Aoba Office

Chapter 1044 Lover (1)

When we arrived at the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, it was basically the same as before.

What surprised me a little was that when Director Mao and the others were chatting, they also talked about the scam calls they had received recently.

"... I called in the morning and said don't forget about today's meeting. I also thought about who it was for a long time, whether it was some niece or nephew, but it didn't look like it." An aunt said.

Director Mao nodded repeatedly, "I also received a call last night saying that my son was arrested. I was so angry!"

The thin man muttered: "Is there another database that has been leaked?"

"It may also be that the previous data has been sold again. I received a text message before, saying that there are real questions and answers for the postgraduate entrance examination for sale." Guo Yujie said.

The contents of the scam calls are varied, but the time is so similar. As Shouzi and Guo Yujie said, either a large database data was leaked, or a new fraud group emerged and bought some previous data.

The fat man looked at Chen Xiaoqiu, "Didn't Bureau Chen receive the report?"

"He didn't tell me." Chen Xiaoqiu shook his head, "But now there is real-time monitoring. This sudden outbreak of fraud will definitely be detected."

No one on our side has been fooled, so we don't really care about it.

The topic of those aunties and mothers quickly turned from fraud to MLM.

What they were talking about was not MLM in the true sense, but an alternative product promotion meeting. They would organize a short-term tour group to visit the surrounding attractions, and then take them to shopping locations for a few hours. It is a new version of the previous shopping tour. The recommended items to buy have changed from gold and silver jewelry, electronic products, and health care products to popular products.

Because of the demolition, they thought about having fun and not missing out on the important matters of the demolition. Finally, they brought the topic to the demolition and came to us for consultation.

The demolition work has been going on for a year, and many property owners are now a little tired and numb. After the excitement was over, I roughly calculated the amount of demolition compensation I could get. My family was at peace, and I took it calmly now. Only a small number of property owners are still trying to make a fortune through demolition.

These days, in a big city like Minqing, it is no longer possible to make a fortune from demolition. The best time for the demolished households has long passed.

These retired aunties who come to the neighborhood committee to kill time are very calm and belong to the category of happy lives. My children are married and very filial. I rely on my retirement salary to eat and drink, and I don’t have any serious illnesses. Now is the time to enjoy my retirement life, so my attitude is very easy-going and friendly.

It’s just a common problem among people of this age that they want to be matchmakers.

All five of us have been asked this several times. When they run out of topics, they will ask us to ask questions. I don’t know if it was because I was teasing Menzi, or because my memory has deteriorated due to old age, and I forgot that I had asked.

"...You young people don't want to talk about your friends getting married right now, and you don't know what you are thinking about."

"Hey, everything is open now. Don't keep asking young people with the same old ideas."

The two aunts got into an argument.

The third aunt said: "It's open now, are you gay?"

"Pfft -" The thin man who was drinking tea suddenly sprayed it, choking and coughing.

The aunt still vowed, "Don't think we are old-fashioned. What does that say... My little grandson told me... something is dead... Anyway, it's a new era, who cares about passing on the family line now?" ? That’s right! Does your family want a son to inherit the throne?”

The other two aunts laughed loudly.

The five of us looked weird.

"That makes sense. We used to raise children for old age, but now we don't pay attention to this."

"It costs several million to raise a child, get married, and have children. With this money, how good would it be to eat and drink by yourself?"

"That's right. When you get married, you just need to find a partner. It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman."

As they were talking, another aunt interrupted and asked if we wanted her to introduce someone to us.

"...I have an old sister's son who is gay. He is very open-minded. He works in a bank..."

The fat man immediately said: "I already have a girlfriend!"

The thin man immediately responded: "I've already talked to my girlfriend!"

Now, all the old aunties looked at me.

I said helplessly: "I like girls."

"it does not matter."

"That's right, there's no need to hide it."

They looked at me lovingly.

This is really hard to explain.

The thin man and the fat man looked on with joy, and Guo Yujie was also laughing with joy.

Guo Yujie made too much noise, which attracted the attention of the old aunts, who immediately asked her whether she liked men or women.

Chen Xiaoqiu has always been aloof. These old aunts only say that Chen Xiaoqiu is a lady and has a good temperament. She will not be approached for such a joke.

Now I miss the scandal between myself and Chen Xiaoqiu.

Fortunately, an uncle walked in at this time and put an end to the "siege" of those aunts and mothers.

I perked up and prepared to ask him what he wanted to consult.

I remember that this uncle was Tian Fu who lived in Building No. 19. His family was quite peaceful and he took the demolition relatively lightly.

The uncle nodded to us and didn't look for us. He went to find those aunts and mothers.

An aunt asked: "Why did you come down? Did you disperse?"

"No. They are still fighting. I was so unlucky today that I lost two hundred yuan in one morning." The uncle looked frustrated. "I will give up my seat after lunch later if I have something else to do. Which of you? go?"

The aunts and mothers were polite and asked who was at the card table over there. An old aunt in blue plaid carried a small purse and ran to the chess and card room with a smile on her face.

The remaining people chatted with Uncle Tian Fu and asked him what he was doing in the afternoon.

"Go to pick up the plane. An old comrade of mine and his wife came back from abroad, and they brought back a little grandson. They were miserable, they only had one son, and they went abroad for a man, immigrated there, got married there, and adopted a child. They didn't know what went wrong, one killed the other, and then the other one died in prison," Tian Fu said sadly.

Listening to his words, I felt a little familiar.

"Is it so miserable? Oh, this is so miserable."

"Okay, how can you kill people?"

"Who knows. Both of them are dead, leaving only an adopted child. The child was also frightened and kept silent. We don't know what the future will be like. They are taking care of their son's funeral, over there I stayed for a long time, and now I’m finally back..." Tian Fu sighed.

An idea flashed in my mind, and I asked blankly: "Are those two people called Gu Junze and Liu Shengxuan?"

Good night everyone~

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