Aoba Office

Chapter 1023 Getting on the Wrong Car (2)

"There's no station here at all. When can we go?"

"This one is off duty. I don't know when the other cars will come back."

"I'm already late for work. What happened?"

"It's not convenient to take a taxi here..."

Amidst these intertwined complaints, the subject of my possession had already stepped onto the sidewalk, walked along the sidewalk, turned around, and looked at the bus parked in the middle of the road.

There seemed to be something wrong with the bus that was parked in the middle of the road. The driver shouted at the passengers to get to the sidewalk and waved to the surrounding vehicles to signal them to take a detour.

It seems to be the morning rush hour, but it is not a traffic jam time. There are many vehicles on the road, but they are all moving at a constant speed.

The bus parked in the middle of the road caused a small traffic jam for the vehicles behind it.

"I" stayed on the side of the road for a while, looking to the left, as if looking forward to the arrival of the next bus.

Some of the people around him left, while others stayed where they were.

Vehicle traffic on the road gradually resumed, and those cars avoided the buses and drove away from the lanes on both sides.

But there are no buses on the same route in the traffic flow.

The complaints around him became louder, and someone left again. Some people left on foot, others took taxis. It’s not easy to get a taxi, and there are even people fighting over empty taxis.

"I" raised his hand and lowered his head, and looked at the watch on his wrist.

Ten past nine.

I was surprised by the anxiety welling up in my heart.

He was not a taxi driver, but I could feel the consciousness of the possessed person, as well as the arm watch and clothes and pants I just saw. When they were all combined, a name emerged in my mind - Ding Hua.

Is it Ding Hua?

Dressed in sports watches and sportswear, it seems that it can only be Ding Hua, right? The arm that belonged to the young man seemed to be Ding Hua.

Ding Hua's anxiety became more and more obvious. After looking at the end of the road on the left again, he turned around and walked quickly to the right.

I walked quickly along the road and crossed a road.

Ding Hua didn't forget to look behind him, as if he was still expecting a bus to come.

He didn't wait for the bus.

At another intersection, Ding Hua was about to turn left and hit a traffic light.

He stood on tiptoes, still anxious, and still looked to his left subconsciously.

There were no buses, but there was a taxi with an "empty" sign.

Ding Hua felt happy, avoided several bicycles and electric cars, and ran towards the empty taxi.

I felt a little weird when I saw that rental car.

The driver wore a taxi driver's uniform, a suit, a twill tie, and a gold tie clip. He also wore a hat, the brim of which covered most of his eyes and cast shadows on his face.

I can’t remember exactly when taxi drivers started wearing uniforms. I have the impression that taxi drivers always wear shirts on one side, and in winter, they may wear a coat. Although the uniform was in the style of a suit, it was definitely not a suit made of good material, and the cut was not a good fit. Most drivers wear loose clothes.

I have no impression of things like ties and tie clips. This may be a personal choice.

But hats, I definitely haven’t seen them.

On the contrary, in some foreign TV movies, I have seen taxi drivers wearing uniforms and hats.

Ding Hua opened the passenger seat door without any suspicion and got in.

He tilted his head slightly, and the driver's profile was in his field of vision.

The driver looked very young, less than thirty years old, with fair skin, a straight nose, and thick eyebrows. As far as appearance is concerned, it can be compared with the most handsome courier boys and the most handsome security guards on the Internet.

"Classmate, where are you going?" The driver turned his head slightly and said to Ding Hua.

Ding Hua was stunned for a moment, "Go to Mingde Road, the Talent Tutorial Center on Mingde Road."

"Okay. Please fasten your seat belt." The driver reminded, reaching out to press the empty bus prompt, and the number was displayed on the meter.

At the same time, I felt a faint yin energy spreading in the car.

This made me tense up.

The green light for turning has ended, and the green light for going straight is next.

The vehicles in front of the taxi started to move together, and the taxi also started to move.

The car drove smoothly. After passing an intersection, it turned left and continued moving forward.

Ding Hua leaned on the chair and saw himself in the rearview mirror.

I guessed right, that face was indeed that of Ding Hua, and I am still possessed by him.

He was still alive at this moment, his face was flushed from the brisk walk just now, and his body was steaming.

"Classmate, are you going to make up classes? You still have to go to school during the summer vacation. Isn't it very hard?" the driver asked casually.

"Yeah. Not bad."

"Are you in high school?"

"It's my senior year of high school when school starts."

"Oh. You have to work hard. The senior year of high school is very important." The driver said with a smile.

The chat was interrupted for a moment.

After a while, the driver asked again: "Where did you go to high school?"

"Affiliated to the National People's Congress." Ding Hua replied again.

"Ah, that's the city center, right?" The driver showed a little surprise.

Ding Hua blushed a little, "No, it's not directly affiliated with Minqing University."

"That's a good school. Are you preparing to take the National People's Congress exam?" The driver still kept smiling.

"No. It would be great if I could get into college."

After talking like this for a while, the taxi drove to Mingde Road and stopped in front of the building with the signboard of the tutoring center.

Ding Hua unbuckled his seat belt and took out his wallet.

The driver parked the car and raised the "empty car" sign again. The meter starts counting money and issuing invoices.

The two gave the money with one hand and the invoice with the other.

The driver suddenly said: "By the way, I don't know your name yet."

This question is a bit abrupt.

I thought it was impossible for Ding Hua to answer.

But Ding Hua stopped putting the invoice and wallet into his schoolbag. He slowly sat up straight and looked straight ahead, looking at the road ahead, his consciousness slowly began to blur.

I felt bad.

Ding Hua unconsciously answered the driver's question: "Ding Hua."

"Ding Hua, from today on, you are my HR." The driver said in a brisk tone.


I was a little surprised by what the driver said.

The driver snapped his fingers and pulled out a map from the visor above.

It was a map of Minqing City, but the map style was very strange. It was not like an ordinary paper map that only consisted of roads, landmark buildings, and public buildings. It was more like a map on the Internet. It even had the names of street shops. write down. On the map, some roads were traced with colored pens, and some places were circled and marked with unknown meanings.

"Where do you live, Ding Hua?" the driver asked.

Ding Hua replied in a dull voice: "Pengbai Road."

"Oh, it's a great place, it's very lively." The driver said, finding the location of Pengbai Road at a glance, and with a click of his finger, the road turned red.

"Hmm... But if we start from there..." the driver pondered, drawing a circle on the map with his finger, and the circle became larger and larger, "You look like a student again... Let's go this way."

His hand stopped and landed on the "Huicheng Garden".

At this time, the route from Pengbai Road to Huicheng Garden appeared in color, as if someone had drawn a pen along Penghai Road to Huicheng Garden.

"OK!" the driver said happily, folded the map and stuffed it into the sun visor again.

He grasped the steering wheel with both hands, tapped his fingers lightly, and stepped on the accelerator.

"Let's see, it would be better to leave you there..."

The vehicle started and started driving.

There is a straight road ahead. The road was normal, with equally normal buildings, vehicles, and pedestrians.

But I found that a vehicle passed this taxi.

Instead of overtaking from the side, he passed directly through this car!

The car encountered a red light when passing through the intersection, but the car did not stop and continued to move forward.

Lateral vehicles passed through the car one after another.

Sitting in the car, I didn't feel anything at all. I just saw those cars disappearing in front of the left window and reappearing outside the right window. The space inside the taxi appears to be completely enclosed and undisturbed by these vehicles.

When the taxi drove to the zebra crossing, all the pedestrians it touched disappeared and reappeared on the other side of the vehicle.

It seems that not only the interior of the vehicle, but the entire vehicle is an abnormal space.

Ding Hua knew nothing about this abnormality. His brain was already a ball of mush, and he just sat in the passenger seat, motionless.

Update 56.

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