109 – One of Thousand – National Team Selection Competition (4)

Anyway, after it was unanimously decided that Eugene would join the national team, a full-fledged meeting began.

Today’s meeting was not held simply to have Eugene join the national team, but to decide on various matters regarding the national Olympic team.

“First of all, let us point out that there are currently three people who have been officially confirmed to be elected to the Olympic national team: Tenev, Chunhwa, and Soma.”

Coach Kim Jong-seong was using respectful language while being conscious of not only the players gathered here, but also the executives of the Korea Sports Council who were quietly sitting in the back.

“As you all know, the final number of entries that will participate in the Olympics is 28. At first glance, it seems like a very large number, but if you look at the reality, it is not that large of a number.”

This is because the game called Thousands basically has a system called ‘unique skill’ applied.

Players in Thousands have a clear compatibility with each individual.

For example, Ecclesia, which has a unique long-distance skill such as [Magic Bullet Marksman], Specializes in suppressing opponents from a mid-range or long distance, but it is very difficult to fight against an opponent who specializes in close range.

This is not simply because Ecclesia’s skills are lacking, but because of the innate limitations of her ranged-type unique skill, [Magic Bullet Shooter].

The unique skill system gives each player a distinct personality, but at the same time clearly presents the positions they must occupy and the flaws they inevitably have.

Therefore, even if a team is composed of five professional players, the color of the team and the strategies that can be used will definitely vary depending on which players with unique skills are selected as team members.

Rather than simply lining up 25 players in order of ability and then electing them as the national team, it is more effective to select the right players to maximize the strategy that the Korean team will use or to block the strategies of other countries’ national teams . It will have meaning.

“First of all, there are three countries that are certain to enter the medal bracket at this Olympics. The United States, Russia, and the United Kingdom.”

The United States, Russia, and Great Britain are representative countries that have often won medals in past Olympics.

In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that they are the Big 3 most likely to win the gold medal at this point.

While saying that, coach Kim Jong-seong showed a video of the match between England and France, the final of the European Champions League that took place not long ago.


And while watching the game scene, Eugene let out a quiet exclamation in his mind.

Even if it was not the national team from another country but the grandfather of the national team, Eugene was confident that he would not lose to anyone in a one-on-one fight.

In fact, didn’t he win by decision against Chun Hwa, who had top-level skills in Korea’s first division professional league, without much effort?

So, Eugene had concluded that although the level of professional players playing Thousands was quite high, it was only there.

But… The bloody battle between the British and French national teams currently being played on the video screen was bound to be something beyond Eugene’s imagination.

So, roughly speaking, I feel a little sorry for Chunhwa, but I would say that the overall skill of her players is at least one or two levels higher than hers.

That doesn’t mean there is a player who can win in a one-on-one fight with Eugene, but considering the bizarre effects of the opponent’s unique skills, there was a good chance that the match would take an unpredictable direction.

Moreover, if two or three people attack Eugene at the same time rather than a one-on-one fight, wouldn’t even Eugene feel a little awkward?

‘This is giving me a headache.’

And when Eugene realized that there was a significant difference in skill between her Korean league and the European league, she frowned.

It seemed clear that there were far more difficulties than expected for Korea to enter the medal range.

“As everyone here is well aware, there is a significant difference between the current Korean national team and the national teams of European countries. In fact, it is almost impossible to beat them in a head-to-head match.”

At Director Kim Jong-seong’s words, everyone gathered in the conference room also nodded their heads.

There was no way that those involved in the industry could not have figured out that even Eugene, who had never had any interest in the Thousand’s professional league, noticed it at a glance.

“For us to win a medal at these Olympics, we will have to beat at least one European national team. But there are much more important things for us than playing against the European national team.”

“… What is it?”

“It is no different, it is a fight against Japan.”

It was like that.

Four years ago, the Korean national team met Japan in the quarterfinals of the Olympics and was literally beaten like a dog.

They were criticized like that when they lost to Japan by a narrow margin 4 years ago, but are they going to lose to Japan again in the Rebench media?

So, at that time, it would not have been strange at all for all the people gathered here to be dragged out to Gwanghwamun Square and tortured.

“So, when forming the entry list for this national team, I plan to mainly select players with unique skills who can act as a counter to the Japanese national team as much as possible. Even if we lose to another team, we must never lose to Japan.”

With that said, coach Kim Jong-seong began to explain the talented players who are expected to be selected as the Japanese national team this time and their unique skills.

“Then, first of all, I will give a briefing on Miyamoto, who is currently considered the best ace in Japan. Personally, I don’t know about other players, but I am guessing that the Korean national team will have no chance of winning unless measures are taken to block Miyamoto. Name: Chizuru Miyamoto. Current club: AC Manchester in England. The ability that is presumed to be her unique skill is probably-“

“… Wait a minute. “Can I ask you one question?”

And at that time, Eugene, who had been quietly listening to Director Kim Jong-seong’s explanation up until now, raised his hand with an expression that seemed like he couldn’t understand.

“Question? Well, it doesn’t matter. “What on earth do you want to ask?”

“You just said that the national team will be selected mainly with players who are counters to the Japanese national team. So what do you plan to do after defeating Japan? For example, if you face a strong European team after fighting against Japan, you have absolutely no countermeasures, right?”

Director Kim Jong-seong answers Eugene’s question with a calm expression.

“That can’t be helped.” Because it was impossible from the beginning for Korea to enter the medal range at this Olympics.”

“… Yes?”

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“In my opinion, the current Korean team will never be able to beat the strong teams in Europe with their strength. Four years ago, we advanced to the quarterfinals, but that was the result of a combination of luck and luck, and it can never be said to be our true skill. In that case, rather than trying to catch two rabbits, I think it would be more realistic to catch at least one rabbit.”

So, in other words, it is impossible for the Korean team to win against a strong European team no matter what they do, so are you going to just go all-in on beating Japan?

Well, when viewed objectively, it is a very realistic judgment.

Rather than setting a vain goal of winning the gold medal by beating the United States or Europe, one of the world’s most powerful countries, at this Olympics, it is much more reasonable to set a realistic goal of avenging the shame suffered by Japan four years ago.

If Eugene had been watching the Olympics from afar, he might have nodded his head, saying that the coach’s judgment was not bad.


“To be honest, this is completely incomprehensible.”

“… “What?”

“Right now, it seems to me that the coach is thinking of excuses for losing even though he hasn’t even fought the opponent yet. “Am I wrong?”

Eugene’s eyes were burning as he was attacking the director from the front in front of everyone.

With the indescribable madness within him, Eugene seems like a person who sacrificed his life for an Olympic medal.

I didn’t know why, but Eugene was truly saying those words.

Therefore, the people gathered in the middle of the room were so oppressed by Eugene’s momentum that they could not bear to say anything.

And, in fact, their judgment was correct.

Because if someone was spouting bullshit to him right now, Eugene would think he was an evil North Korean spy.

In less than 30 minutes after being selected as the national team member, the people present were finally able to understand as they attacked the coach like a mad dog.

That guy is either a fool or a psychopath.

First of all, I don’t know anything else, and it’s clear that the right answer is to not interact with people like that as much as possible.

“… So, what are we going to do? “Your words are very energetic for a young man, but we have no other option than this.”

“No, there is a way.”

Eugene slowly and clearly opened his mouth.

“Twelve people.”

“… Hmm?”

“Give me the right to select twelve players. Based on them, we will bring a gold medal to Korea at this Olympics.”


At that unconventional remark, the people present swallowed their words without realizing it.

And everyone ended up having one regret in their hearts.

‘I should have voted against it in the previous vote… ‘

But it was only a regret that was already too late.

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