110 – One of Thousand – National Team Selection Competition (5)

Until now, Director Kim Jong-seong has firmly believed that he is a person with great common sense and style.

He is basically a person who does not like raising his voice or getting angry at someone.

This is because I believed that if a fight or disagreement arose between people, it could always be resolved through dialogue.

Of course, this does not mean that he will readily tolerate a player who cannot distinguish between public and private matters and thus climbs under the authority of the coach. However, in other cases, he tried to maintain a friendly relationship with the players as much as possible.

But now, Director Kim Jong-seong was feeling a strong urge to break the beliefs and philosophy he had maintained his entire life.

Because if he didn’t have someone else’s eyes on him, he would also like to be hit by a guy called Soma.

‘Damn it, I should have looked into it in advance when that girl recommended that person to the national team.’

It was a mistake.

The woman he knew, Lee Yu-na, was basically a woman belonging to the Tory family.

She is a woman who only takes interest in the areas she is interested in, and will not move along even if she is offered hundreds of millions of dollars.

Saying that Lee Yu-na recommended that streamer named Soma as the national representative meant overlooking the fact that that person must be just as bad as Lee Yu-na.

Director Kim Jong-seong pressed his head, which was pounding for some reason, and opened his mouth to Eugene, using all his patience.

“… What does that mean now? Therefore… Does this mean you want to personally select twelve of the national team entries?”

“Yes, you understand. “If you give me just 12 athletes, no more, I will make Korea the winner of this Olympics.”


I can’t understand anything.

Is this bastard trembling like hell right now because he wants to fight with himself?

No, in the eyes of director Kim Jong-seong, this kid must have been a reactionary.

Selecting players for the national team is nothing less than the coach’s unique authority.

However, the request to share that authority with him was only taken to mean that he was going to directly oppose himself.

So, should we just kick that idiot out of the national team without even looking back?

No, I don’t know anything else, but that doesn’t work.

Rather, director Kim Jong-seong was in a position where he had to actively protect Eugene and actively accept his words.

Because, even in the eyes of director Kim Jong-seong, Eugene was a streamer with incredible skills and physique.

As the coach of UPX, the current top ranked club in the professional league, he could be confident that Eugene’s physical ability would be at a level that would work not only in the Korean professional league, but also in the world.

That’s why I pretended not to be able to overcome Chunhwa’s absurd request to accept Eugene as a member of the national team.

Because it was a fact that Eugene’s strength was needed to win the upcoming fight against Japan.

I don’t know anything else, but in order to save what little hair he has left, losing to Japan is absolutely not possible.

That’s why director Kim Jong-seong mobilized all the patience he had left and opened his mouth to Eugene.

“… I’m not sure what your intention is when you say that, but that’s not possible. The process of selecting national team entries must be carried out as fairly as possible, because it is impossible for everything to be determined by the will of one player. If there is anything else you want, please tell me. “I plan to listen to your opinion as much as possible.”

That was the maximum Maginot line that director Kim Jong-seong could reach to negotiate a compromise with Eugene.

And Eugene also knew that fact well.

He was not familiar with the real world culture, but he was not ignorant of the dynamics of political power.

“Is that so? “If you say so, it’s something that can’t be helped.”

In response to director Kim Jong-seong’s answer, Eugene nods his head very obediently.

As if he expected from the beginning that his claims would never be accepted.

“Then how about this? If the 28 national team entries are finally confirmed, I hope you will give me the right to teach them.”

“… Teach them?”

“Originally, I wanted to select the most talented players and nurture them, but… Even though you say that, it can’t be helped. “I can only be satisfied with teaching the national team players.”

“That’s… A little bit difficult.”

“Trouble? Why?”

Director Kim Jong-seong looks at Eugene with a puzzled look.

Why is it difficult for Eugene to teach the national team players?

Are you asking yourself questions because you really don’t know that?

Although things have improved a lot recently, Korea is definitely a Confucian country.

The Republic of Korea, a country of old people who must be treated with respect if they are even one year older.

Koreans, who are members of a Confucian nation where age and seniority are considered official positions, would be outraged by the fact that an amateur who had just joined the national team today would dare to give ‘instructions’ to a professional player.

Being taught by someone else is no different from admitting that you are inferior to that person.

Coach Kim Jong-seong predicts that if Eugene forces the national team to give ‘teachings’, the national team will be completely destroyed that day.

And at the same time, even the hair that remained on the top of his head would be scattered to pieces.

However, Eugene burst out laughing, ignoring Director Kim Jong-seong’s concerns.

“I think I know roughly what you’re thinking, but I don’t think anything will cause the director to worry. I also don’t want to catch and teach someone I don’t like.”

Saying that, Eugene placed his hand on the shoulder of a professional player who was sitting near him-who had just received his death directly from the front.

“Isn’t that so, senior? Surely you don’t think this junior is a bad and mean person?”

“Hee, hee hee!”

When Eugene placed his hand on his shoulder, his body his convulsed as if he was about to start a fight.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

“So, senior, you have to answer, right?”

“I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong!”

“Look, our senior says there is no problem.”


Everyone in the room made expressions of bewilderment at Eugene’s shameless words

What on earth did that person do to turn a normal person into something like that in an instant?

… No, that’s not important right now.

As director Kim Jong-seong listened to Eugene’s answer, he realized that he could no longer logically refute his requirements.

It’s not that he’s going to force teach someone who doesn’t like him, but he’s only going to teach players who want to learn from him, so what justification can he have to stop Eugene?

‘You got hit.’

Only then did he realize that he had been beaten by Eugene.

Now that I have calmly reflected on what has happened so far, it is clear that the initial request for the right to select 12 players was a build-up to this situation.

If Eugene had asked for the right to teach the national team players from the beginning, everyone here, including coach Kim Jong-seong, would have expressed their disapproval.

Because he chose Eugene as a national team player, not to be a coach or manager.

And Eugene also knew that fact very well.

That’s why, after Director Kim Jong-seong made a proposal that he could never accept, he achieved what he really wanted while he was reluctant.

In addition, he even obtained the consent of a professional athlete who was half retarded, and thus gained the justification that no one else could easily touch him.

‘I thought he was just a simple asshole, but he was actually a sly snake.’

Director Kim Jong-seong looked at Eugene with something new in his eyes, and his guess was right.

Because right now, Eugene was using the political science he had learned from Arrieta over the past 20 years.

‘Eugene, if we defeat the Demon King, you will marry me and become the emperor of the empire. But wouldn’t it be a problem if someone as emperor of an empire knew nothing about politics?’

‘… No, I told you I don’t really want to be an emperor… I just want to go home… ‘

‘Close your mouth and remember clearly what I taught you. Even if I die, I cannot bear to see the empty head of the person who will become my husband.’

After all, there was no such thing as unnecessary knowledge in this world.

At the time, I never thought that I would be able to use the ‘method of gently persuading others’ that I had learned from Arrieta in this way.

“… Okay, the situation is like this, I can’t help it. But before that, is it okay if I ask you one question?”

“Questions? What is that?”

“We know very well that you are a physically excellent streamer. However, educating others is not something you can be good at just because you are physically strong. “As the coach of the national team, I want to know how you will educate your players.”


In response to director Kim Jong-seong’s question, Eugene appears to be thinking deeply about something.

“There is a period of five weeks between the final entry for the national team and the Olympics being officially held, right?”

“… Why is that?”

“Five weeks is the perfect amount of time for the training method I was planning.”

As he looked at Eugene nodding his head while saying that, he felt a certain sense of foreboding.

5 weeks? Why do you like 5 weeks?

This bastard, no way now-

“I have decided. I will train the players in the style of an army training camp.”

“Army… Training camp… ?”

“In this world, the only education that is effective enough to change a person in just 5 weeks is training at the Army Training Center, isn’t it? So, I plan to continue my education using the Army Training Center as a role model. Is there any problem?”

Eugene really shamelessly shrugged his shoulders and said that.

After all, people can become as shameless as they want if they are cornered.

And for Eugene, winning the gold medal for Korea was the biggest crisis she faced in her life, after fighting the devil.

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