happening now forces us to take some extraordinary measures. I don't know if you have paid attention to the "Burning Sky Flame" server incident in "The Promise of Heaven and Earth"."

"Isn't that a bug from Shengshi?"

"You once wanted to use this reason to terminate the contract with Shengshi, but you couldn't provide any conclusive evidence, or in other words, you couldn't find such a server at all, right?"

"What do you want to say?"

"We'd like to ask you to see the footage."

"What is this? How could Zhenren Qianwu know that...that 'Burning Sky Flame' was created by you?"

"Mr. Zhuang Kang was dragged into the game by his friend Mr. Qingtian. After he thought that 'Burning Sky Flame' was a ghost zone and wanted to switch servers, his friend once begged him and got into a car accident not long after. Died. Mr. Zhuang Kang has encountered the same thing now. He needs to complete the task of inviting friends, otherwise his life will be in danger."

"Are you kidding me? How is this possible? Ha!"

"If it's not possible, how do you explain this server that cannot be found?"

"Maybe a more advanced hacker. I..."

"What is 'rising to the sky and falling to the earth'?"


"What is 'rising to the sky and falling to the earth'?"

"It should be an expansion pack developed by you, but during the cooperation with Shengshi, it was changed or simply deleted."

"How did you know?"

"We have our investigative tools."

"You hacked into our company's network?"

"Answer our questions. This waste of time is of no benefit to anyone. Or do you want to verify whether it is true that you will die if you do not complete the tasks released in the game?"


"Although you have deleted the content about 'Rising to the Sky and Falling to the Earth' in the database, it is not difficult to find out, it just takes more time. If we take one more day, the server of "The Promise of Heaven and Earth" will stop running for one day. In addition, In addition, there will be a lot of bugs in the game."

"You've gone too far!"

"Well, you're right."


"Mr. Zhou, this is about the lives of many people. You also want to terminate the contract with Shengshi. We can achieve a win-win situation by working with each other."

"Huh... 'Ascending to the Sky and Falling to the Earth' is the first information about Tiandi. According to the plot of 'Ascending to the Sky and Falling to the Earth', the player should have known Ning Yuan since childhood, and then followed Ning Yuan and Fairy Yaoguang to practice together. Ning Yuan ascended to the sky and Yaoguang fell to the earth. Players have to make a choice in the final copy at this time. One is to pass the test of heaven normally and follow Ning Yuan to ascend to heaven. The other is to kill the hidden BOSS and learn that Yao Guang was sent to hell and refused to ascend to heaven. The information of the second part will be updated next. film. Shengshi was dissatisfied with the plot. When this game was developed, Shengshi invested money, and they sent people to participate in the script revision. Do you know the current plot? When the player starts to enter the game, after Yaoguang is sent to hell, Ning Yuan walks on Our production team is not satisfied with this script, but we can’t say which one is better and which one is worse. The script decided by Shengshi is more immersive. Going to hell to save your lover is more exciting than simply upgrading and becoming an immortal. Motivating.”

“‘Ascension and Fall’ only stayed at the script stage and did not produce a game?”

"There was no production. The script was rejected by Shengshi."

"Mr. Zhou, what did you remember?"

"Why do you care about 'Ascending to Heaven and Falling to Earth'?"

"Experience and intuition."


"There must be a reason for supernatural events. Since supernatural events happen in games, they are related to games. People who die in front of the computer, ghosts who are addicted to games, producers who are passionate about games, or, It’s the game itself. What do you think is related to the emergence of the ‘Burning Sky Flame’ server?”

"That the plot the same?"

"Same, it's a plot modified by Shengshi, not 'rising to the sky and falling to the earth'."

"Mr. Zhou?"

"'Burning Sky Flame'... is actually an idea of ​​Xiao Yao. In the second expansion pack, players who choose to ascend to heaven or fall to the ground will actually change their jobs. Both parties will learn about Yao Guang and then go to save Yao Guang. The second expansion pack is called Burning Sky Flames. Ning Yuan and the players rescued Yao Guang together, and the fire from hell burned to heaven, destroying both hell and heaven. The world was in chaos, and the demons danced wildly. Then after the update, there will be the third piece of information. piece."

"You are very ambitious."

"Xiao Yao is very ambitious. You can also see it from the first expansion pack of her and Sheng Shi, right? Xiao Yao was originally planning to make a trilogy. Sheng Shi has to see the effect of the first part before deciding whether to Update Part 2. They are pure businessmen.”

"So, who is this little Yao?"

"She left her job. She left her job because of this incident."

"Is she still alive?"

"Of course you're alive! How are you talking!"

"What is she doing now?"

"I haven't done anything. I haven't found a new job yet. Xianfu has been at home for a long time. She said she was recharging her batteries."

"Can you give us her contact information?"

"What are you going to do?"

"You gave us a suspect, what did you say we were going to do?"


"All right."

" will investigate Xiao Yao yourself, right?"


"You! Huh...I'll help you ask her out. I have to be there when you talk."


On November 23, 2008, we contacted Yao Jingyu, the former game planner of Hongguang Jiedian Company. Audio file 05220081123.wav.

"Brother Zhou, are they the people you talked about on the phone?"


"Hello, Miss Yao."

"Hello... um, is what you said true? "Heaven and Earth"... "Heaven and Earth" killed people?"

"Xiao Yao, don't listen to their nonsense."

"I read the forum and someone said something similar."

"Xiao Yao..."

"Ms. Yao, are you still doing anything related to this game?"

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