112 – One of Thousand – National Team Selection Competition (7)

It is a kind of common sense that movement in reality has a great influence on movement in a virtual reality game.

If you think about it, it is quite natural.

If you have been practicing exercise for a long time in real life or have excellent reflexes, your brain will have developed accordingly, and this will be reflected in your movements in the virtual reality game.

And conversely, it is possible for activities within a virtual reality game to affect reality.

If a specific activity is repeated within a virtual reality game, the person’s brain recognizes it as learning and this often affects the body in reality.

Actually, it’s not that surprising.

From the beginning, virtual reality was invented for the purpose of supplementing inefficient learning in reality in virtual reality.

Of course, now the purpose has changed considerably and it is being highlighted more as a game rather than as a learning purpose.

In any case, the bottom line is that when a certain action is repeated or is repeated within virtual reality, it may have an impact on reality.

So roughly, like this.

“… I’m happy.”

“I beg your pardon? “You’re so happy right now?”

“… I’m sorry. “I won’t do that again because of my afro.”

“I can’t hear anything you’re saying. “What on earth are you saying right now?”

And the players gathered here, including Sia, began to tremble as goosebumps appeared on their backs.

It was scary.

No matter how vulgarly he spoke to himself, he never thought he would hit another person’s muzzle so persistently throughout the duel!

Of course, that player did not stand still and accept the blows that Eugene was targeting only for his mouth.

From the beginning, Eugene went into the fight with the handicap of not being able to use mana, unique skills, or intent.

However, that didn’t mean he let down his guard in the fight with Eugene.

Looking at it objectively, Eugene is a monster himself, being evaluated as easily surpassing even Cheonhwa in terms of physical strength.

No matter how many times he had applied his own penalty, the fact that Eugene was a much higher ranked player than he was still a fact.

Therefore, without thinking twice, he mobilized all his capabilities and attacked Eugene.

However, unfortunately, the attack did not reach Eugene at all.

‘It doesn’t make sense.’

‘How is that possible? ‘What on earth did you do?’

In the eyes of those who watched the duel, it was questionable whether what had just happened could really be called a ‘fight’.

No matter what he tried, it had no effect on Eugene.

Also, the reason is unknown, but the he expressed seemed to have no effect on Eugene, and it completely disappeared the moment it touched his body.

On the other hand, all of Eugene’s attacks ended up hitting his snout like a lie.

As a result of failing to resist even once during the fight and getting hit on his muzzle, he was temporarily unable to make normal pronunciation even in real life.

So, should we say that the brain is in a state of phantom pain after experiencing a lot of pain in a virtual reality game?



And, all those who witnessed the scene live were at a loss for words.

It wasn’t just because Eugene’s devilish actions had greatly shocked them.

Because the fight just now was too one-sided even in their eyes.

Eugene strengthened his body using mana and succeeded in subduing the opponent who was using his will with just his bare body his his his.

What level of difference in skill must there be between the two to make such a ridiculous stunt possible?

I don’t know anything else, but I felt like I knew this one thing for sure.

For Eugene, he is already more than qualified to teach all the players here.

“Then who wants to fold again? Do you have any?”

Naturally, no one raised their hand in response to Eugene’s question.

No, one player even asks Eugene a question in a trembling voice.

“I… Soma? “No, instructor?”

“Yes? Why are you doing that?”

“That thing from just now… “What on earth did you do?”

“You mean that? “What are you talking about?”

“Therefore… This is what the instructor showed me just now. How on earth is that possible? Is it possible to unilaterally nullify the other person’s intentions? I heard that there is such a method, but it is a technique that only a very small number of players in the first division in Europe can use… “

The moment he said that, he made a momentary expression of regret.

Because when I thought about it with common sense, there was no way I could teach another player a skill that was no different from my own.

If he were in Eugene’s position, no matter what happened, he would never have taught that method to another player.


“Ah, you’re talking about how I nullified that player’s intentions. That’s simple. Isn’t the intention that power that arises when human will temporarily transcend the system? Then, conversely, if you correct the order so that the other party’s will cannot overcome the system, the will will inevitably be nullified. Well, it’s difficult to put into words, but if you practice, you will be able to use it as much as you want.”

Eugene answers him as if this secret is really nothing.

Even though there were as many as 50 professional gamers from the first division gathered here!

“Well, is it really okay for you to tell me that? I think that is a method that is no different from Soma’s foundation?”

He asked the question out of hope, but he didn’t think Eugene would really answer, so he ended up looking surprised.

“Well, just because it’s me doesn’t mean it’s a waste to teach you these secrets for free. But, don’t we have a goal that we must achieve?”

“… Goal?”

“Yes. My goal is to help Korea win the gold medal at this Olympics.”

At that moment, most of the players gathered here made expressions that seemed absurd.

Korea won the gold medal at this Olympics.

Currently, Korea’s level is evaluated as being far below the so-called big three, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Russia. How on earth is that possible?

Even the public only wants Korea to get revenge in this game against Japan, and they do not even expect them to enter the medal range.

“Yes, that’s right. Looking at it objectively, it would be very difficult for Korea to win a medal. That’s why I decided to generously share with you the technologies I know.”

As he says this, Eugene smiles warmly, reminiscent of Santa Claus.

At this point, Sia, who knows roughly what Eugene’s personality is, raises her guard, but the others unknowingly let go of their feelings of her.

And, at the same time, Eugene began to add intention to his voice

So, it’s not a big deal, just to ‘persuade’ the players here a little more smoothly.

At first, I thought about forcibly suppressing them by spewing out lethal force like I did a while ago or by beating up a few people as an example.

However, subjugating others in that way is not a very good method in the long run.

This is because if you oppress others in that way, you will inevitably feel repulsion toward Eugene, and you never know what kind of variable it will come back to in the future.

So, Eugene was thinking of ‘convincing’ them peacefully.

In fact, it was a method he used during his Hero days to force anxious people to calm down and follow him… Well, the effect will be roughly the same.

From noble mtl dot com

“I know very well that you are never at peace in your hearts. The pressure of being eliminated from the preliminary round, the burden of being a member of the national team, the nervousness of disappointing the people… That’s what your feelings are It’s probably the source of negative emotions planted in my heart.”

The reason is unknown, but Eugene’s words begin to sink in to their ears.

At the same time, for some reason, Eugene begins to look quite different from before.

“But don’t worry. I will take on all of your worries and anxieties.”

“Um, you’re carrying our worries? Soma-sama?”

“That’s right, everyone.”

Before we knew it, the people here were listening to Eugene’s words with dazed expressions.

“In the past, Korea was one of the strongest countries in Thousands. But now, Korea is in a situation where it is fearful that it will be defeated by Japan as well. Is this simply because there are not as many talented players produced as in the past?”

“No. The only reason we got to this point is because our hearts were weak. We haven’t even fought yet, and we’re already sighing that we can’t win. How can we achieve victory?”

At that moment, the players here felt truly bitter pain from Eugene’s harsh reprimand.

Yes. Nothing he said was wrong.

The reason we have performed so poorly in the Olympics so far is because we were weak-hearted.

However, Eugene did not say this simply to scold them.

“So, I will take full responsibility. If I lose at the Olympics, I will make it clear to the public that all responsibility is the result of my immorality.”


“Why are you doing this?”

Everyone looked shocked at Eugene’s remarks his, but he showed no sign of going back on his words his.

“Didn’t I already tell you that I will take care of your worries? And also, I will teach you all the useful techniques I know for free.”

At that moment, the players felt as if something was stirring in their hearts.

Why on earth is that person so devoted to us?

And why are they willing to sacrifice themselves like this?

“Yes, because I had a dream.”

“… A dream?”

“In fact, every national team that participates in the Olympics hopes to win a gold medal. They just give up because their abilities are not up to the mark.”

Right here, Eugene quietly closed his eyes.

“However, I want to help the Korean national team win the gold medal no matter what. No, it would be difficult if we don’t win the gold medal. However, it is impossible for me to win the gold medal alone. I really need your cooperation.”< Br﹥

Saying so, Eugene extends his hand towards them.

“So, I ask you a favor. Would you like to dream the same dream with me?”

The players looked extremely touched by Eugene’s words

“Gold medal! I will also aim for gold at this Olympics!”

“I will definitely make it to the final entry and play in the Olympics with Soma!”

“Please teach us! And please guide us!”

“A true hero… !”

Just 10 minutes ago, Sia was making a sour expression towards Eugene, but now she looks fed up as she sees the players cheering for him like fanatics.

‘Mr Eugene… Did you ever become a cult leader or something before becoming a streamer?’

Sia began to seriously worry about whether she should keep a certain distance from Eugene even now.

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