Aoba Office

Chapter 1024 Going the wrong way (1)

The driver seemed to be completely relaxed, humming a song leisurely and driving the car forward.

I couldn't do anything, and the suffocating feeling made me very anxious.

I can't stop this guy, I can't save Ding Hua, and I can't help Ye Qing.

When I think about Ye Qing's condition, I become even more anxious.

"We're here. Let's go here." The driver stopped the car, and now he turned on the blinker in compliance with traffic regulations and pulled over.

Ding Huamu got out of the car in a daze and walked along the sidewalk. He didn't cross the road, so he turned right when he reached the intersection. After walking for a while, he reached the river.

This stinking river exudes an unpleasant smell that makes people dizzy.

Perhaps because of this, after walking here, not a single person was seen.

Ding Hua walked to the bridge and turned his head to look at the black and smelly river water below. He seemed to have suddenly regained his senses, his body swayed, and he leaned on the stone railing on the bridge. He still didn't stand firm, and fell off the railing.

The moment he fell into the water, or rather into the mud under the bridge, the scenery in front of me changed.

It seemed that I saw a winding road, surrounded by darkness, only the two circles of light from the headlights illuminated the road ahead and the white lines on the road.

You can find that this road is winding because the white lines are curved, as if the line painter was drunk and drew the lines of this road crookedly. Then there is my own feeling. The vehicle was shaking slightly, and the steering wheel sometimes turned to the left and sometimes to the right. The rotation was not large, but it kept turning, like a child playing a driving game, pretending to turn the steering wheel.

This section of dark road and dark environment quickly disappeared.

It seemed that he was coming out of that strange and strange tunnel, and the surroundings were bright.

High-rise buildings in the distance are flashing neon lights, and nearby are dim orange streetlights. Each one is far apart, dividing the road into areas of different light and darkness.

The lines in the middle of the road became normal, straight white lines, straight yellow lines, and isolation barriers forming waves...

However, after passing an intersection, the situation became strange again.

The zebra crossing is blood red, and there is more blood flowing on the isolation barrier. The double yellow line has become a double red line, and the white line on the other side has also become a red line.

The orange street lights seemed to be turning red, and the neon lights in the distance disappeared.

The next second, the light of the streetlight completely disappeared, leaving only the two lights of the car's headlights.

The red lines in both apertures begin to distort.

The driver seems to be able to distinguish the road conditions while driving at high speed and start to turn the steering wheel accordingly.

Suddenly, a dazzling white light lit up in front. It's like a car driving in the opposite direction and turning on its high beam, which makes people unable to open their eyes.

The roaring engine roared past, bringing up strong wind and scraping against the vehicle. The outer frame of the vehicle made a creaking sound, and there was the sound of metal being torn into pieces. The hood was suddenly lifted and hit the front windshield. It made a loud noise and then flew back.

There seemed to be a wild laughter flying back.

Through the light of the car lights, you can see the spiderweb-like cracks on the windshield.

In the rearview mirror, you can see the light behind the car.

That was the light from the car that just drove past.

This made the car hood that fell behind and the car that had driven far away become blurry, as if they were swallowed up by darkness.

The vehicle continued to move forward and experienced this alternation of light and darkness several times. Sometimes pedestrians and buildings on the roadside could be seen, and sometimes only desolation could be seen.

There are also many vehicles passing by, either without contact or full of malicious intent.

The car had been hit, scratched, and squeezed, almost coming off the road.

The car's two airbags were ejected due to the impact, the car's headlights were damaged, and the parking space was also deformed. In addition to the front hood, one door was also missing.

The car turned into a classic car, with smoke coming from the engine and stumbling forward.

I seemed to see a huge shadow flashing in the rearview mirror.

In the distance, there seemed to be the roar of engines, the sound of gunfire, and the roar of monsters.

Suddenly, on the road ahead, there was a person waving her hands slowly, once, once... Her arms and fingers were soft, like an undulating wave.

The woman's hair was like withered grass, disheveled on her head. She was wearing a thin floral dress, her figure was well-proportioned, and her skin was a healthy wheat color.

The taxi stopped in front of her.

As she got closer, she discovered that the pink floral dresses on her pink floral dress were actually tiny hearts.

The woman opened the passenger door. This process is somewhat difficult. Because the vehicle was deformed, the door was stuck.

After the car door opened, she got in, fastened her seat belt, and named a place.

Her speech was slurred, as if she had something in her mouth.

I was sitting in the driver's seat. I was looking at her and saw the bright red liquid coming out of her mouth.

I didn't hear it clearly, but the "driver" did.

The car started to move.

In addition to the squeaking noise of the car, there was suddenly a bird chirping inside the car.

The bird chirped for a moment, almost making people think it was an illusion.

After a while, there was a squeaking sound from a mouse.

Those sounds came out occasionally. After many times, I could barely confirm that those sounds came from the woman in the passenger seat.

The chirping sound disappeared after the woman got out of the car.

She didn't pay for the car, but there were several little hearts sitting there on the passenger seat, still beating.

The driver reached out and picked up the hearts.

I felt sick.

I don’t know if this reaction had an impact, but the surrounding environment changed before the driver took the bite.

The car turned into a brand new taxi, with a meter and a driver card.

There is a photo of the driver on the driver's card, the driver I saw in my dream, the problematic driver who drove Ding Hua.

Next to it is the driver's name - Song Zang.

The job number under the name is a series of numbers "12345".

These contents disappeared in a flash, including the driver card.

"Well, that's good." The driver made a voice that was also the same voice I had heard.

"Let me take a look at the route here first..." the driver said and started the car.

The road in front of me was a wide, deserted road, probably a road in the suburbs. I also saw farmland on both sides of the road.

After the car started driving, the surrounding environment changed.

Update 57.

The missed updates have been made up so far.

Will start adding more updates tomorrow~

Good night everyone~

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