American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 153 Funeral Ceremony

"Hello, Ms. Camille, I have been to Romania in the past two days." Yorks looked at Ms. Camille, an old believer and big financier who was sitting next to her and had been coming to Pluto Church.

The other party's clothes today look very simple and concise. From his perspective, the material has determined the high price.

This is an old believer who is rich and may also have power. Although he drives a free food truck and serves food to people during charity donation activities, as the organizer, he can always hold such a rich person to socialize. Donation activities and occasions, how can it be achieved simply by having money.

In his previous life, he might have been inferior as a priest, but in this parallel world with extraordinary beings, he seemed to be a bit more inferior.


Ms. Camille, who was only middle-aged, raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Yeah." Yorks smiled, "I have a mission, so I went on a business trip."

Camille had a look of envy on her face, "I heard that Rome is a beautiful country with museums everywhere, but I haven't been there yet."

Yorks looked at Ms. Camille, who suddenly became depressed, and kept smiling habitually.

"The scenery is indeed beautiful. Romania is a country that you can travel to. If you have time, you can also go with your family."

As soon as these words came out, Ms. Camille pursed her lips, shook her head and spoke in a low voice.

"Maybe I can't go, Father. I've been busy with Bellamy's child recently."


Yorkist was surprised. Ms. Camille was from a single-parent family, with an eldest son, Saxon, and a younger daughter, Bellamy. Compared to Saxon, who had already grown up, Bellamy seemed to be only eight or nine years old now.

Recalling the little loli that Ms. Camille once brought here, Yorks glanced at Ms. Camille who seemed a little tired and said along the way.

"Ms. Camille, what's wrong with Bellamy?"

Perhaps because she was talking about her daughter, Ms. Camille did not answer but closed her eyes and opened them again, staring blankly into the void. Her voice seemed so calm and small that ordinary people could not hear it clearly, but in York's ears it was very loud. Clear, but actually slightly shaky.

" poor boy..."

Yorks narrowed his eyes habitually and waited quietly, not reluctantly asking a second time. After being a priest for so many years, he knew that the believers who wanted to talk would naturally give answers habitually.

Because the priest is destined to be the best listener and guide.

He didn't wait long for the answer. Ms. Camille's answer was that because of Bellamy's recent sleepwalking, the doctor suspected that Bellamy might have a mental illness.

However, thinking of the little loli's condition, a trace of doubt flashed in Yorks's eyes. If Bellamy had a mental illness, and his profession was to identify mental illness or an exorcist priest who was actually possessed by a demon, and he would have been a doctor. Just noticed it.

"Ms. Camille, can you tell me about Bellamy? If possible..."

"Of course, Father." Ms. Camille smiled reluctantly, and then told the recent events.

"I don't know when it started. There has been noise in Bellamy's room. I suspected that she was not sleeping well. As a mother, I asked her what she was doing every night when she was not sleeping, but she said that she was sleeping well. …”

York's face remained motionless, and he subconsciously rubbed his left hand on top of the Bible.

"So you suspect Bellamy has sleepwalking?"

Ms. Kamil sighed, "Yes, I took her to the hospital to test whether she really has sleepwalking.

At first, all the examinations were normal, but when the doctor examined her in person and asked questions, she suddenly seemed to have changed. She was full of obscene words, and her body movements were very uncoordinated..."

York's face was still expressionless, "So the doctor's final diagnosis is that Bellamy may have a mental illness?"

"Yes." Ms. Camille continued to sigh, "He suspected that Bellamy might be excessively depressed."

Yorkshire frowned.

Ms. Camille observed this change in her expression, and a tragic look appeared on her face.

"I know you think it's impossible. I also think it's impossible for Bellamy to be depressed.

But the doctor said it might be related to her father, I..."

Hearing this, Yorks didn't know what to say. This can indeed be connected. The doctor's judgment is not without purpose. Especially for a rich person like Ms. Camille, the doctor will not talk nonsense. It must be through All factors lead to this conclusion.

"God bless Bellamy," Yorkshire sighed, handing over the cross.

"If you can, please give Bellamy my cross, because it represents my wishes."

Saying that, Yorkshire said gently, "I will pray to God for Bellamy, and hope that she can grow up healthy."

Ms. Camille was a little moved and took the cross from the priest.

"Thank you! Thank you, Father!"


Ms. Camille agreed to bring Bellamy over next time and left with satisfaction, leaving Yorkshire still sitting in his original position, thinking about what just happened.

"Probably not what I thought."

Yorks shook his head and stood up, taking a look at the church. Today, because of Eileen's charity activities, there were also a lot of believers missing.

"This is just right..."

With these words behind him, Yorks re-entered his small room and continued to roll himself, adding double buffs to the newly arrived ammunition, grenades and other weapons.

These are all things that will be used in the future. He can accumulate an entire warehouse of arsenal because he is so conscious.

If the ammunition is not given a double-layer buff in advance, and if the holy water is not stored in advance, and the more than 100 points of spirit and magic power are used alone to enchant the ammunition after several battles, it will be consumed long before it is over, which means that he will be gone in the face of the boss. Confidence and security.

This is too dangerous!

Yorks picked up a grenade from the magazine and instantly added a double buff to the grenade at will.

[Ten points of holy power have been used]

[Ten magic points have been used]


Of course, when the holy power linked to the spirit is consumed to a minimum of 20 points, which will not cause mental fatigue and headache, and the magic power is exhausted, he will still come out and continue to complete what the priest should do.

Go to study classes to teach believers, listen to believers' troubles, give guidance to confused believers, etc.

Finally, this rhythm was interrupted by the arrival of Jeffrey and Bridget, and then he remembered that he wanted to perform funeral rites for the dead who were helpless and without relatives in Reed's apartment building.

There is a beginning and an end,

Although large-scale supernatural incidents are handled by the official organization, the last step is still completed by the priest. If he can, he only wants to do it for his believers.

However, too many tenants died in the Reed Apartment Building. Unlike those who died with family members in the Jesse Building, many residents were lonely and had no one to care about them when they died.


Bridget ran straight over to him as soon as she saw him.

Seeing the way she opened her hands to hug him, York put his hand against Bridget's forehead, using the advantage of his arm length to catch her, and then looked at Jay who was holding Bridget's sister Kathy. Free said.

"Are you all ready?"

"Yes, Father."

Jeffrey, who seemed to be in much better spirits after a good sleep, nodded.

"Everyone is arranged together at Nas Cemetery."

Yorkes sighed as he thought of the agonizing corpses lining the hallways of Reed's apartment building.

"Then let's go."


It’s the end of the month, and although I’m not good at writing or updating, I still want to ask for a vote (embarrassed face)

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