Aoba Office

Chapter 1055 I'm Sorry, I Love You (4)

"Lynch, my memory has changed. Did something?"

Clicking on the message, Muge's voice flowed out of the phone. The voice was still gentle, with a calming power.

"This is the message I found in my voicemail. Aling sent it to me... Just when we were meeting the kid, she called and sent me this..."

In the message, a woman's voice came.

Her crying, her pleading, her reluctance and grief were just like what I felt in my dream.

"I'm sorry...Muge...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

The woman murmured.

"I love you...Muge..."

The sound ends here.

I exhaled sadly, my sigh trembling.

Muge's voice sounded.

"The original one didn't have the last sentence...she didn't have time...she couldn't say 'I love you'..."

I stared at the ceiling lamp above my head with my eyes wide open.

The light made my eyes hurt and my vision became blurry.

There was a little sadness and a little smile in Muge's voice, "She didn't say it originally... When I thought about it, I thought of you. Xiao Ai also admitted that she looked for you. She... also heard A Ling My last words."

Muge's voice disappeared, leaving only his crying.

After a while, he took a deep breath and said: "Thank you. I have decided to send Xiao Ai to my parents-in-law. Maybe, she will be in danger... I am not with her, she may be in danger... "

Muge choked up again, "She can't forget this for a while, but in a few years, she will adapt. I plan to ask the seniors in the circle to take more care of her. She is still young now. In a few years, she will forget me. At least... like A Ling said, she won't love me that much. She can live a good life... I will stay in Minqing. If you need anything, please don't be polite. "

He paused and suddenly laughed at himself, "I find myself quite ridiculous. I have never seen the people around me clearly. I have never seen A Ling clearly, nor have I seen my parents... they When they died... they didn't say anything to me, they didn't ask me anything... I always thought they died of illness. They always said that they suffered too much when they were young, and when they got old, their bodies became discolored. Joint pain, headache... Ha... I... I didn't realize at all... I didn't realize that A Ling was... she was... I was such a fool, I just believed her words. People don’t understand their thoughts...I..."

Muge's voice stopped again.

A few seconds later, I heard Mu Ai's voice.


"Little Love……"

"Dad, don't cry..." There was a suppressed cry in the child's voice, "I will be obedient and I won't make dad sad. I... I won't... love dad anymore... have to be have to be well...I don't want a guardian spirit anymore...Little Ai doesn't want a guardian spirit...wuwu..."

The little girl's cry finally broke out.

Amid Mu Ai's wails, this voice message ended.

My tears flowed down uncontrollably.

It's funny that I used to envy the abilities of this father and daughter. However, who could know that their ability is the most cruel harm to their loved ones and themselves?


I thought of what Ye Qing and all of them had said.

They are optimistic about my abilities, and they are delighted with the emergence of my abilities.

The responsibilities I don’t want to take are nothing more than a hope for them, right?

I envy them without knowing what to say, and they...

I raised my hands to cover my eyes.

The chirping of birds in the early morning woke me up.

My eyes were too swollen to open.

The lights on the ceiling stayed on all night.

I probably cried all night too.

His face was dry and stained with tears. My jaw is sore and my heart is still sore and swollen.

The rest of the body felt uncomfortable and sore.

I turned over with some difficulty and sat up from the bed.

This movement made all my muscles and bones complain.

The message notification tone was still on the phone.

It wasn't Muge who sent something else, but a message from my sister.

They went to see the sunrise early this morning and now they sent me photos.

The photo must have been edited automatically. The sunrise is beautiful, and so are the lively and cute little girls in the photo.

This is definitely not comparable to that kind of master's photography, but the joy revealed in the picture makes people laugh sincerely.

Under normal circumstances, I should unconsciously curl up my lips and reply to my sister.

But I looked at those smiling faces and was fascinated for a long time.

I can't laugh.

Not just because of the sadness last night, but also because of a girl in the photo.

She was a very tall girl, standing at the very back, with a somewhat neutral face.

I noticed her not because she looked special, but because she looked slightly transparent in the sunlight.

I looked at it for a long time and confirmed that this was not the p-photo skills of these little girls, nor was it that they happened to take some artistic effects when taking pictures, but that the girl herself was somewhat transparent.

Normal people will not be transparent.

I scrolled up the chat history.

Among the photos sent by my sister, there are not many of them with that girl in them.

I searched for a long time and saw her in the background of some photos.

A younger sister shared a photo of a large ice cream cup with other girls. The girl was sitting at the table behind and was only photographed in profile. The figure was very blurry, as if there was something wrong with the focus.

There was a younger sister and several other girls holding hands and taking a very stereotypical group photo in front of the scenic spot. The girl was in front of the canteen at the scenic spot, seemingly choosing something, and her figure was mostly blocked by the shop owner.

After carefully looking at every corner of each photo, I found something strange in the photo of them playing with the fairy wand.

It was a slender hand with slender fingers, very beautiful, but the palm was larger than the palm next to it, and it looked like a boy's hand.

I remembered what happened when my sister graduated from junior high school. Several of their classmates, I don't know which movie or TV they watched, wanted to play a romantic beauty, bought new clothes and fairy sticks, designed the scene together, and took photos. At that time, one of them, a girl, was promoted to play the "heroine" because of her big hands, good-looking hands, and somewhat androgynous temperament and appearance. After the photos were taken, they were all so beautiful that they even agreed to take another set of the same photos after the college entrance examination. When I graduate from college, I will take another set of photos as a souvenir.

This trip was like a reunion of good friends from junior high school, and they indeed took the time to take photos with the same theme.

I hadn't looked carefully before, but now I realized that the beautiful hand in the photo was sparkling with fairy wands.

The fireworks are not on the hand, but behind the hand.

It was through that hand that I saw the fireworks of the fairy wand.

Obviously, this is the hand of a ghost.

When I first started writing the plot of Muge, I planned to have Muge take action and order his ex-wife to forget about him... After thinking about it for a long time, I realized something was wrong. Why is this plot so familiar? ah! This is the story of Kusama Bird and Kana! [Pat the thigh]

So, I thought of this new plot. (* ̄▽ ̄)y——Today’s update is too late..._(:3 ∠)_

By the way, I would like to recommend the animation of "Fruits Basket", it's great! A masterpiece of healing! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

Good night everyone~

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