Aoba Office

Chapter 1053 I’m sorry, I love you (2)

What does purgatory look like?

From an abstract point of view, it may be a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, with the sea of ​​​​fire accounting for a larger proportion. In most film and television works, hell and purgatory are created into a scorching volcanic world. To be more specific, black coal kilns are purgatory on earth, those trafficking villages are purgatory on earth, and the old society and slave society are purgatory on earth.

To me, this is all very far away. The word purgatory is a distant and exaggerated adjective.

Now I really feel what purgatory is.

Those cries, shouts, screams, and lamentations... were far better than any miserable sounds I had ever heard.

No victim of a paranormal incident I have ever encountered has ever made such a horrific sound.

I've never heard such a sound before either.

From the eardrums to the brain and heart, it spreads to the limbs and bones, and finally even the soul seems to be resonated by these sounds.

This is no longer simply hearing an uncomfortable sound, but all the senses are dominated by this sound, causing a tearing pain.

This situation is completely different from when side effects occur.

I couldn't concentrate, I could only feel the pain. I seemed to be affected by those voices, as if I was feeling the pain that the owners of those voices felt.

What are they going through? Heartache of separation and death? Physical torture? Or, other devastation?

I couldn't imagine it at all, but the thought lingered. It was like I had experienced all the painful things in this world and beyond in this short moment.

My consciousness fell into a brief pause, and I was awakened by that sound again. After repeating this three or four times, I just felt exhausted.

It was also at this time that I felt relaxed.

I heard the beep.

Normally when I hear this kind of sound, I would wonder if there is something wrong with my ears or brain, but now I feel relaxed all over.

There were no more screams.

I relaxed for a while, and then my brain gradually returned to consciousness.

I remembered that I was in a dream. I dreamed about Mu Ai’s mother.

I should still be possessing Mu Ai's mother.

With a thought, my body floated up slightly, turned around, and saw Mu Ai's mother lying on the hospital bed.

Her face was very pale and her eyes were bloodshot. The scariest thing was her eyes, which were empty and unfocused.

This is not the hollowness that Muge felt when he was hit, but more like the hollowness of a vegetative state.

My first reaction was that she had been seriously injured in a car accident and had brain problems.

Then it occurred to me that everything I was feeling must also be what she was feeling.

This stopped all my irrelevant thoughts, and I just looked at this haggard woman quietly.

I could actually cut myself off from the woman at that moment, but in that shock, I couldn't think of anything.

With a click, the ward door opened.

The woman remained motionless and unresponsive.

The people who came in were an old couple with tears in their eyes. When they saw the woman, they called out to their daughter. I understand their identities without anyone introducing them.

They cried for a while and asked concerned questions for a while. When they got no response, they were in pain again.

Crying, they talked about Mu Ai. Mu Ge is accompanying Mu Ai, who is also hospitalized. Mu loves a child, so of course he lives in the children's ward. Muge was unable to take care of both ends by herself. His parents have passed away, but fortunately his parents-in-law are still there and can help him at this time. He also hired a caregiver, but that was not as reassuring as a close family member.

The two old men may be old, or they may be too sad to pay attention.

I noticed that after they talked so much, the woman only reacted a little when they mentioned Muge.

Her body will twitch slightly, her pupils will shrink significantly, her eyes will be widened, and her lips will tremble slightly...that is a reaction of fear.

After a while, Muge came over.

As soon as Muge arrived, the woman's reaction became even more obvious.

The woman shrank and stared at Muge with vigilance and fear. Even her parents, who didn't notice anything strange at first, felt something was wrong.

I'm a bit mean. As soon as I realized I could cut off contact with women, I cut off that connection. I don't want to experience that pain again.

I now have some bad suspicions about that experience.

The woman's reaction made Muge stop.

I saw his wry smile. After talking to his parents-in-law for a few words, he gently asked the woman to have a good rest and went to take care of Mu Ai again.

The woman lowered her head and clutched the quilt tightly, veins popping out on her hands. Her body was soaked with sweat. Maybe...that feeling is coming again.

The dream jumped a little.

In the narrow single ward, only the woman and Muge were left.

Muge didn't notice my presence and looked at the woman intently.

The woman turned her back to him, lying on her side on the bed, curling up, hugging her knees in a very uneasy posture. She was shaking. I could see her biting her pillow and tears streaming down her face.

"Aling, I...have told you everything. I'm sorry for lying to you for so many years. I originally didn't want to say this...the things I came into contact with were too dangerous and terrifying. I didn't want to Scared you. I'm sorry...I'm sorry for lying to you...and causing you to be...hurt like this..."

Muge choked with sobs.

The woman's tears flowed freely. I don't know if she didn't control it deliberately, or if she still couldn't bear it after controlling it. I don’t know whether she was in pain and shedding rational tears because of mental and soul torture, or whether she was sad and sad because of her feelings for Muge.

As long as I connect with the woman's emotions at this time, I will know the answer.

But I really don’t dare.

I was really scared.

That kind of inhuman pain cannot be described clearly in words. Even I can't figure out what it is. Only the pain was real, hundreds of times more intense than any side effects I'd ever felt.

"You...can you forgive me? I...I love you...I really love you...if..." Muge said pleadingly.

The woman opened her mouth, and her mouth was bloody.

"Muge, how can I believe you?" The woman closed her eyes tightly, "How can I believe that I... really... love you, or..."

She said it with great difficulty.

Muge opened her mouth, "I didn't... A Ling, I didn't do anything to you -"

The woman interrupted him, "Please, let me go...please..."

She burst into tears.

Muge's mouth was still open, but no words came out.

I saw grief on his face, but compared with the woman's expression, it didn't seem worth mentioning.

The tears streaming down the woman's face had soaked the sheets.

The first thing I thought of was the guardian spirit Mu Ai saw.

She still loves Muge, but...

Before the thought ended, the dream jumped quickly again.

I saw the divorce agreement, I saw Mu Ai crying, I saw Mu Ge with a depressed face...

Mu Ai's mother moved back to her parents' house and locked herself in her room, barely leaving the house.

She couldn't hear the names of Mu Ge and Mu Ai. As soon as I heard it, it was like an attack of some kind of disease, with symptoms of convulsions all over my body, and a look of pain on my face that no one could mistake.

I faintly heard those screams. This made my heart lift.

Then, just as I predicted, those screams became clear. Even if I cut myself off from women, the impact is still coming!

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