Aoba Office

Chapter 1022: Getting on the wrong bus (1)

I didn't understand what happened. The moment of hesitation prevented me from using my ability immediately.

The driver kept sniffing and making choking sounds. His back seemed to be shaking, and his hands holding the steering wheel were also shaking slightly.

The speed of the car was not very fast and it was driving fairly smoothly. You will stop at traffic lights and slow down when passing intersections and zebra crossings. However, at this time, the speed of the car will be extremely slow, which is obviously different from the slow speed under normal circumstances.

Ding Hua didn't say anything about this.

The speed of the car kept changing like this. Although there was no rush, it still made people feel uncomfortable.

But when the car reached Hualien Road, a particularly long road, the speed of the car slowly increased uncontrollably.

I've thought about the situation by now.

No matter why Ding Hua died or why he kept attacking taxi drivers after turning into a ghost, he should be eliminated.

Ye Qing asked me to read the 093 files. I have finished reading the 093 files and entered the dreamland. It is time to eliminate Ding Hua.

Thinking like this, I want to use my power.

To my surprise, I felt empty inside of me.

I didn't feel any strength at all.

I'm in a ghost state now, I can't even feel my body. Because Ding Hua's head was so mushy, I couldn't feel anything even if I connected with him.

There was no way to move, no way to use my abilities. I seemed to be back to the beginning, and I seemed to have entered that period of weakness and backlash.

If I could feel my body, I would be breaking out in a cold sweat right now.

The car continued to move straight forward, and its speed gradually increased.

The length of traffic lights at night will be adjusted, and the green light time on main roads will be lengthened.

I don’t know if it was because of this, or a little coincidence, that this taxi never hit a red light.

Where the end of Hualien Road is, I don’t know.

But I know the location on Pengbai Road. I also know that it costs 100 yuan to go from Pengbai Road to Huicheng Garden.

The fare shown on the meter now is fifty-two yuan, which is still far away from that number.

The answer to the question in my mind appeared twenty minutes later.

Twenty minutes later, a ramp appeared in front of the car. The road sign showed that it was the Hualien Road ramp, leading to the Minqing Expressway, and there would be several ramps in the middle.

I'm surprised.

Minqing Expressway is the first expressway in Minqing City, connecting Minqing City and the neighboring province. However, few people take this road now because there was a fast lane to the neighboring province a few years ago. The Minqing Expressway has been in disrepair for a long time, and there are few construction facilities around it, so it has become less popular.

Some time ago, there was news that the Minqing Expressway would be rebuilt. We would coordinate and cooperate with other provinces and cities to renovate this expressway and then extend it, together with three or four provinces.

However, it should be 2015, or some other time. I don’t know the situation of Minqing Expressway at this time.

After getting on the ramp, I noticed that the driver was shaking even more.

"You're going the wrong way." Ding Hua suddenly said.

I heard the driver let out a whimper.

He should be a man in his thirties or forties, but now he looks like a child being scolded by the teacher.

Ding Hua kept looking at the driver's back.

He was obviously talking, but I still couldn't feel his consciousness.

I had no contact with the driver, but I could tell from his stiff and trembling body that he was extremely frightened and could not control himself.

Probably because of this, he took the ramp along Hualien Road.

After driving like this for more than ten minutes, the driver seemed to slowly calm down and the speed of the vehicle also slowed down.

At another ramp, the driver turned the steering wheel and drove off.

He still had poor control, and when cornering, the car almost tilted slightly. The speed is a bit too fast.

Ding Hua looked away at this time and looked out the car window.

Outside the car window is an orange road.

There is no other light except the color of the street lights. There are no buildings around here, it should be a road suburb.

It was also at this time that I saw the street sign.

Yuhong Road.

Yuhong Road in Guangxin District!

A possibility suddenly occurred to me.

"You're going the wrong way." Ding Hua said again.

The dead silence and depressing atmosphere in the taxi is like a balloon. From time to time, more air is blown into it, and it continues to expand, causing the surface of the balloon to make a "creeping" sound; from time to time, it remains unchanged, as if it can be maintained like this. As time goes by, occasionally the balloon loses some air to make it look less scary.

What Ding Hua said for the second time caused the balloon to inflate again.

The speed of the car accelerated for a moment, then suddenly slowed down. Due to the inertia, the whole car rushed forward and accelerated again.

"I-I know...have to...turn around..." the driver stammered.

Yuhong Road is not only a one-way street, but also a dead end. I know that there is a vacant lot at the end of Yuhong Road that is up for auction. It seemed to be a factory building originally. After the factory closed down, the land was auctioned, but it could not be sold because Yuhong Road was the only one-way road with a dead end.

This thing sounds ridiculous, but it is indeed a trouble.

Because there is a highway ramp on Yuhong Road, the road at the original entrance of the factory was renovated and turned into a green park during the years when the factory stopped production. The surrounding open spaces are also gradually occupied. This only open space has become an island-like existence. For this area to be used, municipal re-planning is required. However, Guangxin District, a suburb of Minqing City, really has little investment value. Large tracts of open space are suitable for building theme parks and water parks. There are also large areas of newly built residential areas, but those residential areas are all in the direction close to the city center. This section of Yuhong Road is worthless, and spending a lot of effort on redesigning it will not be worth the gain.

Thinking of this, I also have a rough outline of the map in my mind.

Not only is it impossible to turn around on Yuhong Road, but it also takes a long time to drive to other roads. This road is also a long one.

Ding Hua didn't speak anymore, but the hand he placed on the armrest of the car door moved slightly, and his nails dug into the armrest, making noises one after another.

The noise was very strange, like the sound of brakes, harsh and sharp.

The driver was so frightened that he choked again.

I felt the car speeding up.

The car almost rushed out of Yuhong Road, and after passing an intersection, the driver suddenly realized and relaxed the accelerator.

Ding Hua stopped moving, put his hand on his satchel, and turned his head towards the driver.

"I'm late." Ding Hua said.

The driver let out an incomprehensible whimper and shivered more violently.

"We have no choice but to take a shortcut." Ding Hua continued.

When he said this, his mind was still in chaos.

The driver seemed to finally be unable to hold on any longer and collapsed emotionally.

He took his hands off the steering wheel and fumbled for his cell phone. His hand shook and his phone fell under the seat.

I heard Wu Ling's voice coming from the mobile phone.

The driver would only make meaningless noises and be unable to move.

The vehicle just arrived at the second intersection.

At this moment, a strong light came from the left side of the car. There was also a deafening sound of trumpets crashing into people's eardrums.

Also hit at the same time was a truck head.

Before I felt the impact, I saw the front of the taxi being deformed by the impact, and the driver's body flew out in an instant, and was pulled back by the seat belt. But he still hit the passenger door, and half of his body was trapped by the broken door.

Blood was crushed. Amidst the huge noise, Wu Ling's voice, the driver's scream, and the sound of bones being crushed became inaudible.

The chaotic and cruel scene immediately disappeared from my sight.

The bright sunshine makes me want to squint, but I can't.

In the field of vision, there is a sidewalk. There are many people around, walking on the sidewalk, and their complaints are endless.

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