Aoba Office

Chapter 1021 No. 093-Ghost Passenger (9)

On November 8, 2015, Hu Shan was contacted. Audio file 09320151108.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Hu. You must already know about Mr. Ke."


"We would like to ask, Mr. Ke should have taken a long leave before and stopped driving at night for a while. Is there any special reason for this sudden shift change and driving to the suburbs at night?"

"I have no idea……"

"what do you mean……"

"Ke Xiongwen canceled his leave the day before. There is a record in the dispatch room. He... I also asked Zheng Jun, who was taking over his shift, and I asked him... He said it was a normal shift handover. I don't know how this happened. ...Has he encountered that thing? He also knows about the situation of Long Tao and Liu Xiaonian? Why...I also know about him taking a long leave, but suddenly...I really don't. Know what happened."

On November 9, 2015, the client’s wife Shen Xi was contacted. Audio file 09320151109.wav.

"Hello, Ms. Shen."


"I don't know if Mr. Ke has ever mentioned us to you. Mr. Ke entrusted us to investigate and deal with the supernatural events he encountered during his lifetime."

"He ended up dead."

"I'm sorry that we couldn't save Mr. Ke."


"Ms. Shen, we are contacting you this time to ask why Mr. Ke went to work that day? He should follow our reminder and avoid doing risky things."

"Yes, he should stay at home. He told me what happened to him, and told me about you and several people who died in their company during this period. I asked him to resign. Just don't Driving a taxi, driving another car, or finding another job, that’s fine. We don’t have children yet, and we don’t have a lot of expenses at home. The big deal is that it’s hard for me and me. He discussed it... and he agreed to me... oh... everything, it's all agreed..."

"So, why did Mr. Ke cancel his leave that day and take over the shift with his colleagues?"

"I don't know... I went to work that day and I didn't see anyone else when I came home. I called him but couldn't get through. I don't know where he went. I was really scared... I found his colleagues in his unit. , I found out that he went to drive... I felt at that time... He must not have volunteered, he was killed, he must have been killed... You should protect him, right? He invited you, you should. Protect him! Why is he still dying? Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

On November 15, 2015, Ding Yi was contacted to call on Ding Hua’s soul. Evocation failed.

On November 18, 2015, it was confirmed that Zhuang Ling died due to a car accident caused by crossing the road.

On November 20, 2015, it was confirmed that no one has used the DH996 account recently. It was confirmed that Ding Hua could not be found on Pengbai Road, Huicheng Garden and Haizhong Road.

On November 23, 2015, it was confirmed that the client’s spiritual evocation ritual had failed.

On November 24, 2015, the investigation was suspended. Result of the incident: The clues to find Ding Hua were lost, and the soul of the victim could not be found. This incident is classified as "unfinished" and the keywords "taxi" and "Ding Hua" are set. If Ding Hua's whereabouts are found or other victims appear, the investigation will be restarted.


As I expected, this archive is an unfinished affair.

And the circumstances of this incident are basically similar to the takeout incident. No one from Qingye touched the edge of the thing, so all clues were cut off.

I didn't have time to ponder the clues of the whole thing. I didn't even reorganize the files and immediately lay down on the bed.

I didn't fall asleep immediately, but within a few moments, my consciousness became blurry.

I heard the whistling of the wind and the sound of cars moving.

I know, the dream is right.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the front windshield of the car. The meter I saw in my peripheral vision indicated that this was a taxi, and my current position was in the driver's seat.

I wanted to move my body to see what was going on, but my body wouldn't move.

This shocked me.

Being unable to move my body, I am trapped in the body of the possessed object, which is very inconvenient.

The possessed subject moved his eyes and looked in the rearview mirror.

In the rearview mirror, there was a teenager sitting in the back seat. The boy looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, and he was dressed very studently, with a sports coat and jeans, and a backpack beside him. He lowered his head slightly and was looking at his phone. The phone light shines on his face. It was late at night, and the light made him look a bit eerie.

The possessed subject looked away and turned the steering wheel to turn left at the intersection.

His movement made me glance at the driver's card placed under the front windshield.

The photo on the card is of an unfamiliar face, and his name is Liu Xiaonian.

This surprised me a bit.

The next second, I noticed that the scenery around me had changed.

I was on a busy road. It's still night, but this road is still busy, with neon lights and LED signs flashing, making this road very bright without the need for street lights.

Many of the shops on the roadside were playing music, and noisy voices could be heard, making the place lively and chaotic.

I can see a shop directly opposite, which should be a bar and covers a large area.

Before I could see the house number and road name nailed on the door of the bar, a taxi slowly drove up in front of me and stopped.

The person I possessed opened the back seat door, got in, and put the satchel on his lap.

He was sitting behind the passenger seat and could not see the driver's card in front of him, but he could see the driver's appearance in the rearview mirror.

Another stranger.

I don’t know who this driver is, but I know exactly who the ghost is possessing me now. I also know very well that the time of the dream has jumped. It is no longer summer, but autumn and winter.

What I don't understand now is what Ye Qing wants me to do.

He asked me to look at 093's files, probably because he wanted to find the ghost, and now he has found it.

I am now possessed by Ding Hua.

Is Ye Qing's purpose for me to eliminate Ding Hua now? Was he seriously injured by Ding Hua?

If so, if I had eliminated Ding Hua in advance and changed this period of history, Ye Qing would not have been injured.

It makes sense logically, but I'm a little hesitant.

Because I can't figure out how Ding Hua hurt Ye Qing. I feel that the Yin Qi in Ding Hua's body is not heavy. His consciousness is very vague. It can be said to be chaos, and there is no way to say that he is conscious at all. Could such a ghost hurt Ye Qing? Or is it that after that incident, Ding Hua grew into a powerful evil ghost in the past six or seven years?

These thoughts only lasted for a minute before I heard a voice from in front of me.

"It's better to go to Huicheng Garden, right?"

The driver's voice trembled violently, but he still insisted on saying this complete sentence.

"Yeah." I heard Ding Hua's answer. His eyes were fixed on the driver's back.

"When we get here, will you let my wife go?" the driver asked again.

"Yeah." It was Ding Hua's voice again, but his consciousness was still chaotic.

I was a little stunned.

What did the driver mean?


The car started.

"Don't look for her again, please, don't look for her again..." the driver almost choked and drove the car onto the road.

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