111 – One of Thousands – National Team Selection Competition (6)

Recently, there has been one name that has been heard very often by professional athletes.


A rare streamer whose skills are comparable to, or in some respects even better than, pro gamers in the first division.

In fact, the adjective of being equal to or surpassing a professional gamer is nothing more than something that all decent streamers live by.

Because if you become a well-known streamer, you are bound to have extreme fans, and extreme fans will add all kinds of ridiculous modifiers to their favorite streamer.

That’s why it’s wiser to filter out and listen to all the talk about streamers on the Internet saying that their skills are amazing or that they’re actually powerful.

However, Soma was different.

Because Soma had a history of defeating Chunhwa, a pro gamer in the first division, in front of all viewers in the streamer league.

If Soma had won against another professional gamer, everyone would have laughed at him for being so careless that he lost to a streamer, but since his opponent his was Cheon Hwa, everyone had no choice but to keep quiet.

Because everyone knew that he was a professional gamer in the first division.

Chunhwa is one of the few users of the ‘Realm of Thought’ even in the first division, and it is impossible for such a person to be defeated by a streamer due to carelessness or luck.

At this point, even professional gamers had no choice but to admit that Soma’s skills his were amazing, but at the same time, they breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how talented he is, Soma’s job is not a professional gamer, but a streamer.

As long as our areas of activity did not overlap, we would never meet face to face, so we thought that we would never be compared to ourselves.

But unfortunately, their expectations were wrong.

[Korea Sports Council announced that streamer Soma has officially joined the national team.]

[Soma, not only has he been added to the first entry list, but has already been confirmed to join the final entry list … Will he really be the’secret weapon’of this national team?]

One day, a strange rumor suddenly circulated that Soma had joined the national Olympic team, and before we knew it, the rumor had become a reality.

To be honest, it was some gut-wrenching news, but at the same time, it couldn’t be said to be that surprising.

Because even if he is the coach of the national team, it would be even more strange to not elect a talented person like Soma to the national team and leave him alone.

From noble mtl dot com

Yes, they also expected Soma to be elected as the national representative.

But, what on earth are they looking at now… ?

“We would like to sincerely welcome those who have been selected as the first preliminary entry for the Olympic national team. “My name is Soma and I am the instructor in this training camp.”

Taereung Athletes’ Village, the recruitment location for this camp training.

And at the entrance, Eugene was looking at a total of 50 players while wearing pitch black sunglasses.

“The final entry number for the national team to be selected for the Olympics is 28 people. And three of them have already been assigned owners. This means that out of the 50 people standing here, half will inevitably be eliminated.”

At those words, the eyes of the 50 people gathered here begin to change sharply.

“Of course, the first criterion for being selected as a final entry is skill… At the same time, please keep in mind that factors other than ability are also included in the evaluation. For example, factors such as how much growth occurs in a week could also be evaluated.”

Of course, among the people gathered here, there was no one who listened to Eugene’s words directly.

That’s because the 50 people here are players who are considered to be one of the best in most professional leagues.

And being active in the first division as a professional player doesn’t mean that one’s skills and physique are already at their peak.

What that means is that the players who are already here already have no room to grow even if they want to.

However, how much they grow during this training camp may be an evaluation factor in being selected for the final entry?

No way.

I guess I just tried it.

I don’t know if it’s learning new strategies or tactics, but how can our skills grow further from here?

That was the reaction of a normal person with common sense.

Only one person, Sia, knew that what Eugene said was not nonsense.

Because although she was only there for a week, she had received ‘special training’ from Eugene.

‘Mr Eugene… ‘What on earth are you thinking right now?’

The reason why Sia, who should not have been in this position in the first place, was called up to the national team preliminary entry is very simple.

After hearing that Eugene had been selected for the national team, she also joined and asked Cheonhwa for a favor.

Of course, Xia hated doing her favor to Cheonhwa more than dying, but she had no choice this time.

Recently, she had not met Yujin personally since she was training with Cheonhwa.

Even when she heard that her unidentified cousin or something was dating Eugene on the street, she couldn’t help but suck her fingers while swallowing her anger.

That’s why she couldn’t miss this opportunity to be with Eugene during the week-long evaluation period for national team selection.

Moreover, if she were chosen to represent the country, she could participate in the Olympics together with Eugene.

‘I want to help Eugene this time. Just like when she was fighting Yuna and that girl, she is not just helplessly helped by Yujin.’

But apart from that firm determination, Sia also felt nauseous when she thought about the ‘training’ that Eugene was talking about.

The last special training she had been through for a week had been so terrible, and it gave her chills to even imagine how hellish this training would be.

Just as Sia was sighing, picturing her schedule her for the week ahead her in her head her her her, one of her her players her her her raised his hand her her her as if he was asking her question. ﹥

“Hey, Soma. “I have one question.”

“I would like you to call me instructor here if possible.”

However, the player pretended not to hear Eugene’s request to call him instructor and asked a question.

“If our growth is considered an evaluation factor during this camp training, then what on earth are we going to learn here? And who will teach us? Surely it’s not Soma-sama?”

That was, in fact, a question that was nothing short of a direct challenge to Eugene.

Even though he was saying things a little differently, it was as if he was asking what on earth you were trying to teach us.

And as they watched the apocalyptic scene unfolding before their eyes, the faces of Sia and several of the players who had greeted Eugene in the conference room that day turned pale.

It’s okay for that bastard to touch a beehive and a powder keg all by himself, but why are they causing sparks to fly even at themselves?

Even if we go somewhere and do everything on our own, no one will stop us, so why are they making us go through this ordeal?

Eugene slowly looked at the player boldly speaking in front of him.

In fact, before participating in this training camp, he had already learned the names and faces of players who were considered talented in their own right in the current Korean first division.

However, the face of the player in front of him was not currently entered in Eugene’s mind.

That would mean that the player in front of him is a kid who is not even worth remembering.

However, the player spoke in a somewhat blunt tone, apparently not liking Eugene’s omniscient observer gaze.

“I am always welcome to receive instruction from a coach or director, but I don’t want to learn something from an amateur who is not a professional player. “If you really want to teach me, I would like you to show me the qualifications.”

“Oh, it’s a qualification… “

Eugene burst out laughing at that truly ambitious remark.

Ah, so he’s picking a fight with me now.

I’ve had a fight in the past 20 years, but it’s been so long since I got caught that I forgot, but this was a fight.

I don’t know anything else, but Eugene felt the need to educate this player who dared to violate the instructor’s authority.

To put it simply, it means that I felt the need to instill manners in that friend.

“Showing qualifications is not that difficult.”

While saying that, Eugene waves his finger at the player.

So, what I meant was that instead of just making a fuss, we should have a cool fight.

“However, if I were to simply fight one-on-one, I would have too much of an advantage, so I will put restrictions on it.”

“… Constraints?”

“I will not be using mana in this fight. And I don’t plan on using any unique skills or intentions. Actually, I feel like this isn’t enough… “Is there anything else you want?”

The player’s face turned red at Eugene’s words.

You won’t use your mana, unique skills, or even your will to fight against yourself?

How easy of a man does he seem to be making such a suggestion?

I know very well that Eugene’s skills are great, but isn’t this the same as disrespecting himself?

In the end, he became paranoid that Eugene was ignoring him and ended up making a choice he shouldn’t have made.

“Okay, let’s give it a try. Instead, don’t say anything else after you lose!”

And Sia closed her eyes tightly as she looked at that poor lamb.

In fact, I wanted to stay still and pretend I didn’t see anything, but even if I were a civilized person, how could I just ignore this scene?

“… Um, Master Soma? No, instructor?”

“Ah, why are you doing that, Ecclesia?”

Although he was a close friend of her in private, since this was a public event, Eugene used her honorific title towards her in a polite tone.

“Well… Speaking of this friendly duel… How about stopping the duel as soon as you shout the word surrender? No matter what, I don’t want anything that goes too far… “

As Sia spoke in a hesitant tone, Eugene nodded and answered.

“You don’t have to worry too much, because I am a person who can become either an angel or a devil depending on your actions.”

Looking at the back of the player logging into Thousands with a truly triumphant look, Sia quietly made the sign of the cross.

Please, I hope Eugene follows the rules and manners and plays the game mercifully.

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