Aoba Office

Chapter 1054 I’m sorry, I love you (3)

From the moment I heard those voices and had that thought in my mind, my consciousness became intermittent.

I couldn't control my thoughts and could only be dominated by those painful sounds, which resulted in long periods of torture and short periods of clarity.

Even during that short period of clarity, I couldn't observe and think properly. That was a gap for me to breathe, so that I wouldn't collapse to the point of completely losing my mind.

I already feel dangerous.

If this continues, problems will definitely arise.

Let alone saving Mu Ai's mother, I'm afraid I'll get stuck here.

Moreover, Mu Ai's mother is already in a very bad condition. I don't know how she died, but if this continues, she will collapse both physically and mentally.

During a moment of sobriety, I reached out to Mu Ai's mother.

But when my hand pressed Mu Ai's mother's shoulder, I was at a loss again.

how should I do? Reversing time for Muai’s mother and making her… younger?

Nangong Yao was reversed for a while. I don't know how long that was, but I do know that his memory hasn't changed.

What I can change may only be physical objects, or intangible supernatural items, but not people's memories and thoughts.

If this is the case, even if I reverse the time of Mu Ai's mother, it will have no effect.

Before I had time to think of a new solution, I felt that cry coming again.

My consciousness faded again.

When I woke up the next moment, I still had a few seconds to react before I realized I was moving.

Of course it’s not me who can move, but Mu Ai’s mother.

Mu Ai's mother seems to be in much better condition than I, who was implicated. Although she does not leave the house, locks herself at home, and her mental state is not normal, she can always maintain a normal life.

She was able to eat and sleep, as if she was used to this kind of torture, and used to the life accompanied by this kind of torture. Like an old patient, he has adapted to his body's abnormalities and is able to tolerate them.

Maybe because of her state, some of her emotions were finally conveyed to me.

There are countless memory fragments, and Mu Ge and Mu Ai are present in every bit of them. Gradually, Mu Ai replaced Mu Ge and became the most popular image in those memories.

The pain slowly became less frequent.

I have longer periods of wakefulness. But I didn't come up with any good ideas.

Perhaps, without me having to think of a solution, women themselves have overcome this big problem with perseverance.

Those fragments of memories...

As soon as I saw those, my heart twitched. It's not pain, just sadness.

During my waking hours, I figured out what was going on.

"Mom, Dad, I want to go out for a walk later." The woman said to the worried old couple at the dinner table.

The two old men were surprised, but also a little cautiously surprised.

The woman refused the company of the two old men, went downstairs alone, and slowly walked into the garden of the community.

At this time, there were still people in the garden, but it was very quiet on a path in the garden. The plants there are a bit dense and there are a lot of mosquitoes. No one walks or enjoys the shade here.

The woman took out her cell phone.

I saw the date and time displayed on her phone, and my heart skipped a beat.

The phone was called to Muge.

When she saw those two words, those screams faintly appeared in the woman's ears again.

She took a deep breath and stood leaning against a tree, her hand holding the phone shaking.

The phone was connected, but Muge's voice was not heard. At this time, Muge should be receiving people from the Gu family. I didn't see his cell phone at the time. It might have been placed somewhere else, or it might have been muted while working.

The call went to voicemail.

The woman seemed to be relieved, but her face was still pale.

She said into the phone: "It's me...I want to talk to you about something. You may not may not have noticed it before. I also, it was before...before that There was a car accident...I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I lied at that time..."

The woman slowly squatted down and began to sob.


As soon as she came out, those brutal screams and the pain transmitted through the screams pervaded the woman's soul.

She clenched her teeth, and blood seeped out from between her teeth.

"You, please leave Xiao Ai to me... I know, Xiao Ai... You said at that time that it would be better for you to raise her. But... no... Mu Ge... Mu Ge... the more I love you , the more painful it is! Those voices... I'm sorry... I escaped... But, Xiao Ai... you have to send Xiao Ai back... Xiao Ai can't be with you... Muge... I..."

The woman's emotions were on the verge of losing control, and tears burst out.

The strong emotions in her mind were intertwined with those screams.

I felt the same way as her. Not only did I feel her pain, but I also felt her strong love for Mu Ge and Mu Ai, her father and daughter.

"Xiao Ai, she can't... contact you anymore... She has to forget, at least..." the woman struggled to squeeze out the words, "I have to... not love you... Mu Ge... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... ...Mu Ge..."

Her hand shook and the phone fell to the ground. She was completely helpless and fell to her knees.

I was excited, gritted my teeth and stretched out my hand.

I know that it is at this moment when a woman breaks down that she dies. I wanted to save her... all I could do might be to prolong her life a little bit, but that was a hope.

Even if that is an extremely slim hope.

The severe pain and the ringing of my cell phone woke me up at that moment.

I found myself in a bright interior, my own bedroom.

I was covered in sweat, and for a moment, I couldn't tell the current situation.

This was mainly because the pain suddenly disappeared and I couldn't react.

The cell phone rings relentlessly.

I slowly calmed down and touched the cell phone that was vibrating next to me.

The caller displayed on the screen was Muge.

My throat was about to smoke, my eyes were hurting, and when I saw this name, I felt a sense of fear.

I can't remember if I met that woman in the end and saved her.

My hands are a little weak, which makes it difficult for me to answer the phone.

I took a step slower and the phone was hung up.

My hand loosened and my phone fell on the bed.

After breathing heavily for a while, I felt the aftereffects of the pain begin to appear. The side effects are worse than last time. The pain I feel now is too complicated. Not to mention the pain of fire, knife, and other traumas, even my emotions are somewhat affected. All kinds of negative emotions emerge uncontrollably, including not only sadness, but also anger and Jealousy is a senseless emotion that has nothing to do with the current situation.

They say it's irrelevant, but in fact, these are all side effects. It's not a side effect of my ability, it's a side effect of Muge's ability.

I closed my eyes.

I know very well that this is the pain I experienced in the dream, and it is the pain Muge's lover feels. In the dream, these pains were mixed together, making it difficult to distinguish them. They were just painful. Now, they are distinguished one by one in my feelings.

I'm like a person with a serious illness or injury who has no choice but to push through when the painkillers don't work.

By the time this tsunami of pain passed, no one knew how much time had passed.

I saw the blinking notification light on my phone, turned it on with difficulty, and saw a message from Muge.

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