Aoba Office

Chapter 1042 No. 079-Lifetime Loan (3)


"Actually, just withdrawing from China is enough to cope with your current investigation. With all due respect, although the two of you are young talents who have emerged in recent years, they are strong enough to crush many old seniors. My master also treats you. We are very optimistic and fearful, but you can't interfere in other countries' affairs now, right? We are willing to give 100% sincerity, and hope this matter ends here. "What do you think?

"We need to sign a July agreement. In addition to Tiannan Fortune Group ending its business, the master behind you is not allowed to reach out to China again."

"Yes. But this condition needs to add a period of time. My master only gives face to you two, which does not mean giving face to others. While you two are still alive, my master will not touch Huaxia again, but he will wait until you two die. After that, this content will be invalidated. You two must also know that my master has an almost infinite life. From the beginning of his birth in the seventh century BC until today, he has been active in the shadow of this world. The two faces are also due to my master’s kind personality. In addition to my master, there are many unkind monsters in this world.”

"Okay. You are not allowed to enter China until we die."



"The contract. I wonder if Miss Wu can understand it?"

"You know a lot about us."

"Haha. In addition to having almost infinite life, my master also has the ability to be omniscient and omnipotent. This is somewhat similar to Mr. Nangong from your office. Mr. Ye, please don't regard my master as that beast in the sea. . He is not the same as the lowly Crewe."

"If you change the wording, it shouldn't be a problem for your omniscient and omnipotent master, right?"

"At your service, ma'am."

Hua Hua——

"The ancient Chinese characters are equally beautiful and charming. It just so happens that my master also has some research on this kind of characters."


"The contract is completed. Thank you both for your cooperation. The company needs to go through some legal procedures. It will be completely closed down within the year and all employees will be fired. Ordinary people will find another job, while we will return to serve the master. Those users, After the debt relationship is terminated, it will no longer have anything to do with us. The life span taken away by my master will be returned to them. We will not deal with you again during your lifetime, and the contract will be automatically cancelled.

"I hope you will abide by your agreement."

"Please rest assured, my master is the one who respects contractual relationships the most in this world. Then, I won't disturb you anymore and take my leave."

On February 14, 2014, it was confirmed that the client had recovered. Terminate investigation.


The man's voice was full of magnetism. He sounded like an elder full of wisdom and a true gentleman.

It's probably like the role of a mentor in movies, with the added condition that the movie has a fantasy world background.

I searched online for the ancient Qaziana text found by people in Qingye, and the online encyclopedia has relevant information. This is an ancient text known as the "Devil's Document". It has been lost and only some cultural relics remain, proving that this type of writing once existed.

The fragments of writing found today have not yet been deciphered by archaeologists. But "Devil's Document" is not only a folk rumor, but also a title given to it by historians.

It looked a little strange to me, and when I read further, I understood the reason.

Ancient Kaziana script is a script used by an ancient country called Kaziana. The recorded history of that country is only a short one hundred years, and its land area and population are insignificant. Geographically, it is located on a small island in the ocean, similar to Crusano, but closer to the mainland than Crusano. Therefore, this small country was naturally annexed by the powerful empire at that time. The country perished, and the leader of the country at that time, who might be a king, a priest, an elder, or the like, was executed by the imperial army. Before he died, he uttered a curse that would make the empire pay a heavy price.

Of course, the original content of the curse cannot be found now.

Based on the stories handed down and a little imagination, later generations roughly speculated that the content of the curse was "flooding", "fire burning the city", "disease spreading", "hungry people everywhere"...

And that great empire indeed encountered various natural and man-made disasters in the next four hundred years, gradually declined, and was eventually eliminated and annexed by other countries.

This superstitious story was very popular in that era and has been passed down.

In the meantime, I don’t know what kind of development it has gone through. The writings of the ancient Kaziana country were regarded as a powerful curse tool by some stubborn superstitious elements, and the demonic documents spread among these small groups.

With several campaigns to exterminate witches and the subsequent development of science and technology and the eradication of superstition, this small-scale writing was completely lost.

Many of the cultural relics discovered by the archaeological community today with ancient Kazian inscriptions are notes left by the witches in their time. Among the real ruins of the ancient country, not many texts have been handed down.

To my surprise, the concept of "demon documents" is actually very widespread in the West. In many TV movies, when there is content about witchcraft or witches, or when props such as a magic book or a book of curses are needed, the crew will pick out a few symbols from the discovered ancient Kazian script. , just pretending.

Looking at the words in the pictures online, I feel a little familiar, and those text symbols are indeed full of a strange rhythm, as if they are making a sound and chanting themselves.

I blinked my eyes, rubbed my head, and read the words again for a while, and that feeling came again.

I have never had this experience.

Even watching Wu Ling draw talismans, I don't feel this way.

I subconsciously looked away. As soon as I looked away, that feeling disappeared again.

I don’t think this kind of writing has such a magical effect. I have never felt this way when watching foreign fantasy movies or horror movies before. This should be a side effect caused by opening my Yin and Yang eyes and being exposed to too many supernatural events.

It's like I can see ghosts and yin energy now. Originally, I didn't know that such things really existed in this world.

However, the power of this demonic document is much greater than I imagined.

My heart skipped a beat, and I quickly switched web pages and looked at the introduction to Kaziana Country again.

An ancient civilization born around the seventh century BC...

My heart couldn't help but sink.

Is that thing... that "master" the monster that was born together with this civilization? Like the Kru that existed near Cruzano Island, a monster that existed for many, many years...

What's even more frightening is that this monster is still active today, extending its tentacles all over the world, and possessing unimaginable power.

This is not an unfounded worry, but it is a conclusion that can be easily drawn.

Just imagine, just a word written by Kaziana still has such a powerful power even today. It was born at the same time as this kind of writing, and what kind of strength would a monster that can use this kind of writing have?

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