Aoba Office

Chapter 1043 The most ferocious creature

Even so, I'm not that afraid of that monster. I'm just simply shocked that such a thing exists.

Because judging from Aoba's file, it is not a cruel and murderous thing. It is like the devil in the story, tempting people to fall and sell their souls, but as long as a person sticks to that bottom line, he will not be deceived by it.

Compared to the devil in the story who has a variety of tricks, its methods seem monotonous.

There are many problems with small loans on the market today. There is no cruel and cruel debt collection method like loan sharking, but it is not glorious either. There is a problem with small-amount lending companies. Many of the people who take out small-amount loans are not normal financial customers, but are old people who have been prepared to default on their debts from the beginning.

This is a confusing account. Generally speaking, when something goes wrong, both parties bear responsibility, not only legal responsibility, but also moral responsibility.

In the face of such confusing accounts, it is really difficult to say who is good and who is bad. Adding an extra monster that "advances with the times" and the contract trap it creates is still essentially a bad deal.

As a bystander, I have a bad opinion of both sides. At the same time, I also know very well that neither I nor the people around me will fall into such a crisis.

It's none of your business, just hang it up high. This is probably one of the bad qualities of human beings.

Even if you know that there is a monster here, it is difficult for people to cheer up and "remove harm for the people."

This is different from that new thing of opening a restaurant. As long as it didn't endanger me, my family and friends, my mentality was completely that of a bystander, and I couldn't get anxious at all.

However, when I happened to see this file and thought that people in Qingye, especially Wu Ling and Ye Qing, had "died", I couldn't help but think divergently.

If that monster was really omniscient and omnipotent, it should have known that Ye Qing and Wu Ling were "dead" a long time ago. Did it go to China again to open a company and engage in small loans? There are many small loan software on the market now, which are more convenient than opening a credit card.

I just thought about it for a while, and without paying attention, time slipped away in a daze.

I packed up my files and went to bed.

This night, I still didn't sleep well.

Unlike the night before when I entered a dream and dreamed about Shen Hao's life, this night I was in a daze. I didn't enter a dream, and I didn't dream of anything real. I just couldn't sleep well. It seemed like he was dreaming, his thinking was a little confused, and he couldn't remember anything.

When I was woken up by the alarm in the morning, I still felt a little heavy in my head.

My mother saw my appearance and reminded me to go to bed early at night and not stay up late.

I lazily said "hmm".

On the bus, I received a good morning text message from my sister. My sister was particularly angry and said that this morning, a girl they were traveling with received a scam call, telling them everything about their trip. They almost started to quarrel with the tour guide.

To receive such a call, someone in the tour group must have leaked their personal information. This is being caught red-handed.

My sister was angry and worried that her schedule would be affected.

She is not the kind of person who can quarrel, but some of the girls traveling with her seem to have bad tempers. They are still arguing with the tour guide. She also called the domestic travel company and found the local branch. Now she seems to be looking for Complain to the Consumer Protection Commission and call the police.

Leaking personal information is already punishable by law. If the police really want to investigate, the travel company will have to drink a lot.

I'm a little worried about my sister's condition.

After all, they are in a foreign country and unfamiliar with the place. If their only tour guide goes against them, they may run into a lot of trouble.

These little girls were more thoughtful than me. They had already found local personal escorts online and contacted people to see if they knew any international students who could be temporary tour guides.

There is a capable person in the group who makes the decision, which makes me feel relieved. I just remind my sister to pay attention to safety.

When the car arrived, I got off the bus and entered the building where my unit was located.

I was the last to arrive today. I greeted Shouzi and the others, and the five of us were ready to go to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants. In the car, I talked about the "life loan" file.

"Monsters these days are so in tune with the times." The thin man complained, but he wasn't that scared.

The five of us are all financially sound, with no large loans or high credit card bills. As I expected, we are not that afraid of this monster.

"That monster is on the other side of the ocean and has little to do with us." Chen Xiaoqiu said lightly.

The implication is that we cannot solve it. There will always be some exorcists in the country where it is located to deal with it.

"The devil's document is real. So, some other things may also be real?" The thin man changed the topic with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Your ex-girlfriend has studied this?" the fat man asked in surprise.

The thin man looked back with a look of dismay on his face, "She has studied a lot. I saw her carefully copying the devil's document in a small black leather book."

"That should be very touching." Guo Yujie said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's super exciting." The thin man rolled his eyes.

"These are true, so it's not surprising. Nian beasts exist, sea monsters also exist, and it's normal to have one more demon. Other things..." Chen Xiaoqiu said casually.

"Vampire! Werewolf!" Guo Yujie interrupted, answering quickly.

"Minotaur, centaur..." The fat man said two more words.

"Unicorns, mermaids..." the thin man continued.

The car was quiet.

The three of us couldn't help but look at the thin guy, and the fat guy even squinted his eyes while driving.

Such a creature full of girlish fantasy came from the mouth of a thin man, and it felt so inconsistent.

I had a suspicion for a moment that the thin man had some hidden girlishness, but he and I had been buddies for several years without discovering it.

The thin man looked at us with contempt, "What are you doing? These two creatures are very evil, okay! The prototype of the unicorn is the white rhinoceros. In that era, it was considered a ferocious animal that required a lot of manpower. At that time, people cut off its horn to make antidotes. The mermaid was the first sea monster to cause storms and shipwrecks! The prince would definitely drown if he encountered her.

After finishing the popular science, the thin man put on a sad expression and said, "You should study more and stop being so uneducated."

"Tch—" Guo Yujie snorted disdainfully.

"If all these still existed, the world would be really lively." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

"It's unlikely that they all exist. Unless they all deform, they would have been captured and made into specimens long ago." The thin man said leisurely, "The most ferocious creatures in the world are still humans."

None of us object to this.

Speaking of which, saying "human beings are the most ferocious" in this situation is more or less a kind of comfort, as you can mentally hint to yourself that those powerful monsters will eventually die in the hands of humans, rather than the other way around, wiping out humans.

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